Midterm Questions Flashcards
Name an animal which self-domesticated
Cats or Dogs
In order to avoid being pressed into forced labour for the government what would young men in China do?
Pass civil service exam
Identify this technology:

Sun and Planet Gearing System
Until 1972 this was the world’s tallest building
Empire State Building
Name the Pharaoh who united Egypt and first began to harness the Nile
Which technology first allowed one person to spin many threads?
Spinning Jenny (check dis)
The use of water from aqueducts to expose rock for mining is called
Name one of the first kinds of domesticated animals
When were the first laws concerning Roman roads were written
Name the scientist who first deliberately ingested genetically modified organisms.
Sydney Brenner
Identify this this technology

Grain Drill
When did Newcomen develop his engine?
Name the admiral in charge of the Chinese expeditionary fleet in the early 15th century.
Zheng He
The Step Pyramid was built for
The stuff below is copied from notes:
Step Pyramid – Saqqara
Pharaoh Djoser (Third Dynasty ~2667-2648 BCE)
Imhotep (~2650-2600 BCE)
Name one (1) key development of the Medieval Agricultural Revolution.
From Notes:
Medieval ‘Agricultural Revolution’ (900-1200CE) Heavy plough (500-900 CE)
Development of the horse collar (700-900 CE) Three-field crop rotation
New crops (oats and legumes, hops for brewing)
This irrigation project helped California become a major agricultural producer
Central Valley Irrigation Project
When did the Asilomar conference take place?
What disease is caused by a lack of vitamin C?
Identify this technology:

What kind of plow is this man using?

the Bow Ard
What year was paper money first used in China?
___________________________ developed the means to create artificial nitrogen fertilizer.
Fritz Haber
Name the technology that keeps the Citicorp Center in New York from swaying in the wind.
Tuned Mass Damper
What kind of Banana do we commonly eat today?
The Cavendish
The windows in the ___________________________ were built “as large as the situation of the columns would allow.”
Reliance building
Who was the first Englishman to use coke in the manufacture of iron?
Abraham Darby
Identify this technology:

Undershot Water Wheel
_______________________ developed the first process to make commercially produced frozen foods palatable.
Clarence Birdseye
When did the Neanderthal go extinct?
35,000 Years Ago
What award Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen not win for their work on genetic engineering?
The Academy Award
No but seriously, I’m pretty sure she wants us to say the nobel prize
Name an innovation during the English Agricultural Revolution that increased livestock production.
Selective Breeding
The Grand Canal was completed in?
This is from the notes:
1327 CE
Hieroglyphs developed ~ ________________.
3000 BCE
Where was the first iron bridge built?
Name a grain which was first domesticated in Northern China
Identify this technology:

Otis Safety Elevator
The decision of this US Supreme Court case opened the way to patenting genetically modified organisms
Diamond v. Chakrabarty
The medieval Dutch used what non-human-powered technology in their hydraulic engineering?
The ______________________ people were among the first to begin brewing beer.
The dome of the pantheon is made out of _________________
Henry Ford began to mass produce tractors in
The microorganism which caused the Black Death was
Yersinia pestis
The romans used _____________________ to ship liquid cargo.
In the three-field crop rotation system what would the farmer plant the season after his crop of wheat or rye?
The first Egyptian boats were constructed of