Midterm IDs Flashcards
What tree is this?
Juglans nigra- black walnut
What tree is this?
Corylus cornuta- beaked hazel
the nut appears to have a beak
What tree is this?
Corylus americana- hazelnut
no beak on the nut
What is this tree?
Carya illinoensis- pecan
elongated nut
What tree is this?
Fagus grandifolia- beech
pom pom male flower
What tree is this?
Pterocarya/Platycarya- wingnut
compound leaves
What tree is this?
Carya cordiformis- yellow bud hickory
small nut
What tree is this?
Tilia americana- basswood
heart shaped leaves
What tree is this?
Betula nigra- river birch
diamond shaped leaves
What tree is this?
Liquidambar styraciflua- sweet gum
star shaped leaves
What is this tree?
Liriodendron tulipifera- tulip tree
What is this tree?
Morus alba- white mulberry
What is this tree?
Morus rubra- red mulberry
sand paper
What is this class?
Carya laciniosa- kingnut
big nut
What tree is this?
Ostrya virginica- hop hornbeam
puffy sacks