Midterm Exam Flashcards
Breaking people into subgroups of a whole, gave organizations in Iberian society statuses and a hierarchy
The principle that any group will form a hierarchy
Limpieza de sangre
Purity of blood. New Christians had been forced into a religion - leaving the old Christians in doubt of them
How did Iberians’ experience with diversity in their homelands impact their experience in the new world?
Try already knew how to deal with it (does not mean they didn’t discriminate) - they were aware of the results
What was “the basic unit of the mercantile world” of the Mediterranean of this time period?
Companies - partnerships where one partner would manage at home and the other would travel for trade
Where did the merchant fall on the social scale?
Not nobility- had the money to buy marriage into nobility, also far from peasants
Who were the rulers of Castile at the time of Colombus’ voyage to the Americas
Ferdinand and Isabella
What goals motivated Portuguese overseas expansion according to the authors
Trading spices, goals, golden Christianity
The Portuguese factory and Donatary captaincy
An outpost in a conquered area
The thing where they set aside space for private use and encourage people to set up shop
What are the three central components of the sugar complex
Specialized technology such as milling, capital investors And commercial investment, slave labor
After first developing in the eastern Mediterranean where did the sugar complex reach maturity before being transferred to the new world
The Atlantic islands such as Cape Verde and the Canary Islands
What was Portugal’s least important overseas colonies during the 16th century
How do the authors characterize the tension between Columbus and the Genovese Portuguese notions of colonization and the Spaniards notion of colonization
I maritime tradition of trade and exploration competed with the old Iberian tradition of full conquest substantial immigration and permanent rule
What role did Columbus’s identity play in his governance of Hispaniola during the early years of the conquest
Columbus in line with his Genovese and Portuguese background was to establish forts and factories manned by salaried employees to trade with local population for any products of value in Europe and to continue exploration in search of stronger and richer trading partners
What was the intent of the Treaty of tordesillas
To divide the world into Spanish and Portuguese territories
How does the modern-day name of the Dominican republic reflect the importance of the city in early Spanish Caribbean society
The country is named after Santo Domingo the capital city
The municipal council in a Spanish city
What stark contrast between city and countryside existed during the early Spanish conquest of the Indies
The city was Spanish the countryside was indigenous
Briefly describe the central characteristics of the Spanish Indies city traza
Central Square surrounded by a governor’s house a town council building a church and shops. The further away from the center the more humble the residents of the city
What did most forms of the encomienda represent
A Spanish attempt to acquire indigenous services or goods through the use of traditional local indigenous authority and on the basis of already existing social political units
Private land holdings of Spaniards - word also used for any agricultural enterprise undertaken there
How are the encomienda and Estancia informally conjoined?
An encomendero would often have an Estancia granted to him in the immediate vicinity of his indigenous laborers so as to have the labor supply close at hand. Estancieros where the supervisors of the estancias - also served the encomendero as a labor boss or even miner
Name for a permanent dependent of a noble or chieftain, not subject to general community duties or privileges
How are indigenous people in an encomienda different from slaves
A slave was bought and sold for a price taken from their native land and lived in close quarters with Europeans. An encomienda Indian stayed on the same lands as always and retained their own group organization
What are the reasons that indigenous slavery did not become prominent in Spanish America
It is neither advantageous or feasible to enslave people on their home ground. The indigenous were also more susceptible to European diseases
What factors led to Spanish gold-mining in the Caribbean?
The gold of West Africa led the Iberians to expect more of the same in the Western Hemisphere. Iberian conquest was associated with the idea of spoils precious metals and jewels. To still live in a European fashion the Spaniards would have to find an export with high specific value and strong steady demand in Europe of these of the Caribbean offered only gold. To continue expiration the Spaniards at this point needed not only something non-technical but something which would provide capital rather than require it
In Spanish law underground wealth was in the public domain what were the two consequences of this?
One was that mines did not go merely to their discoverers or to any class of miners proper but were distributed by local political authorities to those who were already powers in the community. Another was that the Mines and the gold and some sense could be sent to belong to the crown which through its officials at first tried to take half the products are more than settled on a fifth
The fifth of the silver extracted from mines long to be the most important source of Royal revenue
What role did the Genoese
play in early Iberian Caribbean commerce?
They dominated the first phase of commerce between Spain and the Indies through loans they supplied the capital for expeditions individual immigrants and shipmasters and Mercantile ventures and they themselves were very much involved in the trade to the Caribbean