Midterm Exam Review Flashcards
Define Resiliency
The ability to emerge and grow from negative life events. i.e. war, abuse
List 3 Mental Health Factors
- Cultural Factors: adequate resourses, intolerance of violence, support of diversity among people, sense od community.
- Interpersonal Factors: balance of seperation & connection, helping others, intimacy, effective communicaton
- Individual Factors: positive self-worth, vitality, meaningful life, sense of harmony, positive identity, biologic factors
List 3 Mental Illness Factors
- Cultural Factors: lack of resources, rasism, classism, homelessness, sexism, agism, poverty violence, substance abuse or dependance
- Interpesonal Factors: loss of emotional control, withdrawl form relationships, excessive dependancy, manipulation, ineffective communication
- Indiviual Factors: worries, loss of meaning in life, sense of disharmony, fears, anxiety, biologic factors.
According to Peplau, what is the role of the psychiatric nurse?
Socializing agent, teacher, model, advocate , councellor, role player and milieu mananger (manging mood/atmosphere of unit)
What is Peplau’s nursing theory?
Nursing is a thearapeutic interpersonal process; aims to promote forward movement of personality in the direction of creative, constructive, productive, personal and commmunity living.
Primary responsibility to nuture and aid patients in their personal development.
Helping guide patients in the direction & understanding and resolving their human dilemmas
What are the 2 types of hospital admission?
- Civil Committal
2. Criminal Committal
What initiates a civil commital?
VOLUNTARY-physician admits, through ER, general practitioner, psychiatrist
INVOLUNTARY-physical exam, JP order, police station, all by the MH act.
INFORMAL-substitute decision maker admits
What initiates a criminal committal
Court orders under the Criminal Code or MH act.
Who issues a Form 1 and how long is it valid?
Completed by physician who has assessed the client within last 7 days. It is valid for 72 hrs and used to assess client further under psychiatrists care.
- A Form 7 is only for psychiatric assessment, not for treatment, so you can force medication/treatment. After 72 hrs ANOTHER doctor has to assess the patient. If they still meet the criteria then a Form 3 will be issued.
Can a Form 1 be contested?
Who issues a Form 2? Under what grounds?
Justice of the Peace (JP) after a friend/family brings forth. It states the indiviual is displaying dangeruos activity to oneself or others and is deteriorating but will not come to the hospital. This is only for ER evaluation ONLY. Once the patient reaches the hospital, the form is over.
What 3 things does the doctor assess after a patient has been admitted into the hospital when the Form 3 in over?
1) Finds patient is normal and can go home
2) Finds patient id deteriorating, so a F1 issued
3) Finds something wrong, tries to talk to them to voluntary admit them
When is a Form 3 issued?
2 weeks duration from the date of issue by ANOTHER Doc.
When is a Form 4 issued?
If a patient still meets 1 of the criteria at the end of the F3, this form can be issued in 1 mth segments x3 by the SAME Doc. 1mth, then 2mth, then 3mth duration for a total of 6 mths.
* If they are still meeting the criteria after the end of the 3rd F4, they have a trail to give an opportunity to contest.
What is a Form 30 for?
Notice to the patient that accompanies both 3 & 4 that tels them abut their form.
* A patient can contest their form at anytime, resulting n trail that occurs on the unit. A form 1 cannot be contested
List the 4 criteria that warrent an inpatient admission for psychiatric.
- Danger to self or others
- Risk of serious physical impairment of a person
- Context of mental illness ( addication includ)
- Extra criteria for F1 & F2: previous treatment has been helpful, they will likely cause harm or physcial/mental deterioation possible if not treated, person is incapable so SDM consents.
What are the patients rights, while under hospital admission?
- Review of committal & incapacity decisions
- Rights Advice: Review board hearing to contest froms
3 & 4 Legal proceeding occurs in hospital. Results occur within 2 busniess days - Appoint a representative to make decisions if incapable
- Privacy & Confidentality
-Access to own health record ( req. correstions)
-Communication, with some limits
What are the patients rights for treatment?
- All treatment requires consent
- Consent rules are the same for community & hospital admin.
- If a person is not capable a SDM is appointed.
- POA or PG comes into play. If assigned no SDM req.
- If POA/ PG or SDM are not assigned. A public rep is assigned.
What is the criteria for patients capacity to manage financial affairs?
- All patients under the inpatient admission must be assessed for capacity to manage finances, unless they already have a PG or POA
- If incapable PG and trustee take over
- In community, finanical capacity assessed by assessor under SDA
What act proctects clients personal Health information??
PHIPA-Personal Health Information Protection Act
What is the difference between mood & effect?
Mood: is a subjective experience or emotional state. Persons internal feeling/perception or “climate”
Affect: Is objective, visible emtional state. It is visable, objective manifestations of a persons emotional state. It is the external state or “ weather”
What are 4 assessment methods used in MH?
- Interviewing
- Diaries, logs, personal records
- Questionaires/ rating scales
- Observation
What are the 4 assessment stages?
- The Simple Sketch- (unstructured intrview, then structured interview, defines person/situation)
- The Detailed Portrait-person summerizes life, behaviour, beliefs ( thoughts)-rating scale/questionaire.
- Putting the Picture in Context (assessing patterns in behaviour)
- Bringing the picture to life.- (person studys themselves closely and desribe what is going on with them)
List the risk factors associated with depression
- Previous history
- Family history
- Prior Suiside attempts
- Female
- Post Partum
What are some symtoms associated with depression?
- Medical Co-morbidity/Chronic medical conditions
- Lack of social support
- Low SES
- Workplace stress
- Stressful life events
- Personal history of sexual abuse
- Current substance abuse
- Feelings of sadness/loss/guilt & worthlessness
- Irritability
- Withdrawl friends/family
- Lose of interest in activities
- Change in weight/appetite
- Change in sleep patterns
- reduced ability to think clearly/make decisions
- diffulculty in concentrating with short term memory loss
- noticable lack of motivation
- Anxiety & restlessness
- GI issues
- No sexy time
- Reoccuring thought of sucicide