Midterm Random Notes Flashcards
What are findings?
The mechanism for the agency to make a clear statement in the public reord of evidentiary bases for making their descisions
What is the reach of findings?
They are only for adjudicatory decisions (tenative maps, environmental review) not for legislative acts.
They must have supporting documentation and is important because it becomes public notice
What are the three kinds of relief that boards can offer?
to reverse the decision, grant special exceptions and grant variances.
Piecemeal vs Partial Zoning
o Piecemeal Zoning: Omission of areas from the coverage of a zoning act
o Partial Zoning: The equivalent of piecemeal zoning, but used when referring to geographical reach
What is a uniformity clause?
Requires that similar uses be treated the same under equal protection.
Ways to combat exclusionary zoning?
Fair Housing Act, Anti-Snob Laws, affordability criteria with the future sale of a property.