Midterm II Flashcards
- classification of individual based on biological foundation
- Genetics
- determined by our sex chromosomes and genes in those chromosomes
- anatomy
- physical differences between males and males
Definition: social construct
-classification of individual based on behavioral, psychological, and cultural traits
-legal status
Gender role
Definition: cultural expectation of behavior for each gender
Penis and testes
Vagina and clitoris
A persons own sense of being male or female
No assurance that ones personal gender identity will be consistent with ones biological sex
Sex is determined by
Presence of Y chromosome
Sperm Cells have…..
Either Y or X chromosome
Egg cells have ……
One X chromosome
Reduces 46 chromosomes into 23 to make gametes or eggs or sperm
Male/Female chromosomes
Male XY
Female XX
Y Chromosome
The smallest
- 100 genes or less
- many genes of Y control sperm production and capability to grow testes
- yet most genes not essential for life
X Chromosome
Contains more than 1000 genes
- genes for color vision, blood clotting and more
- X in most cells of females are inactivated
- Barr body
6th Week of prenatal development
First six weeks the Gonads and genitalia are undifferentiated
Embryos have two ducts systems
One duct system in embryo
- becomes female reproductive anatomy
One duct system in embryo
-becomes male reproductive anatomy
8th-12th week of prenatal development
By 8th week Sex chromosome influences anatomical and hormonal development
By 12th week genitalia have been differentiated and usually identifiable as male or female
Male differentiation
Determining region of Y called SRY gene and Sox9 gene aid in development of testes
In testes leydig cells produce testosterone
Male differentiation Testosterone
Wolffian duct system will develop into epididymis, vas deferens and seminal vesicles
DHT leads to growth of penis and scrotal sac
Sertoli cells produce Anti-Müllerian hormone
- stops process of female duct system
Female differentiation
If no SRY gene undifferentiated gonad will develop into ovary
Müllerian duct system will develop into uterus, Fallopian tubes and upper portion of vagina
Sex differentiation in Brain
Sizes differ in men and women
- parts of frontal Cortex involved in reasoning and decision making are larger in woman
- males have larger amygdalae which is important in anger and sex drive
Physiological differences
Sex differences
- vary is almost every organ of body
- M greater lungs n fewer breaths
- F thin skin and less acne
- mortality rates
- M>F
- drug metabolism
- F have less enzyme that breaks down alch and become more intoxicated with same Alch
Behavioral differences
Gender differences
Gender roles=gender specific behaviors and personalities expected in our culture
- preconceived ideas about the way men and women act
Interaction between nature and nurture
- biological factors may influence behaviors
- social situation can affect physiology
Dr. Hyde Meta- Analysis
Both are more alike than different
Don’t know if differences are nature or nurture
Males more aggressive
- social aggression involves hurting others by damaging their relationships is exhibited by both genders
- women have potential to be as aggressive as me. But are under social restrictions
Communication styles
Men use report talk - transmit info Females use rapport talk - means if sharing and connecting Some lead to miscommunication
Behavioral differences in sexuality
Men more likely to initiate sex and prefer impersonal and casual sex
Women wants relationship sex
Gender schemas
A sense of what it means to be male or denial from interactions with others
- sex determines how child is treated
- Childers. Learn their role through culture defines and roles are learned and acted
Variety of conditions where individuals are born with reproductive or sexual anatomy is ambiguous
- female on outside but male on inside
- genitals seem in between male and female
Greek mythology on intersexuality
True hermaphrodites - both ovarian and testicular tissue Very rare Pseudohermaphrodite's - external genitals often mixture of female and male
Male and female it discreet or natural categories but socially constructed
- doesn’t always show at birth
- nature doesn’t decide where male and female categories stops, humans do
Congenital conditions
Present at birth
Sex chromosome disorders
- disorders affecting prenatal hormonal processes
Klinefelters syndrome
XXY 47 chromosomes Anatomically males Sterile with undersized penis and testes Little or no sexual activity Some look at gender confusion
Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
Rare genetic defect Typically XY Body cells completely or partially insensitive to androgens Two forms of condition -complete or partial AIS
Complete AIS
Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
-outward appearance of external genitals are completely female and reared as female
Partial AIS
Partial Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome
- outward appearance can be from completely female to mixture of male and female to completely male reared as female or male
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)
Rare atypical genetically induced malfunction if adrenal glands
- chromosomally normal female fetus XX
Malfunction I adrenal glands causes excess exposure to androgens
Enlarged clit and fused labia looks like scrotum
Usually treated with surgery or hormone therapy to eliminate ambiguity
Develop female gender identity some later assume male gender identity
Treatment of intersexuality
90% of cases, Intersex infants male and female undergo genital surgery to make them appear as anatomical females
- scarring, many surgeries and sexual difficulties
- May not lead to improvement in psychological or social health
John Money
Established protocols for treatment of intersexuality that became standards by early 1960’s
Gender identity
Subjective sense if being a man or woman
Whose appearance and/or behavior may not confirm to gender roles
- cross dress
- transcestite refers to people who cross dress to achieve sexual arousal
- sex orientation or identity and gender identity are different issues
- May be gay straight or bisexual
Transgender Community
A loose association if people who transgress gender norms in a wide variety of ways
- unconditional acceptance of freedoms
- includes l who feel that male categories are inadequate to describe their experience
Person who’s gender identity is opposite to his or her biological sex
- feel trapped in body of wrong sex
- gender dysphoria and unhappy about biological sex
- FTM or transman female to male
- MTF or trams woman malt to female
Origins of transsexuality
Before thought it was due to upbringing
Now affected identity before birth
- brain anatomy: bed nucleus of stria terminalis
- genetic variations
- prenatal hormone imbalance or prenatal exposure to drugs
-biologically typical, intact reproductive systems, proper complement of XX XY
Respectful Communication with transgender individual
Refer to person as thy would like to be
Never out someone
Never ask what their genitals look like
Make no assumption towards orientation
Humans motives for having sex
Procreation, pleasure, financial gain, power, stress relief, social and antisocial reasons
Meston and Buss’ research on why people have sex
Influences sexual expression
Bio, psych, religion, culture and social factors
Stimulation of ones own genitals which produces feelings of pleasure and often results in orgasm
Masturbation Views
Historically bad behavior because procreation is only for sex
1800s promotion of sexual abstinence simple food and fitness
-reverend Sylvester graham: abstinence to prevent loss of vital fluids
- doc John Kellogg bland foods dampens sexual desire
Maturation factors for frequency
-men more likely than women
-women less likely to admit to maturbating
-teens and college report highest frequency
- decreases with age
Masturbation Vibrators
Invented in 1880s by Kelsey Stinner
Used by physicians to treat women with hysteria to save time
Masturbation concerns
- No physical or mental problems associated
- if it interferes with daily functioning
Largest sex organ
- thoughts can either enhance or diminish sexual arousal and activity
- erotic dreams occur when sleeping
- sexual fantasies
Erotic dreams
Involuntary Different from fantasies Dreams within erotic content Some can result in orgasm - nocturnal emissions or wet dreams( males)
Sexual fantasies
Mental imagery that is sexually arousing
- most common and private form of sexual expression
- while awake
- daydreams, masturbation, intercourse
Women Fantasies
Fantasize about something done to them
- rape fantasies
Fantasies tend to be passive and romantic with focus on emotional aspects