Midterm: People in Neuropsych Flashcards
Hermann von Hemlholtz:
first to measure speed of nerve conduction; tricolor theory; physics of color and sound
Wilder Penfield:
homunculus; first neurosurgeon; worked with epileptic patients and discovered brain consisted of different regions
Paul Broca:
localization of language and lateralization (+ specialized functions)
John Hughlings Jackson:
distributed hierarchy in sensory and motor systems; Jacksonian focal seizures. motor homunculus
Ramon Y Cajal:
staining technique; neurons are autonomous and functional specialization. Disproved Golgi’s “nerve net”
Eduard Hitzig:
showed that the brain conducts its own electrical activity
Thomas Willis:
termed blood flow in the brain “Circle of Willis;” coined “psychology;” wrote first textbook; cortex associated with memory; cerebellum related to motor control
Franz Gall:
Roger Sperry:
split brain patients (cut corpus callosum- epilepsy); corpus callosum functions in more than structural support
Karl Lashley:
recognized scotomas in the onset of a migraine; tried to find out location of memory and learned habits. mass action (learning depend on amt of cortex) and equipotentiality (one part of cortex can take over function of another part)
frog leg muscles and electrical patterns (stimulate nerves via electrical activity); axons covered in fat (myelin)
Bell and Magendie:
spinal cord has two tracts- dorsal (incoming sensory information) and ventral (outgoing motor information)