Midterm (PD1152&Waste Management) Flashcards
passing inti an air contaminant, pollutant, gas stream and unwanted sound
To detect development movements or changes in the characteristics if the water
water wuality surveillance
restrictions to limit levels of concentration of physical, chem and bio constituents which are discharged from point sources
effluent standards
removing pollutants discharged or spillledbin water
clean up ops
areas where uncontrolled development could result in irrep damage to important places of national significance
areas od critical envi concern
elements or compounds which when discharged present imminent danger to health
hazardous substance
areas where intro of facilitites may induce development and urbanization if more than local impact
areas impacted by public faci
alteration of envi conditions
envi impact
creation if a new set if envi conditions to ge induced or caused by a propors project
envi impact
amount of pollution present in a broad area
ambient air quality
established for new and existing stationary and mobile sources of pollution
national emission standards
construction, transpo equipment, stationary engines
noice producing equip
mitigate sonic booms
research and studies
the then national pollution control commission
enforcement of ambient air wuality emission and noise standards
community/aircraft noise standards shall be implemented by
civil aeronautics admin
vehicular emissions
land transpo com
establishment of nuclear energy faci and radioactive materials shall be regulated by
PH atomic energy commission
where results and records were always furnished and passed
National Envi Protection council
weather modif
Purpose of water wuality managemen
classifications of Ph waters
est. if water wuality standards
protection and improvement of waters
surveillance and mitigation of pllution
Waters are reclassified based on
intended beneficial use
Ph waters are classified
according to their best usage
Denr shall prescribe quality and effluent standards consistent wih
guidlines set by NEPC
clean up ops primary and secondary obli
primary- polluter at his own expense
secondary- gov agencies concerned but shall remibursen expenses eith the person responsible
formulates land use scheme
Human settlements com
mineral resources, fish, wildlife, forest
idneti and protection of critical watershed areas, scientific farming techs
soil conservation program
flood control and natural calamities
risk reduction management council
conservation of eater doesnt include
captive waters
scope of title 4(natural resources)
aquatic wildlife foresrty and soil cons fertilizers flood control and natural calam energy dev surface and ground waters mineral resources
program which encourages utilization if invariant sources such as solar, wind and tidal energy
energy development program by energey dev board
requirements for nuclear powered plants whether owned by private or gov
observe internationally accepted standards
provide safety devices
prescribe measures for conservation and improvement of the wuality of ph water resources and prevention, abatement of water pollution
national water resources council
required to all cities provinces
implementation of wate management prog
promulgate guidleines for the formulation and establishment of waste management prog
Dept of local gov and community development
methods of solid waste disposal
Areas where landfills cannot be located
shore or coastlines, rivers and streams and lakes
incineration and compostins is regulated by
Dumping/disposal of waste into sea GR and EX
Gr- prohibited
Ex-in case id imminent danger to life and pro
promite envi research
Dissemnantion of envi information of foreign origin
Nepc shall get info fromm DFA
50 %exemption, tax credit(25% in manuf), deductions as expenses from taxabel income
importation of pollution control ewuip
50% tarrif and compensating tax exemption for 5 years
imported pollution control equipments
50% tax credit dor 7 years
expenses incurred on research of poll con ewuip that are commercially reproducible
50% deductions from the taxable income
if the pollution control ewuip was sold/transfered within 5 yrs
importer/purchaser pay 2x the tax exemp/credit
ecological waste management program
RA 9003
waste generated from planting ir harvesting crops
agricultural waste
waste materials which cannot be appropriately placed in separate containers because of shape
bulks wastes
bureaue shall refer to
environmental management buraue
removing solid waste from the source or from communal storage point
controlled decomposition of organic matter
worn out, broken radios tvs
consumer electronics
disposal site at which solid waste is deposited
controlled dump
discharge, deposit, dumping, spilling, leaking of any solid waste into land
waste is finally discharged or deposited
disposal site
systematic administration of activities for segregation at source, and disposal of waste which dint harm the envi
ecological solid waste management
wuality of being reusable, biodegradavle or compostable and non hazardous to envi
environmentally acceptable
process of producing solid waste
person, n or j, who last uses material and makes it available for disposal or recycling
contribute to an increase in mortality
hazardous waste
liquid produced when waste undergo decomposition
solid waste transfer station or sorting station, drop off center, composing daci and recycling faci
materials recovery facility
waste produced frim activities within lgu
municipal waste
wase produced in combination of dmestic, comm, industrial wastes and stret litters
municipal waste
solid waste are indiscriminately thrown without due planning
open dump
act of providing a place for collecting source-separated recyclable material; collection atleast once a mo th of source separated recyclable material
opportunity to recycle
materials generated which have sevedbits intended use. and which have been diverted from waste to be used as a raw materials in the manufacturing of recycled prod
post consumer material
post consumer metrials exclude:
thise genrated from an original manufacturinf process like mill scrap
individual containers ysed for the source separatuon and collection of recyclable materials
material and by products that have been recovered from solid waste to be used as a raw material in the manufacture if a recycled prod
recovered material
any waste material retrieved from the waste stream, free from contamination that can still be converter inti suitable beneficial ise
recyclable materials
post consumer material that has been recycled and returned to economy
recycled mater
reduction if the amount of solid waste that are generated
reduction id overall resource consumption if recivered resource
resource conversation
collection, extraction or recovery of recyclable materials from waste stean
resource recovery
recovering materials intended for the same or diff purpose wihout alteration of physic and chemic charac
waste disposal site designed with engineering control over significant potential envi impacts
sanitary landfill
enforceable sequence of actions or operations to be accomplisged within stipulated tine
sched of compliance
secretart of denr
secretary landfill
separatinf diff materials
separating at point of origin
segragation at source
discarded hiusehould, commercial waste, no. hazardous industrial waste, non toxic
solid waste
exclusions to solid waste 4
hazardous waste
infectious waste from hospitals
waste from mining
contaminated soil and debris
discipline associated with the control and disposal of solid waste in accordance eith best principles of health and etc
solid waste management
reduction of s waste before it enters the solid waste stream
source reduction
methods such as product design, materials substi, re use and packaging restrictions
sourxe reduction
sorting of slid waste at the point of origin
source separation
household hazardous wastes(paint, batteries,spray canisters)
special waste
bulky wastes, consumer electronics, white goods, oils and tires
special wastes
interim containment of solid wastes after generation and prior to collection
facilities utilized to receive solid waste, temporarily store or to transfer wastes from smaller to latger vehicles for transport
transfer stations
activites which reduce or eliminate the amount of sloid waste from waste disposal faci
waste diversion
large worn out broken households. idustrial appliances like stoves, red
white goods