Midterm Exam 3 Flashcards
WAR LIST: What are 2 AppStudio Licenses?
AppStudio for ArcGIS
Create and upload apps using ArcGIS AppStudio,to be used with AppStudio Player. -
AppStudio for ArcGIS developer edition
“Create an app as a stand-alone executable, ready for app stores or mobile device management”
WAR LIST: Name 4 ESRI Runtime Licences.
1. Lite
“View capabilities
Edit features in public feature services. “
2. Basic
“user types with view and edit capabilities
Edit mobile geodatabases
Sync edits from mobile to feature service”
3. Standard
“View, edit, create, and manage capabilities
View, create, edit, and save KML data stored as a local file
Access to additional data, including shapefiles, GeoPackages, local rasters”
4. Advanced
Edit enterprise geodatabases and edit enterprise and file geodatabases with attachments.
WAR LIST: Name 6 AppStudio layouts.
- Multipage → MD
- Onboarding → MD
- Side Menu → MD
- Simple → MB
- Tab → MD
- Two content areas
WAR LIST: What are 5 AppStudio app catagories?
- Starter
- Templates
- Layouts
- Samples
- Enterprise
WAR LIST: What are 4 User Interface (UI) languages?
- Java
WAR LIST: What are 5 Framework patterns?
- MV
WAR LIST: What are the 2 ESRI core libraries?
- ArcObjects
- ArcPro SDK
WAR LIST: What are 8 external formats?
- Vector tiles
- Geopackages
- Geoparquet
WAR LIST: What are 7 ESRI GUI’s?
- ArcEdit
- ArcPlot
- ArcView
- ArcMap ,Arc Catalog, ArcScene, ArcGlobe
- ArcPro
- WebADF
WAR LIST: What are 9 ESRI runtimes?
- Andriod
- Flex/Flash
- iOS
- Java
- macOS
- Map Objects
- QT
- SilverLight
- Windows
WAR LIST: What are 7 ESRI servers?
- ArcGIS server REST/JSON
- ArcGIS server SOAP/XML
- ArcIMS
- ArcView IMS
- MapObject IMS
- Portal
WAR LIST: What are the common ESRI programming languages used for various products?
Android runtime ->Java
AppStudio ->QML
Arc/Info -> AML
ArcMap -> Python
ArcPro SDK -> C#
ArcView -> Avenue
Expression and attribute rules -> Arcade
Flexbuilder -> Actionsript
iOS - early -> Objective-C
iOS - present -> Swift
MapObjects -> VB
QT -> C/C++
WebAppbuilder -> Javascript
WAR LIST: What are some common ESRI formats?
Feature service
Feature Set
Image Service
Mobile map package (mmpk)
RT-geodatabase (.geodatabase)
WAR LIST: Runtime versions for AppStudio?
Appstudio ver | RT ver
1.0 ———————10.?
1.1 ———————10.?
1.2——————— 10.?
1.3 ———————10.?
1.4 ———————10.2.6
2.0 ———————100.1
2.1 ———————100.1
3.0 ———————100.2.1
3.1 ———————100.3
3.2 ———————100.4
4.0 ———————100.5
4.1 ———————100.6
4.2 ———————100.7
4.3 ———————100.8
4.4 ———————100.8
5.0 ———————100.1
5.1 ———————100.11
5.2——————— 100.12
WAR LIST What are some of the Appstudio samples and what do they do?
sample| Hints
Add & delete features Creates and removes features from a feature service
Analyze viewshed See all areas that are visible within a 1 kilometer radius
ArcGIS map image layer Constructs an ArcGISMapImageLayer by passing in a URL to the REST endpoint of the map service.
ArcGIS server query——- Query an ArcGIS Feature Service … get JSON back
Barcode reader Scan a QR code
Basic Map Settings Show map loaded status, switch base maps, set the map’s SRID
Biometric Authentication Scan your fingerprint
Browser View (new → ultimate cheater –> browse html pages under the hood
Camera capture—— Save new images to disc
Camera dialog Capture images or record video
Change sublayer visibility Turn on and off map layers
Closest facility Find the closest route between a facility and an Incident
Coordinate converter (2020) Determine x, y and z values from one SRID in another
Create, Edit and Save KML file (2021) Create, Edit and Save KML file
Cryptographic hash (2019) Encrypt binary or text data
Display a scene—- Create a view with a 3D surface
Display device location—- Display your current position on the map
Display drawing status Notify the user that the MapView is drawing
Display grid Add a graticule to a map
Distance composite symbol Renders A different symbol depending on the distance between the camera and the graphic
Edit feature attachment—- Add or delete feature attachments
Email composer → (2019) Launch a system email client
Extrude graphics Render graphics in the Z direction
Feature collection layer—- Allows you to add CSV files, shapefiles, and map notes to a map
Feature layer (2021) Combo of samples that demo working with feature layers
Feature layer (Shapefile) 2019 Add ESRI shapefiles to a map
Feature layer change renderer Change the symbology on alyer
Feature table—- Work with a table in a feature service
Find a route Navigate between 2 stops
Find an address Change text into a coordinate
Font Awesome Icons → New Use cools icons in your app
Generate geodatabase Take a feature surface offline
Geocoding Change text (with suggestions) into a coordinate
GNSS discover (2020) List external GPS receiver
Graphics Demonstrates how to identify graphics in a graphics overlay
Hillshade renderer Applies a HillshadeRenderer to a RasterLayer.
Internationalization Demonstrates support for different languages
Listed related features Demonstrates querying tables that are joined to features
Local Notification (2019) Demonstrates sending a notification
Managed app config Demonstrates setting app defaults across an enterprise
Map viewpoint Demonstrates panning, zooming and initial map area
Marker symbol Demonstrate point symbology
Nearby (2020) Demonstrates features within a radius of the current location with routing instructions
Network check (2020) Demonstrates the WIFI/cellular connectivity of the device
OAuth + Biometric Authentication Scan your fingerprint to log into AGO
Offline geocoding and routing (2020) Change text into a coordinate using a mobile map package
Open mobile map Shows an offline map created in ArcPro
Permission request Demonstrates asking access to the camera, microphone, gps, etc
Portal user info Demonstrates how to retrieve a user’s details from a a Portal
Print Location (2021) Configure a bluetooth printer
Raster layer Demonstrates how to add a raster layer from service and a local file
Replicator Copy your AppStudio apps and paste them to other orgs
Scene symbol Demonstrates how to create symbols with different 3D shapes
Screen and system info Displays information about your device such as screen and system info
SD card Demonstrates how to read, write, copy, move, download, data from an SD card
Search for web map by keyword Find portal items by using text searches
Secure storage Demonstrates how to insert, retrieve, and remove data from the encrypted system keychain
Service area Demonstrates how to find service areas around a point using the ServiceTask
Share text, URL, or file Demonstrate the clipboard using: URLs, text and even files
Show callout Displays an info window linked to map data
**Show legend ** Show the symbology for all the operational layers in the map
Show organization basemaps Demonstrates how to load a Portal
SQL - select city from CSV Using a text files to populate UI controls
SQL viewer Demonstrate executing SQL queries on a local database
Statusbar (2020) Demonstrates integration with the OS’s status bar
Surface Placement Demonstrates the controlled placement of a 3D graphic
Text to Speech → New → Huge Allows dictation
**Tiled Layer ** Display a mapbox vector tiled layer
Token Authentication Demonstrates how to access a map service that is secured with ArcGIS token-based authentication
Trace Utility Network (2021) Visualize and validate network topology
Unique Value Renderer → Why? Categorize features with different symbols
Update Attributes Change the column values of a feature in a service
Update Geometry Change the coordinates of a feature in a service
URL info component Construct universal resource locators
Vibration (2020) Haptic feedback
Web map Display and AGO map
Web tiled layer OGC tiled map service
WMS layer (URL) OGC dynamic map service
WMTS layer OGC non dynamic map service
Working with Files (2021) R/W files to a blob in SQLite