Midterm - New Testament Flashcards
party of the high priest, aristocratic families and merchants (wealthier people of the population)
a member of the jews. believed in resurrection and follow legal traditions
scholars believed that Jesus was influenced by them. Essenes were apart of the jewish sect or school of philosophy. their name means “the healers”.
political movement in 1st century which was supposed to influence those of Judea Providence to rebel against the roman empire and expel it from the holy land. (66-70). more of a militant messiah.
Alexander the Great
mentioned in the first book of Maccabee however the name never appears in the bible. mentioned in Acts. conquered Persian Empire. spread greek culture across middle east
Antiochus IV
king who hates judaism, caused Maccabean revolt
Rudolph Bultmann
believed little of the gospel material went back to jesus, popular for coining the word demthologize/demyth the scriptures
message concerning christ, the kingdom of god, and salvation
judas maccabees
jewish general who led the revolt against Antiochus IV
Herod Antipas
second son of king Herod, order the death of John the Baptist
commentary of the Torah
the elderly jewish priest whose action launched a revolt against Antiochus IV or Epiphanes
first five books of the Hebrew bible/law
Septuagint (LXX)
greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament
refers to translation or explanation
a material prepared in ancient Egypt from the pithy stem of a water plant, used in sheets throughout the ancient Mediterranean world for writing or painting on and also for making rope, sandals, and boats
a diagrammatic representation of an area of land or sea showing physical features, cities, roads, etc.
(judaism) an eight day Jewish holiday commemorating the rededication if the temple of Jerusalem in 165 BC
term that means preaching but focuses on the content of the preaching/preaching in acts, Jesus’ teaching - kingdom of God.
section of the writings of the Old Testament, means “writings” in Hebrew
Hebrew, “prophets”
Kingdom of God
goal of god’s plan of salvation
two document hypothesis
the theory that the Gospel of Mark and the “Q” source served as two sources for the Gospels of Mathew and Luke
Albert Schweitzer
was a german and later french theologian, musician, philosopher, physician and medical missionary in Africa best known for his interpretive life of Jesus, got noble peace prize in 1952. Reimagined what a first century jewish Galilean would be like.
Pax Romana
200 year period of peace in Rome
secretary; one who copies something
source criticism
the analysis and study of the sources used by biblical authors
form criticism
analysis of the bible by tracing the history of its content of parables, psalms and other literary forms
50 days after Easter when the Holy Spirit came to the Apostles
the night the lord passed over the house of israelites marked by the blood of the lamb and spared the firstborn ons from death. it also is the feast that celebrates the deliverance of the chosen people from bondage in Egypt and he Exodus from Egypt to the promised land
notable woman in the church. she was trusted by paul to deliver his letter to the romans.
study of the end of times
the day of the lord
Jerusalem Council
Acts chapter 15, discusses how jewish you have to be christian
the name given to the audience of the gospel of luke and the acts of the apostles; it means “lover of God” or “god fearer”
where peter raised tabitha from the dead
the city where according to the acts of the apostles saul of Tarsus was born but he was brought up in Jerusalem
greatest of the jewish scholars in the first century; taught st. paul the old testament
acted as an amanuensis for paul the apostle writing down his epistle to the romans
greek teachers of philosophy, reasoning and public speaking
prison epistles
he letters of ephesians, phillippians, colossians and phileman were written from prison and yet deal with some of the most liberating concepts imaginable
pastoral epistles
new testament letters that Paul allegedly wrote to two pastors, Timothy (1 and 2 Timothy) and Titus, concerning their pastoral duties
the first community that included both jewish and gentile followers of Jesus was established in this city
greek word for “speaking in tongues”
a greek word that means “teaching”
a gifted jew initially acquaintd only with the baptisim of John; taught the way of god more accurately by Priscilla and Aquila in Ephesus; later a co-worker of Paul
the wife of Aquila, was converted by paul and became a missionary
a prophet who foretells paul’s arrest in Jerusalem
Roman Emperer
emperor of rome and founder of the flavian dynasty who consolidated roman rule in germany and britian and reformed the army and brought prosperity to the empire
first roman emperor to persecute christians
a place of refuge
the man chosen by god to baptize saul and bring him to church
a devout woman from phillipi who offered hospitality to paul and his companions