midterm review Flashcards
energy needed to change temperature (ESRT)
Specific Heat
energy needed to change phases (ESRT)
Latent heat
what can happen to incoming solar radiation
Scattered, Transmitted, Absorbed, Reflected, Refracted
heat transfer through contact
heat transfer through density difference
heat transfer through electromagnetic waves (this is how we get energy from the sun)
the range of energy we receive from the sun
Electromagnetic Spectrum
because the earth changes its position while orbiting the sun
some constellation can be seen only during the winter, some only during the winter
when two air masses meet…
meet, there will usually
be some form of precipitation
an interface between two air masses is a
a front
The temperature is in Fahrenheit, The pressure is in millibars… these are codes for
station models
the amount of water vapor in the air compared to how much
could be
Relative humidity
the temperature at which the air becomes saturated
dew point
what is the only way to change dew point
add or take away moisture
the inner planets, and the rock.
Terrestrial Planets
gas giants are the outer planets.
Jovial planets
mass over d/v is used to figure out…
the relation between an objects mass (how much “stuff” makes up the object)
and it Volume (the amount of space something takes up).
when the mass of an object changes, its volume
would change proportionally, and therefore the
density would not change
how many eclipse are there and what are their names
two, lunar eclipse (moon) and solar eclipse (sun)
when the sun is blocked out by the moon during the new moon phase
solar eclipse
when the moon passes through earth’s shadow, during the full moon phase
lunar eclipse
The gravitation between the Earth, Moon, and Sun results of a
cyclic rise and fall of ocean waters, also known as tides.
an observer on earth will see varying amounts of the
lighted portion as it moves through its orbit because
the moon revolves around us in 27.3 days
why does the moon rise 50 minutes later each night
the earth has to move an extra 13° to catch up to the moon.
This is why to go from fall moon to full moon it takes 29.5 days,
not 27.3 days.
each month the moon has to catch up to Earth and takes an extra 2.2 days to get back to the same starting position
the moon revolves how much around the earth a day
13 degrees
once every 27. 3 days or 13°/hr (synchronous rotation) is how
the moon revolves and rotates at the same rate
What two factors affect orbital speed (gravitational attraction)
mass of the object and the distance between the objects
- revolution
- tilt of axis
- axis always tilts the same direction
Causes of the seasons
Earth orbits (revolves) around the sun on an
elliptical (oval, ellipse) path
Because earth is tilted, it
isolation (incoming solar radiation) at different angles (angle of isolation).
Altitude of Polaris =
Latitude of Observer
December 21 we have our… and least intense
shortest day (9hrs)… isolation.
June 21st is the summer solstice and December 21 is the
Winter Solstice
March 21st is the spring equinox and September 23rd is the
the fall equinox
On June 21 we (New York) have our…. and most intense
longest day (16 hours)… isolation