Midterm Glossary Flashcards
literally, beardless, a term used to disgnate an age category for competitors between the category for paides (children) and that for andres. The specific age limits for the ageneois category varied from place to place but were generally for the late teens. By the Hellenistic peiod, this category was in use for nearly all agmes including Pythian, Isthmian, and Nemean but it was never adopted at Olympia which retained two basic categories: boys and men.
Agora: the marketplace of every city; usually an open square surrounded by buldings
Akoniti: literally means, dustless, a term used to designate a victor who had won without a contest.
Andres: literally,men. Used as a technical term for the oldest age categories
Anephedros: literally without a seat; used to describe someone who had won without a bye
Apodyterion: an undressing room, usually in the palaistra or gymnasion; where athletes disrobed prior to practice
Arete: no English equivalent but includes the concepts of excellence, goodness, manliness, valor, nobility, and virtue. It existed in every ancient Greek and was at the time, a goal to be sought and reached for by every Greek.
Aryballos: a small vessel, used for the oil of an athlete
Boule: the council or state in a city-state, the Olympic boule consisted of 50 Eleans who hadgeneral control over the Olympic festival
Choregos: a private citizen who undertook economic sponsorship of a festival or a team
Diazome; loincloth , synonymous with the perizoma
Didaskelion: literally the place of the didaskalos; a classroom, the place of training the mind as compared to the palaistra
Ekecheiria: literally a hold of hands; usually referring to the cessation of hostilities, a truce, especially the sacred true of the games
Ephebos: a young man who had reached the age (18) of training for and ultimately entry to citizenship. His training was called ephebic and was crucial to the state’s continual revival in the creation of a citizen’s military reserve
Eros: is a god who helps with the safety of the city-state. He is united with Hermes (God of speech) and Heracles (God of strength) in the gymnasia and when this happenes, friendship and harmony are born and through them the most beautiful freedom grows for their partakers