Midterm pt.2 Flashcards
What was Virginia Hendersons theory?
14 Basic human needs, assisting patient, sick or well, in activities that contribute to health, recovery or a peaceful death
What is Joyce Travelbee’s theory?
Viewing the client as not only an individual, but as their family and community as well… Recognizing humanity and finding meaning
What was Dorothy Orems theory?
Self-care theory. Nurses will care for patients temporarily until the patient is well enough to be more independent in their care.
What is Moyra Allens theory?
The McGill model - Focus on health rather than illness and treatment on all family members rather than the patient alone
What was Hildegard Peplau’s theory?
Defined nursing as the interpersonal relationship between nurse and patient !!!!Therapeutic relationships!!!!
What does “persons” refer to in the nursing philosophy?
Every patient is entitled to retain their dignity, while working to achieve life balance (social determinants of health)
What did the Weir report confirm?
That there was insufficient classroom instruction, and a lack of variety in clinical settings.
What does the nursing act define scope of practice as?
Nursing is the promotion of health, as well as the assessment of provision of care for and the treatment of health conditions
Which acts are nurses required to comply with?
The Nursing act (1991), The Regulated Health Professions act (1991)
In a hospital setting - Public hospitals act
In a long term care home - Fixing long-term care act (2021)
CNA position statement is….
Believes that learning nursing history is critical, and progressive leadership that unites nurses to advance the profession
What is the pattern for clinical questions? PICOT
P- Patient population of interest
I - Intervention or issue
C - Comparison of intervention or group
O - Outcome
T - Timeframe
What is the pattern for clinical questions? SPIDER
S - Sample/population
Pi - Phenomenon of interest
D - Design
E - Evaluation
R - Research type
What is the five step process of evidence informed practice?
- Ask question
- Collect best evidence
- Critique evidence
- Integrate evidence
- Evaluate the practice decision/change
Who created the behavioural system model of nursing in 1968? Briefly explain
Dorothy Johnson, viewed the individual as a behavioural system with seven subsystems, each of which having a goal, set of behaviours and choice.
What is the Newman approach?
Did not rely on needs and drives, didn’t break system into any component parts Saw healthcare as a holistic approach
What approach did sister Callista Roy take?
Adaptive system. Four models of adaptation; physiological needs, self-concept, role function and interdependence. TWO MAJOR INTERNAL PROCESSES
When was the CNA developped?
What did Evelyn Adam do?
Focused on a conceptual model of nursing (related to Dorothy Johnson theories)
Focused on the development of models and theories in nursing and how they are useful
The first nurses to tend to sick in a healthcare centre were…
Males called attendants
When was the CNO established?
What are mid-range theories?
Limited in scope compared to grand theories and present concepts at a lower level of abstraction. Based on grand theories (help to clarify)
What did Martha Rogers model in 1970 propose?
Not simply as a person but as an energy field in constant interaction with the environment, which is also an energy field with the universe
What did Rosemarie Parse develop?
Theory of Human Becoming offers a distinctive perspective on patient care by emphasizing the uniqueness of each individual’s lived experiences
What did Jean Watson propose?
The being as a transpersonal self.. an embodied spirit. Nursing must attend to primary function of caring (1979)
Where was the first nursing mission established?
Sillery, Quebec
When did nursing become a caring service undertaken by women?
During the early Christian period
What is the nursing sister’s association and when was it formed
Formed in the 1920’s, and it is for nurses who have served with the Canadian Armed forces
What are grand nursing theories?
Abstract, broad, complex and require additional research to clarify
Who was the first laywoman to provide nursing care?
Marie Rollet Hébert
What is a profession?
An occupation whose core elements is work based upon the mastery of a complex body of knowledge and skills
What does the profession of nursing outline?
Body of knowledge and kill, service of others, commitment to competence, integrity, morality, altruism, and public good.
Social construct between a profession and society
What are the five components of therapeutic nurse-client relationship?
Trust, respect, professional intimacy, empathy, and power