Midterm- Readings Flashcards
Who talks about moctezuma and describes how the emperor is treated?
Bernal Diaz de Castillo, conquistador
Who describes the market places of tetchnotitlan? What does he say?
Hernan Cortez, conquistador. He talks about how they were very organized and categorized in the market. No metal goods, no real currency, or big transportation animals
Who talks about Aztec Warfare?
Bernardino de Sahagun, priest.
Finder or seeker of tribute
Who writes about the condition of the Aztec Peasentry?
Gonzalo Fernandez Oviedo y Valdez, 1520’s, royal chronicler
Who wrote “Mayan Industry, Commerce, and agriculture”
Diego De Landa, Franciscan monk turned bishop. Tlks about the communal nature of Mayans in their agriculture and commerce.
Who wrote “the Mayan Social Order”?
What did he say?
Diego de Landa. He says that the lords governed the states and settled disputes. He talks about the hierchy of nobles. Says there is some intertwinedness and community, town did sowing for the nobles. Priests got living from offices.
Who wrote “Mayan Religious life”? What is written?
Diego de Landa. He describes the Mayan human sacrifice and how people celebrated it. Sometimes gave their own children, as well as servants and slaves, up for sacrifice.
Who wrote “How the Inca formed a Nation”? What was discussed?
Father Cobo, 1610,Jesuit missionary. Discusses how the Incan empire were able to consolidate and rule such a large territory. They required the captors to relocate and integrated them into the culture in different regions, requiring them to take the same language, law and religion. The inca included a new idol for the new region in Cuzco to make the transition easier.
Who wrote “the village basis of the Incan society”? What was discussed?
Garcilaso de la Vega, late 1500s, son of spaniards and Incan princess. This is the paper that seems somewhat biased. He describes that the harvests are done in this order: field of the sun, then the fields of the widows, orphans, elderly, and disabled, then one’s own field, then the field of the chief and lastly the field of the king. He says that people sang songs while they worked and joyously did their duties, saying that they wore their best clothing.
Who wrote “Two views of the Incan Empire”? What is discussed?
Pedro de Cieza de Leon, 1551, soldier who traveled through the Andean region ; AND Father Cobo.
Cieza de Leon describes the reciprocity of the Incan lords and the people, who feared angering their lords, but the lords know how to earn their trust and loyalty. Quote “so great was their fear that they dared not speak ill of even the shadow the Inca cast.”…“the incas always did good works for their people, not letting them be wronged or burdened by excessive tributes.” “They earned the extreme good will of all”
Cobo talks in a more negative light, where subjects could own no more than was allotted him or her, and describes the Incan religion as a means of keeping subject in submission. Says the subjects couldn’t own or do anything without the permission of the inca, such as marrying off their daughers as they pleased.
Who wrote “War and Cannibalism among the Brazilan Indians”? What says discussed?
Andre Thevet, French cosmographer who lived briefly among the Tupi in Brazil, mid 1500s. Describes gruesome accounts of the Tupi, Brazilian natives. Ritual sacrifice and consumption of enemies. Fighting a lot,belligerent people.
From Wikipedia:The Tupi were divided into several tribes which were constantly engaged in war with one another. In these wars the Tupi normally tried to capture their enemies to later kill them in cannibalistic rituals.[2] The warriors captured from other Tupí tribes were eaten as they believed they were absorbing their strength, thus in fear of absorbing weakness, they only sacrificed warriors perceived to be strong and brave. For the Tupí warriors, even when prisoners, it was a great honor to die valiantly during battle or to display courage during the festivities leading to his sacrifice.[3] The Tupí have also been documented to eat the remains of dead relatives as a form of honoring them.[4]
Who wrote “Muslims Celebrate Christian Festivals in the Mid 9th Century”? What did it talk about?
Abu ‘l-Asbagh ‘Isa. Muslim Jurist. Commentray on Muslims who are starting to take part in christian feasts and holy days, forbids practice and basically says that you will be curropted if you tak part. Isa speaks on the part of a conservative Muslim who dislikes the mixing of Spanish and Islamic cultures.
Who writes “A Description of Christian Spain from the 10th Century”?
Muslim Jurist: Al-Bakri. “Dry description” of the bounderies of the kingdoms of Christian Spain, also gets into how the Christians are depraved in Many ways beacuse of their lifestyle (food, clothing, hygeine)`
Who wrote “Rules for the christians from the Early 12th Century”?
Muslim Jurist: Ibn’Abdun. Discription of the Chrisitans living within Muslim rules territory describes the prisets very harshly (secually promiscuous), also dietary laws in dealing with christians, and clothing markings/requirements for christians
What is the Reconquista?
Reconquest: centuries long period of xpansion of Iberia’s Christian Kingdoms. started round 772, but in 12th century, was a resurgence of Muslim rule, shortlived.
Who wrote “A standard conqueror’s Report”?
Pedarias de Avila, gornernor of Tierra Firme (Panama) This letter is known because of it has a mix of common elements usually found in letters (land, people, faith, mundane things), conains many discriptions of new territory and whether they have natives or can be settled, lists the deeds of numerous famous people (e.g. Cortes, Soto, Banalcazar) speaks of faith in terms of miraculous cross not burning followed by plaque amongst natives.
who wrote “Conquest in the Personal View”?
Gaspar de Marquina. A conquistador writing and sending money back to his family in spain. describing the conquest of Peru in Glowing terms. “we took this lord, Atahualpa, by a mirable of god”, he writes much about his family weel, notably his mother sho is dead, reason to believe that he is being genuine because he has no need to exaggerate, he ceomes faily well off for a young man but is killed in battle sometime later.
Who wrote “God’s Angry Man”?
Bartolome de las Casas. Las Casas describes numerous European encounters with the natives, the first and most detailed speaks of the native Cuban prince who rejects Christiantiy because of the violence performed by the christians, the common pattern in the encounters is warm welcom by the natives followed by destruction by the spaniards - which leads to the natives rejectring Christianity to Las Casas’ Lament.