Midterm Preparation Flashcards
- David Cusick
(David- do you know Iroqouis)
- “The Iroquois Creation Story” (Norton 1 pp. 31-35)
- Creation of the world and good and evil being born. Good made humans, bad made apes
- John Smith
- farm boy turned soilder
- Smith fighting for austria was captured by the ottomans
- 26, joined the virginia company of London
Disney Pochahontas
- The General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles (Norton 1
pp. 62-75)
- early history of the settlement of Jamestown and the journey
- Powhatan (via John Smith):
Pocahontas dad is angry (why)
- “Powhatan’s Discourse of Peace and War” (Norton 1 pp. 38-40)
- chief powhatan outlining his desire for peaceful relations with jamestown colonists but stating that if they take advantage of his people then war will ensue
- John Winthrop
- purtian but not a separatist
- wanted ministry but became a lawyer
- first governor of Massachusetts bay colony
(Winthrop must be a good christian)
- “A Model of Christian Charity” (Norton 1 pp. 101-104 and 110-113)
- Be a good christian in this new settlement (act in love and not greed)
- William Bradford
- joined scrooby (nonconfromists)
- 2nd governor of plymouth plantation
(Bradford was a brat at __ plantation)
- Of Plymouth Plantation—Chapters XI, XIX, and XXIII (Norton 1 pp. 79-
81 and 91-100)
- founding of the plymouth settlement
- Jonathan Edwards
- major figure in the great awakening revival
Succeeded his grandfather as pastor
served as missionary to Housatonic Indians
Aaron Burr grandfather
(Edwards is a sinners or is heaven??)
- “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” (Norton 1 pp. 172-180 and 184-
- condemnation of sinners by stating that God’s wrath will come suddenly and unexpectedly to those who don’t repent
“Heaven, a World of Love” (PDF on Canvas pp. 1-7 and 16-21)
- describing heaven as a world of perfect love between God and his people
Anne Bradstreet
- given an eduacation
Voyaged with withthrop
- father and husband served as governor
had 8 children
(Its bad that her house burned down)
“Here Follow Some Verses upon the Burning of Our House” (Norton 1 pp.
120-121 and 133-134)
- describes the emotional response to the loss of her home in a fire, also expresses her puritan belief that material possesions are insignificant compared to her heavelny home
Samson Occom
- mohegan (branch of Pequot)
- advocate for native rights
- eleazar wheelock betrayed trust
(O’come ye of little faith)
- “A Son’s Farewell, or I Hear the Gospel’s Joyful Sound” (Norton 1 pp. 265-
267 and 274)
- saying goodbye to his parents as he embarks of his new vocation as a travelling preacher
Alexander Hamilton
- fought in revolutionary war
- supported replacing the A.O.C
- wrote 85 essays in defense of constitutio
- first secretary of treasury
(he was hamming new york why?)
- The Federalist—No. 1 (Norton 1 pp. 328-333)
- ratification of the U.S constituion to New York would allow for a stonger American nationality
Thomas Jefferson
- inherited 2700 acres and fathers slaves
- studies law and joiend virginia legislature
drafted D.O.I
First U.S. secretary of state
3rd president
founded university of Virginia
- The Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson [The Declaration of
Independence] (Norton 1 pp. 320-328)
- separation of 13 british colnies in north america from great britian
Phillis Wheatley
- born in africa but sold in boston to john/susanna
- phillis learned to read and write
freed in 1773 but later died poor, almost alone, and forgotten
(Wheatley told william she wanted freedom from her name)
- “On Being Brought from Africa to America” (Norton 1 pp. 399-401)
- christianity as a form of mercy (she is still allowed to be saved) and that hypocrisies christians who see African heritage as less) - “To the Right Honourable William, Earl of Dartmouth” (Norton 1 pp. 399-
- desire for freedom from tyranny as rooted in her subjugation and enslavement
Ralph Waldo Emerson
- unitarian minister
harvard average student
first wife died and he quit ministry
supported abolition and womens rights, protested removal of Cherokee
(wheres waldo (cherokee/nature)
- “The American Scholar” (Norton 1 pp. 500-503 and 532-545)
- through connection to nature, understanding of books, and action a man can become more educated. - “Letter to Martin Van Buren” (pp. 597-600)
- protests the US government’s forced removal of the Cherokee people from their native lands
Edgar Allan Poe
- born in boston to actors
father left and mother died
Left Universit of Virginia bc of gambling
drinking problems and editorships
maximalist in his writing style
(poe -lease don’t let my house be haunted)
- “The Fall of the House of Usher” (Norton 1 pp. 660-664, 678-691)
- haunted house, death, usher family’s decline
Nathaniel Hawthorne
- long line of massachusetts puritans
- Rented old manse “emerson property
loyalty to pro-southern pierce cost his reputation
( Hawk he speaks (the devil) )
- “Young Goodman Brown” (Norton 1 pp. 600-603 and 617-626)
- questioning religion after speaking with the devil and witnessing a witchcraft ceremony
Henry David Thoreau
- mom ran a boarding house (emerson to) and he lived in a cabin for 2 years by himself
- he opposed the war in Mexico
Thoreau didn’t think being alone was boring
15:Walden—Chapter 2: Where I Lived, and What I Lived For (Norton 1
pp. 879-882 and 941-951)
-The book is a reflection on Thoreau’s simple living, his thoughts on the meaning of life, and his search for self-reliance.
Elias Boudinot
- Gallengina and Buck Watie
Edited the pheonix from its founding
signed the treaty of echota and he was killed for doing so
-( Boud I wrote a paper about our race- gets killed anyway)
- First Issue of the Cherokee Phoenix (Norton 1 pp. 583-587)
- American Indian tribe talking about what they wanted to accomplish from this paoer
- Cherokee Council
- wrote a series of memorials/ petitions
- ridge would also sign the treaty and be killed on the same day
The council has decided that the US congress is guilty of threatening georgia soverighnty)
- “Memorial of the Cherokee Council, November 5, 1829” (pp. 587-593)
- document to the US Congress about the threat to their soverignty from Georgia
- Abraham Lincoln
- born in Kentucky
- he was assassinated weeks after beginning
- moved from being opposed to anti-slavery measures
(4 score and 7 years ago)
- The Gettysburg Address (Norton 1 pp. 723-725)
- ideals are worth dying for and its up to the living to carry on the work of dead individuals - The Second Inaugural Address (Norton 1 pp. 723-726)
- claim that both the south and the north share some blame for slavery
- Frederick Douglass
- born into slavery in Maryland, father was white
- he and his wife moved to abolitionist
- disagreed with Garrison’s beliefs that the constitution was pro-slavery
- “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” (Norton 1 pp. 970-974 and
- criticizes the hypocrisy of celebrating American independence while slavery is still around
- Walt Whitman
- Pioneer of Free Verse, rejecting the metrical rhythms and lofty vocabulary of traditional English poetry
-Supported Mexican War and westward expansion, but lost a job for being an anti-slavery Free-Soiler
( Nature is simple, not mathematic)
- “Song of Myself”—1 Norton 1 pp. 1044-1047 and 1062-1063)
- ode to individuality and originality (self confidence is key) - “When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer” (Norton 1 pp. 1044-1047 and 1118)
- understanding nature is not scientific but intuitive and mystical
- Emily Dickinson
- Spent virtually all of her life in her parents home
- many poems are fourteeners (alternating four and 3 beats per line)
- Only a few of her poems were published while she was alive
( I mean… well.. I guess the truth is kinda not clear)
- Poem 479 (Norton 1 pp. 1220-1224 and 1236)
- explores the paradox of death and eternity (carriage ride with death) - Poem 1263 (Norton 1 pp. 1220-1224 and 1244)
- truth should be delivered indirectly