Midterm: Reformation Introduction Flashcards
Reformation Introduction.
- Most people think of people when they think of the Reformation. Mostly Luther and Calvin.
- The Reformation is not simply rooted in these two figures
- The reason we are familiar with Luther and Calvin and not the others is because the works of Luther and Calvin have been translated while others have not had their works translated.
- There are many other men and women.
- Doctrines of the Reformation
- Advancements of the Reformation
- Horrors of the Reformation
- Doctrines of the Reformation
- 5 Solas
- This idea of the 5 Solas is a modern idea (not until 20th century).
- Luther would not understand the 5 solas
- Modern day summaries of what the Reformers were saying.
- How did the Reformers understand these terms and where did they come from?
- Advancements of the Reformation
- Age of Light and Renaissance (Rebirth of Learning and Art)
- Printing Press - Moveable type press allowed for information to go further. Chinese had done these earlier
- Oral communication could be communicated quickly, widely, efficiently, and without error.
- Different than scribes used before
- Largely illiterate culture that had to learn to read. Encouraged learning
- Smaller Bibles are now popular and are inexpensive
- Shift away from the Latin Vulgate
- Bible in Native Tongue (Vernacular)
- Horrors of the Reformation
- Execution of Heretics
- Similar to today’s context.
- Framed against a theological opponent. Not historic origin of the term.
- Some people labeled heretics for anti-trinitarians but some also for Lord’s supper or baptism different.
- This led to execution.
- You can’t tell the good without dealing with the bad.
- Political and Religious War
- Corpus Christianum - state Christianity
Definition For Our Study
A religious, social, economic, and political movement shaped by a myriad of contextual factors, which aimed principally at reforming the late Medieval Roman Catholic Church, but which ultimately resulted in the rending of the old Western church structure. This division included the establishment of the Protestant tradition that subsequently splintered almost immediately into a diversity of confessional heritages.
5 Emphasis:
- - - A religious, social, economic, and political movement
- - - reforming
- - - resulted in the rending
- - - establishment of the Protestant tradition
- - - splintered
A religious, social, economic, and political movement
- Tremendous amount of changes
- Ability for people to move station in life (better life for their children)
- Crumbling of Feudalism
- Vacuum created for economy
- Politics -
- Rise of nation states
- Confluence of political nature of papacy
- Holy Roman Emperor - governing Germanic lands in Western Europe
- Leds to complex time period
- How Contextual Factors Change Things in the Church
- Aimed at late medieval Roman Catholic Church
- Distinction between the church Luther dealt with and the Catholic Church today
- Protestants today think of what was in the 16th century and not that of today
- There has been major changes
- Still some Roman Catholics function as 16th Century Catholics
- Desire to reform this church
Resulted in the Rending
- Western, Latin Church
- Other Eastern Orthodox Church still there but we mostly deal with the Latin Church
- Baptist Life comes out of Latin Church
Establishment of the Protestant Tradition
- Catholics said if you dethrone the one pope, you will end up with 100 popes and 100 different theologies
- Consequence of Reformation
- Hinge Moment in History
The practical relevance of our study.
- Church Architecture
- Music
- Bible
- Language of the Gospel We Proclaim
Church Architecture
- Sightline with Pulpit in Middle
- Medieval Churches had pulpit on the side while the altar with the Eucharist in the middle
- Table with Do This in Remembrance of Me
- To frame ourself from Roman Catholicism
- Beyond pulpit - elevated baptistry
- Cross - not a physical depiction of Jesus
- Heb. 10 - Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, not on the Cross
- These came from the Protestant Reformation
- Instruments
- Whose singing?
- Latin or language people understand?
- Bible you can read
- Laity holding Bibles
Language of the Gospel We Proclaim
- Write Down What is the Gospel and Passages
- The Language and Passages we would use would portray protestant sensibilities
- Different than Roman Catholics or Eastern Orthodox because of Reformation
Reformation historiography
Our own interpretation of the Reformation