Midterm Material Flashcards
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
adopted December 1948 by UN General Assembly, not legally binding
- economic, social, and cultural rights
- civil and political rights
United Nations Charter
sets rights and obligations of member states (organs and procedures of UN)
- goals: maintain international peace and security, protect HR, deliver humanitarian aid, support sustainable development and climate action
- developed commission of human rights leading to Universal Declaration of HR
United Nations
founded October 1945
- first instance of widely recognized HR after the Holocaust
- lead to cooperation of HR
International Court of Justice (ICJ)
settle international disputes and prosecute countries violating HR
- no explicit enforcement power
International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights (ICESCR)
added in 1966 to revise the Universal Declaration of HR (UDoHR)
- adding right to self determination
International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR)
- implemented in 1966 to revise UDoHR
- added in complement to ICESCR
- both expanded rights in UDoHR
International Bill of Human Rights
includes Universal Declaration of HR, ICESCR, & ICCPR
- state minimal social and political guarantees by international community
Human Rights Committee
charged with monitoring implememntation of International Covenant of Civil and Political Rights
- established in 1976 with introduction of Covenants
- part of larger movement to increase monitoring
Rome Statute
adopted in 1998 leading to establishment of International Criminal Court
- galvinized after human rights failures in Yugoslavia
- revived Nuremberg precedent
International Criminal Court (ICC)
established in 2002 in response to genocide
- Nuremberg trials as precedent
- marks deeper, normative transformation
- genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, etc.
Nuremberg Trials
began in 1945 to prosecute Nazis
- first instance of crimes against humanity
- lead to eventual adoption of universal human rights doctrine
- opened world’s eyes to need for human rights
Donnelly & Whelan
no human rights before world wars
- post-WW1 global economy crashes and human rights abuses are revieled
- WW2 allows for international community to come together to establish human rights
- genocides lead to international enforcement
- expanding list of human rights too much?
Locke, “Two Treatise of Government”
human rights are derived from reason (life, liberty, property)
- in the state of nature all humans are equal (human natural rights by virtue of being human)
- rights cannot be alienated in state of nature
- citizens trasfer “executive power of the law of nature” to government when consenting (never transfer rights to government)
- if a government does not protect natural rights, it loses legitimacy and citizens can overthrow
implications=everyone has the same natural rights
issues=people are born into civil society and therefore do not/cannot consent
Beitz, “Naturalistic Theories”
takes practical approach to human rights
- discredits natural rights approach as incoherent
- 4 features of natural law
1. natural rights do not depend on positive laws of society
2. natural rights are pre-instutitional in a logical rather than historical sense (fundamentals do not change)
3. natural rights are possessed by persons in all times and all places [rights need to be added and changed due to civilization and advancements–>human rights reflect changes (basis oc political approach)]
4. human rights belong to persons simply by virtue of their humanity (HR protections of interesta nd goods regardless of culture)
Gerwirth, “Basis & Content of Human Rights”
argument is agency based
- human rights are moral rights but are not based on any one morality (people must be able to exercise their agency)
- starting idea: human beigns as agents and undertake deliberate action (requires well-being and freedom)
- prudential rights: out of own self-interest, rights as poosed to demands
1. human beings are agents; purposive actions
2. agents must demand freedom (f) and well-being (w) in order to act as purposive agents
3. therefore, F & W are prudential rights (requirements of agency)
Beitz: Critique of Natural Law
natural law argument
1. natural rights are independent of moral conventions and positive law (based on reason-Locke, humans are equal and by virtue of being human everyone has rights)
2. natural rights (logically) pre-institutional (only reason is needed)
3. natural rights apply to all persons
4. in by virtue of humanity
5. using reason to determine some general norms or principles (natural rights as product of reason)
1. moral conventions and positive law overlap
2. natural rights and human rights overlap (reject deriving human rights from basic or natural rights, no overlap)
3. current human rights require political context and society (ex: education, social security)
- advocates for political conception of human rights
- broad conception (gender discrimination in every culture therefore it is a mistake to put culture before protecting individuals)
- huamn rights are universal
- not consenting does not undermine or make human rights inapplicable