Midterm Practice Flashcards
What percentage of Americans are Christian?
How many Christians are Protestant?
Explain the Protestant percentage breakdown:
Evangelical: 25%
Black Churches: 7%
Mainline: 18%
What percentage of Americans are Catholic?
How many are Mormon? Orthodox? Jehovah’s Witness?
Mormon: 2%
Orthodox: 0.05%
Jehovah’s Witness: 0.05%
What are the percentages for other religions (outside Christianity)?
Total: 23% Jewish: 2% Muslim: 0.05% Hindu: 0.05% Buddhist: 0.05% Unitarian Universalists: 0.05% Other: 1% Nones: 18%
What is the role of stories in religion?
Morality and judgement vs. equality in God’s eyes.
Tradition vs. Progress
Law vs. Ministry
Trusting Institution vs. Trusting Individual
Accountability vs. Forgiveness
Wrath vs. Gentleness
What is Historical Interpretation?
Original purpose, historical context, author intention, and what really happened. Typically scholarly.
What is Literal Interpretation?
Attempt to look at text literally, doesn’t take historical context into account, can’t apply all texts. For example, Islam doesn’t eat pork, Christian women not speaking in Church.
What is Tradition Based Interpretation?
High regard for dominant traditions in community. For example, Buddhism is based on lineage, Catholicism, Islam women wearing hijabs.
What is Identity Based Interpretation?
Based on position in society (though often not acknowledged) to rationalize desire. Slavery in the south, for example.
What is Post-Structuralism/Post-Modern?
Not one particular meaning to text, hard to know historical context and author intent, and predominantly academic. Primarily applied to Christian text.
What is Literary Interpretation?
View texts as literature, learned through narratives, complex documents, and focuses on the author’s stories. The creation story as mythology, for example.
Revelatory/Experimental Interpretation?
Religious experience helps interpretation of texts. For example, fundamentalists reading the Bible together, prayer, singing hymns, etc.
<20% of American Christians are…
Mainline Protestants
Mainline Protestants are made up of
presbyterian, Disciples of Christ, Methodist, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Quakers, and Am. Baptists.
They tend to place an emphasis on _____
social justice.
They’re often considered to be ____
more liberal than evangelicals. The Bible is authoritative, but not necessarily literal.
What is the goal of a reconciling congregation?
Raise important questions about the relationship between politics and religion, the individual and the church, and questions of truth, sin, and biblical interpretations.
Civic Identity vs. Religious Identity.
Support LGBTQ.
What are the three types of Baptism with the Holy Spirit in Pentecostalism?
1) Baptism into the Body of Christ refers to salvation.
2) Water Baptism is symbollic of dying to the world and living in Christ.
3) Baptism with the Holy Spirit is where Christ is the agent, the Holy Spirit the medium.
What is eschatology?
(Pentecostalism) Concerned with final events of man kind and Christ’s possible return at any time.
What are some characteristics of Pentecostalism?
Divine healing (prayer is essential) and spiritual gifts which are received as a result of baptism and grouped into vocal and prophetic power.
What is glossolalia?
The practice of speaking in tongues?
What is premillenialism?
Jesus will literally be on the Earth for his millennial reign at his second coming.
What is dispensational premillenialism?
Israel and the Church are distinct entities and that Jesus will take the Christians into Heaven by means of rapture before a seven year world wide tribulation.
When and how was Islam founded?
~590 c.e. when Gabriel’s message to Muhammad from Allah became the foundation of the Q’uran.
What are the Five Pillars of Islam?
1) Profession of Faith
2) Prayer of Worship (5x a day)
3) Almsgiving (mandatory charity because all wealth belongs to God)
4) Fasting (observance of Ramadan)
5) Pilgrimage to Mecca/Medina
What are the two major denominations of Islam?
1) Sunni (80-90%) visit Mecca and lineage of Muhammad is not important.
2) Shia (10-20%) visit Medina and adhere to Muhammad’s lineage.
What is the relationship between the individual and the community?
Large community emphasis.
What do Unitarians believe?
Believe in one God, not the Trinity. (Jesus had connections to God, but wasn’t actually God.)
What do Universalists believe?
They believe in redemption and salvation of entire human race by God.
When did the Unitarians and Universalists merge?
1961 to create the UUA.
Is there a creed in UU?
What social justices do they support?
Gay rights, feminism, and racial equality. They believe in respect for the individual with an added emphasis on the community.
What are the six sources?
1) Direct experiences
2) Prophets
3) Wisdom of world religions
4) Jewish/Christian teachings
5) Humanist teachings
6) Earth-centered traditions
What are the seven principles?
1) inherent worth and dignity
2) justice, equality, and compassion
3) acceptance of one another
4) free and responsible search for truth and meaning
5) democratic process
6) world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all
7) interdependent web of existance