MIDTERM Part 1 Flashcards
The United States has what kind of Government?
Federal Gov.
Sets out basic principles upon which the government in USA operates
Free Enterprise System:
characterized by ownership of capital goods NOT government
Law of Supply and Demand:
when supplying goods/services become plentiful, prices tend to drop
Free market economy:
controlled by supply/demand.. ex: antitrust laws, pure food, drug laws
Mixed Economy:
private enterprise system & combination with government regulation
Baker VS. Carr
claim that the Tennessee legislature had failed to reapportion the state’s legislative districts
Executive Power:
(Presidents Power) to enforce, execute, and administer laws
Qualifications For President
- 35 years old
- US citizen
- 14 years residence
Legislative Power:
(Congress) power the makes laws/frame public policies
Judicial Power
(Supreme Court) interprets laws, settles disputes in society
Confederation (1st definition)
joined groups united in an alliance or league
Federal Government:
power of government divided central & local government
Public Policies:
what government does, taxes, defense, education, works, endless issues
a body of people who occupy a territory
Division of Power:
separation of powers; principle sovereignty should be divided between federal government
Unitary Government:
- powers belong to a single central agency
- central government
introductory purpose outlining the constitution
6 Purposes of the Constitution:
- Form a more perfect Union
- Establish Justice
- Insure Domestic Tranquility
- Provide for the common defense
- Promote the general welfare
- Secure the Blessings of Liberty
Social Contract Theory:
- humans lved in unrbidled freedom
- no government exists
- Thomas Hobbes
- most significant theory
Force Theory:
(Thrasymachus & Karl Marx) believed states born out of force
those who rule cannot be help responsible to power of people
government in which a single person has unlimited power
a small self appointed elite… control of a country, organization, or institution