Midterm exam Flashcards
Critical Thinking
• Critical thinking – intellectual skill of analysis; think with complexity
o Acquisition of new information
o Understand meaning given to information (socially constructed, progress, positivism)
o Sometimes counters common sense
• Types of Knowledge
1) Personal and cultural: personal experiences with family and community
2) Popular: facts and beliefs perpetuated by media
3) Mainstream academic: concepts, paradigms, theories established in higher ed; “objective truth”
4) School knowledge: facts and concepts in textbooks, curriculum, pedagogy
5) Transformative academic knowledge: challenge mainstream academic knowledge and expand cannon
• As a process
o Systematic training into norms of society through social messages produce ideas, views, opinions, and values
Make sense of the world
Act appropriately
o Interplay between individuality and group membership;
o unique cocktail based on group memberships
Socialization beliefs
• Believe we are impervious to socialization, objective, free
o Penalties for not conforming
• Socialization trains us into norms—don’t have to be inherently true to have real consequences
• Dominant groups:
o group at top of social hierarchy;
o valued more highly;
o set norms by which minoritized groups are judged;
o greater access to resources of society and benefit from inequality
• Prejudice
• Prejudice is learned prejudgment toward social others
o Product of socialization; everyone has it; unavoidable
o Refers to internal feelings, attitudes, and assumptions (positive and negative)
o Based on limited knowledge, simplistic judgements applied to entire group
product of segregation
o How prejudice begins as simplified characteristics attributed to entire group
o Our selective interpretation as “true” examples vs “exceptions” to the rule
• Discrimination
o Prejudice + Action = Discrimination
o Action = ignoring, avoiding, excluding, ridicule, jokes, slander, threats, and violence
o Occurs at individual level
Oppression and Power
• Prejudice and Discrimination + Power = Oppression (isms)
o Power – how those in power impose ideas and interests
• Oppression:
set of policies, practices, traditions, norms, definitions, explanations which systematically exploit one social group to benefit another; unequal access to power
• A social group’s prejudice backed by historical, social and institutional power
• Automatic, built into society because dominant groups control institutions, prejudice magnified
• Consequence is social stratification
• Oppression in four catergories
o Historical
o Ideological
o Institutional
o Cultural
Internalized Oppression
• Internalized . . .
o Dominance: acting out (unintentionally) superiority
Rationalizing it as natural or earned
Segregating self
Lack of interest in minoritized groups experiences
o Oppression: acting out (unintentionally) inferiority
Believing others are more qualified
Seeking approval/pleasing behaviors
Enduring macroaggressions
Low expectations
Believing struggles are your fault
• Systematically conferred dominance and the institutional processes by which the beliefs and values of the dominant group are “made normal”
o Privilege key aspect of the dominant vs. minoritized groups relationship
o Rights, advantages, and protections enjoyed by some at expense of others
Cultural Deficit Theory:
• explanation that minoritized groups do not achieve because they lack the appropriate cultural values
Aspects of privilege
o External/structural dimensions: integration of dominant group norms into structures of society; definition of normal; invisibility of privilege
o Internal/attitudinal dimensions: belief that your group has the right to its position; internalization of messages of superiority; lack of humility about minoritized groups’ knowledge
• Why is oppression it invisible?
o Focus on individual obscures group-level patterns
o Corporate-produced pop culture
Simultaneously reinforces and denies the oppressive structures
Trying to portray consumer choices as a source of uniqueness and freedom of choice, while actually reinforcing narrow choices
o Ideology of West as liberated
Based in notion of progress