Midterm LOS .1 Flashcards
Natural vs Man-made ?
Sun vs lightbulb
Bioluminescent ?
Light from living organisms Bio means living Ex.Fireflies Firefly shrimp Glowing mushrooms Crystal jelly Glow worm Just as a joke thinkerbell
Light from chemical reaction produces energetic particles that give off visible light energy
Full of mercury vapor
Particles release light immediately
Gets heated to super high temperatures emits visible light
Filament comes hot that it glows white
Phosphorescent particle take longer to emit light continue to glow for a while after the energy has been removed
Ex.Inner surface of a television and computer,possible phones
Adv./disadvantage of incandescent/fluorescent
Incandescent cheap to buy but expensive to run,not toxic they can burn you not efficient 95% lost to heat have a mini heater in your room
Fluorescent there toxic hard to dispose of,cheap to run but expensive to buy very efficient
How does light travel?
Straight lines, in ray’s straight lines radiating from the source in all directions,when light rays hit the surface they can be absorbed,reflected or transmitted or some combo of these
Ray diagrams ?
Travels away from the light source
Fewer light rays reach your eyes the farther you are from a light source
Up close light is very bright
Far fewer light rays going into eyes
What is light?
The form of energy you can see
It has the ability to do work(cause change)
Light travels straight lines
Light doesn’t bend
Transparent/ translucent /opaque
Clear/frosty/can’t see through it
Allow light to pass through-some not all light to pass through is like it selectively permeable-prevent any light to pass through
Shadow formed an object far and close from the light source?
Far=the hand is bigger kind of fuzzy
Shadow is the lack of light
The process in which light strikes a surface and bounces back off that surface
Change in direction
Law=the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence
Out of the mirror
Cost of light?
W divide 1000=kW
kW times hours =kWh*$/kWh
Rough surfaces?
Was to be flat ,reflected in lots of direction no image
Distance of object&virtual image ?
Same always
Behind reflected extended
Think focal point
Close=need facile
Far=upside down
Bending of light as it changes media
Speed of light?
300,000 km/s
Change he medium?
Boundary between 2 substances
With different densities-think to particles
A T Bend toward normal-less dense-more dense.Bend away from normal -more to les
Concave & convex?
Concave -Virtual the image behind the mirror,caves in make real and virtual images
Convex-real light rays coverage at the image location and need to be continued produce a virtual image behind the mirror can collect light from a big place
Concave-close-need facile
Convex-far-upside down
Luminous & non luminous?
Radiating or reflecting light shinning bright emitting light
Non-not capable of producing light but can be capable of reflecting light from another source