Midterm Review Flashcards
Evolutionary Strategies
The common purpose
To lodge one’s genes as deeply into the future as you can get them
coming together of traits that allow creatures to lodge their genes into the future
Study of the relationships between organisms and their environment
Questions to test for adaptation
- Is the thing complex?
- Does it have some kind of cost or a risk that is variable?
- Does it persist over evolutionary time?
Evolutionary Strategies
- Annual: completes life cycle in one season
- Biennial: flowery plant that completes growing in two season
- Perennial: lasting or existing for a long time
Increasing levels of complexity
- Individual
- Population
- Community
- Ecosystem
- Biome
- Biosphere
Individual organism
Single living entity that has a unique genome and exhibits traits and behaviors influenced by genetic and environmental factors
Modular organisms
Environmental variability generates greater variability between docular “individuals”
(the zygote develops into a discrete unit which then produces more units like itself)
individuals + space + time
a group of individuals belonging to the same species, living in a given area at a given moment
a group of individuals belonging to the same species occupying a given area at a given moment
groups of interbreeding populations that are reproductively isolated from other such groups
Three key features of populations
- Size (# of individuals)
- Density (# of individuals per unit of space)
- Dispersion (clumped, uniform, random)
Population Dynamics
deals with variation in time and space of population size and density for one or more species
Population dynamics main factors
+: immigration, natality
-: emigration, mortality
Carrying capacity
Maximum population size that can be supported by the available resources
a group of populations interacting with each other and living in the same area at a given time
populations + interactions
a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment
community + environment + interactions
Ecological Niche
Tolerances and requirements interact to define what an individual or species need to practice its way of life
(describing both the range of conditions necessary for persistence of the species, and its ecological role in the ecosystem)
Fundamental Niche
ideal conditions under which a species can thrive
Realized Niche
the actual space that an organism inhabits as a result of limiting pressures from other species
an opportunity that can be exploited productively by biological organisms
a region of the earth’s surface and the combination of climate, plants, and animals that are found in it
The region of the earth that encompasses all living organisms, the worldwide sum of all biomes
all the factors that can influence the species
Properties of Ecosystem
- Structure
- Energy Flow
- Nutrient Cycling
- Interdependence and Interactions
- Biodiversity
- Homeostasis
- Trophic levels and food webs
- Succession and development
- Spatial and Temporal patterns
Components of structures and what they do
- Abiotic: non-living elements (influences types of organisms that can live in an ecosystem)
- Biotic: living organisms
- Producers (autotrophs): organisms like plants and algae that produce their own food through photosynthesis
- Consumers (heterotrophs): organisms that feed on producers or other consumers
- Decomposers: organisms that break down dead organic matter
Energy flow
sun -> photosynthesis -> food web (producers to consumers)
Law of thermodynamics
At each trophic level, energy loses heat
energy is not recycled