Midterm QA Flashcards
What percentage of pts with RA will develop spine involvement?
With sacroiliac degenerative joint disease:
Changes predominate in the lower 2/3
Of the four bony cervical contour lines, which would be the most reliable for assessing upper cervical RA?
Spinolaminal line
Several of the following lines can be used in the evaluation of (scfe); Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
however, which is the most accurate?
Klein’s line
Shenton’s line would not be useful in the evaluation of:
Klein’s line is used as a measurement for:
Salter Harris Type I
Which radiograph finding would be most suggestive of psoriatic arthritis in the DIP and PIP joints:
Joint space narrowing with erosions and mouse ears
When using Eisenstein’s method for lumbar sagital canal measurement stenosis would be indicated by:
less than 15 mm
Putti’s triad consists of:
Congenital Hip Dysplasia:
Increased acetabular angle, femoral head hypoplasia and lateral displacement.
“Steele’s rule of thirds” is helpful in the evaluation of:
Atlantoaxial translational instability
The pt found to have partial agenesis of the C1 posterior arch should have:
A flexion view
Verterbrobasilar insufficiency during rotary adjustments of the cervical spine related to compression or restriction of the vertebral artery may be associated with:
Posterior ponticle
Which arthritic disorder would be expected in a pt younger than 40 years of age?
Reiter’s syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis would be least likely in which area?
Lumbar spine
Which of the following would NOT be a true statement regarding SLE Systemic lupus erythematous)
Almost all pts exhibit the classic “butterfly rash”
Which of the following would be a true statement regarding SLE (Systemic lupus erythematous)
- Involves significant immunological abnormality
- Shows a clear predilection for female its
- Frequently involves the urinary, cardiopulmonary, nervous and musculoskeletal systems
A finding of severe lumbar degenerative disc disease would be:
Vacuum phenomenon
In erosive osteoarthritis the articular lesions result in a peculiar radiographic appearance called:
“Gull wing” sign
Which one of the following does not belong in the group?
Apophyseal joint erosion and fusion
Spinous process erosion
Cranial settling
ANSWER: Luschka joing arthrosis
Ankylosing spondylitis and _______ have virtually indentical radiographic findings:
Enteropathic arthritis
Which of the following is not in the diagnostic criteria for rheumatoid arthritis?
Atlantoaxial subluxation
Which of the following is diagnostic criteria for rheumatoid arthritis?
Morning joint stiffness
Rheumatoid nodules
Positive rheumatoid factor
Costotransverse or costovertebral arthrosis may be associated with:
Roberts Syndrome
An arthritis which clinically has a predilection for pts
Still’s disease
Deforming nonerosive arthropathy appearing after repeated attacks of arthritis in pts with rheumatic fever:
Jaccoud’s arthritis
A diagnosis of Forestier’s disease requires flowing hyperostosis at the anterior portion of at least:
Four contiguous vertebrae
Hadley’s “S” curve may be used when evaluating:
Both AP and oblique lumbar xrays
Which of the following is NOT a spinal radiographic finding associated with oschronosis arthropathy?
Normal disc spacing
Which of the following ARE spinal radiographic findingS associated with oschronosis arthropathy?
Vacuum phenomenon
Flat lordosis
Intervetebral disc chondocalcinosis
Spinal osteophytes
Originate at the attachment of the anterior longitudal ligament
Which of the following is NOT considered a cause of secondary spinal degenerative arthritis?
Which of the following IS considered a cause of secondary spinal degenerative arthritis?
A male patient with a diagnostic triad of cirrhosis, diabetes, and bronze colored skin, with MCP joint osteoarthritis is likely to have a diagnosis of:
Poorly defined bone erosions are not expected in this arthritis:
Degenerative arthritis
Which condition can be associated with degenerative and inflammatory arthritis?
CPPD arthritis
Young adult female would be the typical pt for:
In addition to osseous and articular abnormalities, scleraderma can have serious impact on all EXCEPT:
The lungs
The heart
The GI tract
ANSWER: The Kidneys
Diabetes mellitus has a recognized correlation with ____ in up to 32% of pts?
Sjoegren’s syndrome, seen with various connective tissue disorders is associated with:
Generalized drying of mucous membranes
The anatomy of a typical synovial joint includes:
A fibrous capsule, synovium and hyaline cartilage
Spinal involvement in neurotrophic arthropathy is most often associated with:
An important clinical consideration with rheumatoid arthritis is:
Likelihood of atlantoaxial instability
Rheumatoid arthritis may result in:
Bony ankylosis of synovial joints
Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis clinically most commonly occurs in:
Males >40 years of age
Para-articular osteopenia can be seen with all of the following arthritis disorders except:
Rheumatoid arthritis
SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus
Spondylolisthesis is correctly defined there is:
Anterolisthesis only
The type of sponylolisthesis commonly found at L4 is:
Which of the following is not characteristic of SLE? Systemic lupus erythematosus
The spine is a common area of involvement
George’s line and Ullman’s line are both used in the evaluation of:
Lumbar spine spondlolisthesis
Which of the following is useful in the evaluation of spondylolisthesis?
Ullman’s line
Which of the following lines can be used as indication of facet subluxation?
Hadley’s S line
Shenton’s or Menards line would NOT be helpful in the detection of
Hip Fractures
Slipped Capital femoral epiphysis
Hip Dislocation
Which measurement in a pediatric patient is positive with Putti’s triad?
Iliofemoral line
Lordic end plate changes associated with the DDD consisting of decreased signal intensity involved T1 and T2 which would correspond with end plate subchondral sclerosis are classified as type
Using Eisenstein’s method, lumbar saggital perio-stenosis would be indicated by
Less than 15mm
In the cervical spine, the most accurate method of determining saggital canal stenosis is the canal-body ratio or Pavlov’s ratio which is positive with the ratio less than
“Steele’s rule of thirds” is helpful in the evaluation of:
Atlantoaxial translational instability
Peribasilar invagination could have a variety of associated vertebral defects, however which of the following would not be an expected finding
Klippel-feil syndrome may be associated with
Sprengle’s deformity
Which arthropathy would be expected in a patient younger than 40 years of age?
Reiters Syndrome
Articular symptomotology is a common presenting complaint in what % of pts with SLE
Systemic lupus erythematosus
Which of the following is NOT a true statement regarding SLE?
Systemic lupus erythematosus
A. It involves significant neurologic abnormalities
B. Clinical increase in female pts
ANSWER: C. Almost all pts exhibit the classic butterfly rash
D. It typically involves the urinary, cardiopulmonary, musculoskeletal systems
Which of the following would NOT be a plain film identifier of a cause of lumbar spinal stenosis?
ANSWER: A. Ligamentum Flavum Buckeling
B. Vertebral Body Osteophytes
C. Retrolisthesis
D. Facet arthrosis
This inflammatory arthritis can involve DIP, PIP, and 1st MCC articulations in the hand?
Erosive osteoarthritis
Which one of the following is NOT associated with rheumatoid spinal arthritis?
ANSWER: Epiphyseal joint erosion and fusion
Spinous process erosion
Cranial settling
Os odontodium
Ankylosing spondylitis and what have virtually identical radiographic findings?
Enteropathic arthritis
Which of the following is NOT a diagnostic criteria for rheumatoid arthritis?
Morning joint stiffness lasting greater than an hour
ANSWER: Atlantoaxial subluxation
Rheumatoid nodules
Positive rheumatoid factor
Costo-transverse or costoveretbral arthrosis may be associated with what?
Roberts Syndrome
Hemispheric Spondylosclerosis occurs most commonly at what vertebra level and must be differentiated by what?
B. L4-5, blastic mets or infection
The sacroiliac vacuum phenomenon is what?
Has no clinical significance
Of the following, which one would NOT be considered in a differential for DISH?
Ankylosing spondylitis
Psoriatic spinal arthritis
ANSWER: Rheumatoid arthritis
Hadley’s S Curve may be used when evaluating what?
AP and oblique lumbar xray
In ochronosis arthropathy, the most common skeletal area of involvement is where
Spinal Osteophytes are
may be 2 types: traction or claw
Which of the following is NOT considered a cause of secondary spinal degenerative arthritis?
A 50 year old male pt with the diagnostic triad of cirrhosis, diabetes, and bronze colored skin is likely to have a diagnosis of WHAT in osteoarthritis at the WHAT joint?
Hemochromotosis, MCP
Clearly defined bone erosions are NOT expected in this arthritis?
Degenerative arthritis
ANSWER: Inflammatory arthritis
Infectious arthritis
Anabolic arthritis
Which condition can be associated with inflammatory and degenerative arthritis?
CPPD arthritis
Young adult female would be the typical pt for:
OPLL pts frequently complain of this symptomotology?
Difficulty walking or lower extremity weakness
Diabetes Mellitis and dysphagia can be associated with what?
Sjorgen’s syndrome and Felty’s syndrome are most commonly associated with what?
Rheumatoid Arthritis
C-R-E-S-T is a term used in identifying major associations of what?
Progressive systemic sclerosis
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of rheumatoid spinal arthritis?
ANSWER: Marginal bone formation
Cranial settling
Disc space narrowing
Apophyseal joint erosion
Spinal involvement in nuerotropic arthropathy could be associated with:
Syphilis and syringomyelia
Which of the following would NOT be expected to cause alantoaxial instability
Ankylosing spondilytis
Rhuematoid arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis
ANSWER: Scleroderma
Rheumatoid arthritis can result in:
Fibrous ankylosis of fibrocartilaginous joints
Forestier’s Disease (»>) or Senile ankylosing hyperostosis clinically most commonly occurs in who?
Males greater than 50
Periarticular osteopenia can be seen with all of the following arthritic disorders EXCEPT
Rheumatoid arthritis
The best view for demonstrating ideology with isthmic or degenerative sponylolisthesis is
Lateral View
The rare type of spondylolisthesis found at L5 is
The most common cause for bilateral acetabulum protrusion
Rheumatoid arthritis
In a pediatric patient Klein’s line should
Intersect the fovea capitis, relating to the superior margin of femoral head
Conservative treatment of the pt with spondylolisthesis has a poor prognosis if
Flexion-Extension on lateral lumbar films indicate instability at the level of the lesion
Concentric erosion of the femoral neck producing an apple cord deformity may be associated with what?
The bywaters-dixon Non marginal syndesmophytes may be described as what?
a floating syndesmophyte that bridges the disk space but does not unite the vertebral bodies
Carrot stick fractures caused by ankylosing spondylitis may cause serious neurologic complications and most commonly seen at :
Which of the following is NOT a complication of spinal degenerative arthritis?
Degnerative enterolithesis
Discogenic retrolithesis
Spinal stenosis
ANSWER: Sacroiliac joint fusion
In the Witse classification for spondylolisthesis, which occurs in both the cervical and lumbar spine commonly?
Which of the following is NOT a radiographic finding or an association with peripheral annular degenerative disc disease?
Peripheral marginal vacuum
ANSWER: Normal Disc spacing
Accompanying joint arthrosis
With rheumatoid involvement at the S-I joints, which one of the following is NOT and expected radiographic finding?
Unilateral involvement
Segmental non uniform
Superficial erosions
ANSWER: Diffuse sacroiliac joint fusion
Periarticular bone density would be expected to be normal with this arthritis
An important clinical consideration associated with psoratic arthritis pts is
severe osteopenia
High likelihood of developing bilateral acetabulum protrusions
Likelihood of cauda equinous syndrome
Likelihood of alantoaxial translational instability.
Soft tissue calcification and __________ are classic findings of progressive systemic sclerosis. (1073)
Which of the following is NOT a type of juvenile chronic Still’s disease?(1028)
Classic systemic
ANSWER: Peripheral articular
Which of the following lines can be used for indication of facet subluxation?
Hadley’s “S” line
Ferguson’s Line
Ullman’s line
Eisenstein’s line
Shenton’s/Menard’s line would NOT be useful in the detection of:
Hip fracture
Slipped capital femoral epiphysis
Hip dislocation
This line also referred to as the Garland-Thomas line is useful in the detection of spondylolisthesis.(225)
Ullman’s line
Which measurement in the pediatric patient, is positive with Putti’s triad?
Iliofemoral line
Modic provides a classification system for marrow end plate changes related to the degeneration disc. Decreased end plate signal intensity on T1 and increased signal intensity on T2 weighted images are classified as Type ______ end plate changes and are related to fibrous tissue marrow replacement in the vertebral endplate. (536)
Using Eisenstein’s method, lumbar sagittal canal stenosis would be indicated by: (227)
In the cervical spine, the most accurate method for determining sagittal canal stenosis is the canal-body ratio or Pavlov’s ratio which is positive with a ratio of less than: (209)
Bertolotti’s syndrome is associated with all of the following EXCEPT: (313)
ANSWER: Sciatica
Transitional vertebra
Primary basilar invagination may have a variety of associated vertebral defects; however, which one of the following would NOT be an expected finding?
ANSWER: C3 hemivertebra
Klipper-Feil syndrome may be associated with ________ in 20-30% of patients:
Sprengel’s deformity
A short webbed neck (pterygium colli), low hairline and reduced range of cervical motion clinically indicates:
Klippel-Feil syndrome
Approximately 90% of patients with SLE will present with:
Articular symptomatology
Decreased endplate signal intensity on T1 and T2 – weighted images are classified as Modic Type _____ end plate changes and are related to subchondral sclerosis in the vertebral endplate. (536)
The ligamentum flava may be associated with which spinal complication?
Spinal stenosis
This inflammatory arthritis can involve DIP, PIP and first MCC articulations in the hand.
Erosive OA
Cranial settling is an important feature of which arthritis involving the spine?
Referencing the “general guide to relative frequency of arthritis” from Y&R, which arthritis would be expected to be seen yearly in general practice? (952)
Infectious arthritis
Which of the following is NOT in the diagnostic criteria for rheumatoid arthritis?
Morning joint stiffness lasting more than 1 hour
ANSWER: Boutonniere deformity
Rheumatoid nodules
Positive rheumatoid factor
Robert’s syndrome is associated with:
Lower thoracic costotransverse arthrosis
Hemispheric spondylosclerosis occurs most commonly at the ______ vertebral level and must be differentiated from ________: (976)
L4-5, blastic neoplasm or infection
Which of the following has NOT been associated with posterior ponticle? (269)
Vertebrobasilar insufficiency
Barre – Lieou syndrome
Chronic upper cervical syndrome
ANSWER: Felty’s syndrome
Gold standaed imaging for the various pathological lesions of intervertebral disc disorders is (996)
Hadley’s “S” curve may be used when evaluating:
Both AP and oblique lumbar x-rays
The most common factor that results in degenerative disc disease is (536)
Acute or chronic repetitive trauma
The vacuum sign of Knuttsen is associated with: (971)
Central nuclear and peripheral annular DDD
The most significant of the spinal ligaments in relation to degenerative joint disease is: (537)
Ligamentum flava
Putti’s triad is a group of radiographic features associated with:
Congenital hip dysplasia
Degenerative arthritis typically does NOT produce:
ANSWER: Bone erosions
Subchondral sclerosis
Asymmetrical joint space narrowing
Geode formation
Which condition can be associated with degenerative and inflammatory arthritis?
CPPD arthritis
Young adult female would be the typical patient for:
OPLL patients frequently complain of this symptomatology: (998)
Difficulty walking with lower extremity motor weakness
A complication of facet joint degeneration which can NOT be demonstrated on plain film radiography and is best evaluated with MRI: (539)
Foraminal stenosis
Degenerative anterolisthesis
Apophyseal joint vacuum phenomenon
ANSWER: Synovial cyst
Syndromes that may be associated with rheumatoid arthritis include:
Sjogren’s, Felty’s
C.R.E.S.T. is a term identifying the major associated with __________
Progresive systemic sclerosis
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of rheumatoid spinal arthritis?
ANSWER: Marginal bone formation
Cranial settling
Disc space narrowing with end plate
Apophyseal joint erosion
Lumbar spine involvement in neurotrophic arthropathy should be associated with?
Syphilis, diabetic neuropathy
Which one of following would NOT be expected to cause alantoaxial instability
Ankylosing spondilytis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Psoriatic arthritis
ANSWER: Scleroderma
Rheumatoid arthritis may result in?
Bony ankylosis of synovial joints
On the lateral lumbar x-ray __________ line should lie above the superior most tip of the adjacent superior articular process of the facet joint (221)
The best view for demonstrating etiology with isthmic or degenerative spondylolisthesis is?
Lateral view
The type of spondylolisthesis commonly found in the cervical spine is:
The most common cause for bilateral acetabular protrusion:
In a pediatric patient Klein’s line should
Intersect the superior margin of the femoral head
Conservative treatment of the pt with spondylolisthesis has a poor prognosis if
Motion lumbar films indicate instability
An arthropathy associated with joint ______ and eventually producing secondary OA: (1009)
Synovial chondrometaplasia
Seronegative arthritis in children: (1028)
Still’s disease
In rheumatoid patients, the presence of rheumatoid nodules high ____ of rheumatoid factor and extra articular manifestations are usually indicative of: (1012)
Poor prognosis
Which of the following is NOT a complication of spinal degenerative arthritis:
Degenerative anterolisthesis
Discogenic retrolisthesis
Spinal stenosis
ANSWER: Sacroiliac joint fusion
In the Wiltse classification for spondylolisthesis, which type occurs in both the cervical and lumbar spine commonly:
Which of the following is NOT a radiographic finding or association of peripheral annular degenerative disc disease:
Peripheral marginal vacuum
Normal disc spacing
ANSWER: Accompanying luschka joint arthrosis
Primary hyperparathyroidism, gout and hemochromatosis have a strong association with CPPD and could produce this common radiographic finding:
An early and frequent rheumatoid finding with Glenohumeral joint disease: (1024)
Rotator tendon cuff rupture
Mouse ears and gull wings radiographic findings are seen with: (1054)
Psoriatic and EOA respectively
The letter joints that may have erosive type changes along articular surfaces in association with DJD include all of the following EXCEPT:
Acromioclavicular (AC)
Temporomandibular (TMJ)
Symphysis pubis (SP)
ANSWER: Sternoclavicular (SC)
Normal para-articular bone density is expected with all of the following arthritic disorders EXCEPT:
ANSWER: Rheumatoid types
Degenerative joint disease
Foot and ankle
Dysphagia is frequently seen in
Progressive Systemic Sclerosis
Which of the following are radiographic findings or associations of peripheral annular degeneration disease
Pick all that apply
Seronegative chronic arthritis in children
Still’s Disease
The interohalangeal joint of the great toe (1st digit) showing marginal destruction (rat bites), soft tissue swelling and joint destruction, which may be bilateral is characteristic of
Which of the following are the most common causes for neutrophil (charcot’s) joints
Diabetes mellitus
Tripartite patella musth be differentiated from
the most common and lease common disc level respectively for vervain IVOC
C5, C2
The earliest pathophysiological findings of IVOC in the cervical spine
Endplate degeneration?
A patient with secondary Sjogren’s syndrome may also be suffering with
An increased ADI greater than 3mm particularly in flexion happen sin the _______ of patients. Spinal compression deformities occur secondary to _____
When evaluating the cercial spine for alighnemntn complications secondary to spinal DJD, which contour line is seldom used
Posterior spinous (least reliable
most: spinallaminar others retropheryngeal retrotracheal anterior body posterior body (George's Line)
Based on the number of joints involved, which arthritis does not fit in this group
infectious arthritis
Referencing the general rule to relative frequency from Y&R, which arthritis would be expected to be seen monthly in a general average practice
This is a basic fundamental rule to remember about the 2 majority types of arthritis:
____ are to OA, what ____ are to inflammatory arthritis (pick 2)
Which of the following joints is an example of a secondary osteoarthritis location
Mikuliez’s Angle will determine the presence of
Coxa Valga
Normal 125
Valga 150
Degenerative arthritis typically does not produce
Ulnar deviation
“mouse ears” and “gull Wings” are seen with
psoriatic and EOA respectively
Which of the followup is not associated with gout
normal bone density?
common complication when steroid therapy is used for SLE
femoral head AVN
The great toes (not MTP) isa frequent site fro early and advanced
Psoriatic A
Common spinal levels for framing stenosis related to Uncovertebral arthritis
C5-6, C6-7
The role of radiology in the diagnosis of articular disease is undisputed. Arthritis cons the american economy ___ billion and affects on in every __ people
14, 7
Although the “D” word of neupathic are usually apple to the hypertrophic type they also works ro atrophic type. Which of the following is NOT one one ht e6 “D” Words
Answer: Disgusting
- disorganization
- debris
- density
- dislocation
- destruction
- distended (soft tissue)