the study of how land and climate affects peoples way of life
the study of how people earn a living and spend money
the spread of ideas, customs, and technologies from one person to another
cultural diffusion
belief in superiority of ones own ethnic group
small hunting & food gathering bands
domestic livestock
turning point in neolithic age
a system of managing governments through departments run my appointed officials
how did civilizations spread
CULTURAL DIFFUSION- conquering, war, trade
geography in grecce?
the polis (city-states) near the sea and mountains
government ran by a group
what type of government was Sparta
Totalitarian (oliarchy); seperate military state one person who has total control
sparta education
men/boys with harsh militaristic, oppressive, self denial, self discipline, dictatorship
women rights in sparta
manage estates while husbands were away, own property, had more rights than Athenian women
sparta’s values
powerful and superior army, no individual or art expression allowed
government of athens
direct democracy
direct democracy
citizens rule directly, not through representatives
womens rights in athens
could not own property, vote, or hold public office; women in athens had less rights than in sparta
how was athens a model for other city-states
they emphasized on pubic service and open discussion
social classes of athens
aristocrats and common people- were at odds
Draconian Law Codes
aim of reducing arbitrary decisions of punishment and blood feuds between classes
statesman who promtoes greater equality among the classes
encouraged greeks to question themselves and their moral character
Socrates student