Midterm Exam Flashcards
Factor analytic (measurement) model
- Is a specified model relating constructs (i.e., factors or latent variables) to measures consistent with the observed data?
- Measurement model relating factors to measures; no directional effects between factors (ex: EFA, CFA, bi-factor models, multitrait, multimethod (MTMM) models)
Path analytic model
- Are the hypothesized directional relations between measured variables consistent with the observed data?
- Directional effects among measures; no latent variables are included
Full structural model
- Are the hypothesized directional relations between constructs consistent with the observed data?
- Includes measurement model and structural effects between factors
- This is a combination of characteristics of path analytic models (directional relations between constructs) and factor analytic/measurement models (relations of constructs to measures).
Model specification
Specification of models and hypotheses using words, model diagrams with appropriate symbols from the Bentler-Weeks notation system (e.g., F1, g1, V1, E1) and equations
Advantage of SEM over regression/ANOVA models
SEM includes measurement error of observed vars in the model, whereas regression/ANOVA assumes observed vars are measured without error (unrealistic)
Variance, covariance, correlation
Variance: statistical test of individual differences
Covariance: statistical test of how 2 vars covary
Correlation: standardized covariance between 2 vars (rXY= covXY/sXsY)
What is the null hypothesis in SEM?
Null hypothesis suggests perfect fit of specified model to data. Therefore, we DO NOT want to reject the null hypothesis.
Fit is tested through chi-square
- p-value < .05 = We reject our null hypothesis of perfect fit.
- p-value > .05 = fail to reject the null hypothesis
JKW/LISREL and Bentler-Weeks notation models
- characterized by 8 basic matrices containing model parameters symbolized using Greek letters
- comprises structural models and measurement models
- distinguishes between exogenous and endogenous latent vars
- parameters found in only 3 matrices
- uses VFED system (Variable, Factor, Error, Disturbance) to name vars and residuals; expressed by equation for each DV and covariance matrix among IVs
- measure vars (Vs) and latent vars (Fs) are handled similarly
Mathematical equations for DVs in a CFA model (containing 2 uncorrelated factors, 6 vars)
n = Y E (Greek symbols)
V1 = g1F1 + E1 V2 = g2F1 + E2 V3 = g3F1 + E3 V4 = g4F2 + E4 V5 = g5F2 + E5 V6 = g6F2 + E6 + 0F1 + 0E1 +0E2 + 0E3 + 0E4 + 0E5 (this last one is expanded form)
n = Y E (Greek symbols)
n (eta) = matrix containing DVs (V’s)
Y (gamma) = matrix containing weight parameters (g’s, 1’s, and 0’s)
E (epsilon) = matrix containing IVs (F’s and E’s)
What are the g’s in the Y(gamma) matrix?
g’s are the weights applied to the factors to produce measured vars
What should be noted about the last columns of a weight matrix?
They are generally the weights applied to the errors to produce measured vars and produce an identity matrix (i.e., will have 1’s down the diagonal of the matrix with 0’s in the off-diagonal space)
What Greek symbol represent the covariance matrix for IVs?
Phi (circle with line vertically in middle)
What are parameters of a SEM?
- Variances of exogenous vars (i.e., F’s and E’s)
- Covariances of exogenous vars (i.e., F’s and E’s)
- Weights representing directional effects specified in the model (i.e., g’s, 1’s, 0’s)
What is NOT considered a model parameter?
Variances and covariance of measured vars
Define ULI and UVI and what they do
ULI and UVI are constraints that scale the factors (i.e., methods of setting metric of latent vars)
ULI constraint: metric of factor is set by fixing the first loading to 1
UVI constraint: metric of factor is set by fixing the variance of the factor to 1 (thus standardizing factor)
Equation for model df
What does it consist of?
df = v(v + 1) / 2 - (# of free parameters)
v(v + 1) / 2 = variances and covariances
What are estimated (free) parameters?
- factor variances
- factor covariances
- factor loadings
- error variances
What are free parameters?
Parameters we wish to estimate and are NOT constrained
Fixed parameters/constraints
What is the issue with too many constraints?
Parameters constrained to equal
- 0 (as in a path excluded from the model)
- 1 (as in a factor variance or factor loading used to set the metric)
- X value (do this comparing a model across groups)
Constraints produce some lack of fit
Independent (exogenous) vars
Dependent (endogenous) vars
- Exogenous latent variables are independent variables
- Endogenous latent variables are dependent variables in that they are predicted by exogenous latent variables and/or other endogenous latent variables