Midterm Exam Flashcards
The brain triad structure contains what sections and what are their functions
a. Lower (reptilian) brain - basic sensory-motor functions, vital body functions
b. Middle (mammalian) brain - emotions/memory
c. Neocortex (thinking) brain - higher functions
In Lee Shulman’s PCK, the intersection of PK and CK refers to:
A teacher’s knowledge of how to effectively engage students in learning specific concepts (e.g., the ability to scaffold content for students and anticipating misconceptions)
TCK refers to how technology is used in a subject area for deep and lasting learning. An example of TCK is knowing how to use discipline-specific tools, such as probes or microscopes in a science classroom, to deepen student inquiry. (T/F)
What three specific kinds of teacher knowledges does Mishra and Koehler’s TPACK Framework (2006) include?
Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, Technological Knowledge
During his lecture, Dr. Carbonaro displayed a diagram depicting three overlapping circles representing focus areas for integrating technology into the education environment. Which three areas were identified in that chart?
Learning [about, from, with] technology
Pressey’s Teaching Machine, M.E. Lazerte’s Problem Cylinder, B. F. Skinner’s Teaching Machine are all examples of these pre-computer machines that focused primarily on which aspect of teaching?
In one of the blended videos for this week, Alan Kay describes the idea of progression in students as they mature from the “Doing” stage to the “Image” stage to the “Symbolic” stage. This theory is commonly associated with which educational psychologists?
Piaget and Bruner
Which is main difference between constructivism and constructionism?
Constructionist theory extends upon the constructivist theory by having the students engage in building something that is external or sharable
According to Seymour Papert (1986), children in the schools of “the future” will certainly not be…
sitting at desks and writing on paper
What kind of Human-Technology-World relation would a learner develop with word-processing software like Google docs?
What kind of Human-Technology-World relation does a learner normally have with Wi-Fi?
What kind of Human-Technology-World relation does a learner have with a Chromebook if it suddenly crashes?
What does Ruben Puentedura’s SAMR Model stand for?
Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition Model
Which of the following ideas and phrases is NOT attributed to media ecologist, Marshall McLuhan:
Technological progress has made our lives better.
Martin Heidegger (1962) said that “the less we just stare at the [handy]-Thing, and the more we seize hold of it and use it, the more primordial does our relationship to it become.” This statement refers to:
How we develop transparent, ready-to-hand relationships with our technologies.
A junior high school mathematics teacher encourages her students to use Google Calculator to do their math problems. She also schedules short mental math games three times a week at the beginning of class to help her students maintain their numeracy skills. Which theory of technology integration would best explain her approach?
Media Ecology
Don Ihde describes several kinds of human-technology-world (HTW) relations. Which of these types of HTW relations do teachers most usually facilitate for learners?
A teacher is considering using a new app in their classroom. Which of the following activities best represents a sociomaterial approach to technoethics?
The teacher seeks to reveal the biases and scripts embedded in the app, then chooses to use it based on whether the biases and scripts align with their own pedagogical values.
In their TPACK model, Mishra and Koehler situate a teacher’s knowledge of educational technology under technological knowledge or TK, and describe intersections of TK with content knowledge (TCK), pedagogical knowledge (TPK) and pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK). Twenty years earlier, Lee Shulman (1986), situated a teacher’s knowledge of technology under what form of knowledge?
Curricular knowledge
In their TPACK model, Mishra and Koehler situate a teacher’s knowledge of educational technology under technological knowledge or TK, and describe intersections of TK with content knowledge (TCK), pedagogical knowledge (TPK) and pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK). Twenty years earlier, Lee Shulman (1986), situated a teacher’s knowledge of technology under what form of knowledge?
Curricular knowledge
The Alberta ICT program of studies emphasizes technology as ______________________________________.
a ‘way of doing things’ – the processes, tools and techniques that alter human activity.
What is behaviourism
The study of overt behaviours that can be measured or observed
Jean Piaget was associated with what theory
the theory of constructivism (personal constructivism)
Jean Piaget (constructivism) 4 stages of development
- sensorimotor (exploration through direct sensory/motor contrasts) 2. Preoperational (intuitive thinking, illogical, lack of complexity) 3. Concrete Operational (logical, concrete reasoning) 4. Formal operational (logical, abstract thinking)
Bruner - Theory of Constructivism- Three stages
Builds on Piaget, children develop in three stages 1. inactive (action-based), 2. iconic (image-based), 3. Symbolic (language-based) “loosely sequential”
PLATO 1960’S
Programmed Logic Automated Teaching Operation, developed by Don Blitzer
the names of three men who made education assessment machines
Sidney Presey (1920), Emmy LaZerte (problem cylinder, 1930), BF Skinner (1950)
what does it mean “learning from tech.”
assessment machines created and influences y the theory of behaviourism
‘Learning ABOUT tech’
advent of microcomputers, education focusing on the nuts and bolts of tech, lego robotics
‘Learning WITH tech’ (mindtools)
tech tools can support and enhance problem solving and critical thinking
Difference between Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s constructivist theories
Piaget - individual, Vygotsky - community
Vygotsky - Social Constructivism
Development cant be separated from social contexts; language plays a role in development, developed one of proximal development
What are the E4 Theories of Cognition
- Embodied - can’t be fully described in terms of abstract mental process, 2. Embedded - not an isolated event separate from the agent’s ecological niche 3. Extended - offloaded into other biological beings or non- biological constructive 4. Enactive - convives as the set of meaningful relationship determined by an adaptive two way exchange
What is the hidden curriculum
The unintended side effects of school learning
What is media ecology (neil postman)
an interdisciplinary field of study defined as the study of media environments
Media Ecology
an interdisciplinary field of study defined as the study of media as environments
Niel Postman Principles of Tech
- all tech change is a Faustion Bargin (every advantage of tech creates a disadvantage) 2. The advantages and disadvantages of new tech are not evenly distributed in the population 3. Embedded in every tech is a powerful idea 4. Tech changes are not additive; they are ecological (change everything)
McLuhan Laws of Media (media ecologist)
“every tech extends a human function while amputating another.”
1. Enhancement - what does it extend 2. Obolence - what does it replace 3. Retrival - what does it refresh 4. reversal - what happens if it it overused
Martin Heidegger’s Philosophy of Tech
(father of tech philosophy), a human being is a being in the world,
Arc of Tech Transparency
Seamless w/ technology, absorbed everyday
Don Ihde’s Tech Integration Theory
(post-phenomenologist), technology mediates our relationship to our world by occupying this middle in-between
Ihde’s (4) Human Technology World Relations (HTW)
- Embodiment - extends human capacities 2. Hermeneutic Relations - Using a thermometer to understand hot/cold 3. Alterity Relations -concerned with when you don’t know how to use and/or interpret the world through technology 4. Background Relations - air conditioning, chairs
What is the SAMR Model for the theory of technology integration
Substitute & Augmentation (enhancement), Modification & Redefinition (transformation), guides teacher selection and evaluation of tech integration in their teaching/learning
What is TEFT?
TechnoEthical Framework for Teachers provides 3-fold approach to ethical inquiry and decision-making regarding the integration of digital tech into education contexts
(TEFT) What is Instrumental TechnoEthics?
technology = neutral, “just a tool.” guns don’t kill people
What is the Cartesian dualism theory?
The French philosopher René Descartes (1596-1650) argued that the natures of mind and body are completely different from one another and that each could exist by itself.
(TEFT) What is Sociomaterial TechnoEthics
tech as a socially-constructed, political co-actor, “guns don’t kill people cyborgs do” Speed bump-sleeping policeman (script)
What are scripts (TEFT Sociomaterial Technoethics)
technology mediates our actions by means of scripts which prescribe the user’s actions ex. speedbump “slow down when approaching me”
(TEFT) What are Existential Ethics?
Tech as world-producing & revealing, tech mediates our experiences of relations with the world around us, includes Ihdes HTW Relations of Beings-in -the -world
What is Epistemology?
The study of knowledge
What is Ontology?
The study of being, the metaphysical science of who we are and how we fit into the world
What is Axiology?
The study of value, precedes ethics & aesthetics
Constructionism (Seymour Papert)
The word with the v expresses the theory that knowledge is built by the learner, not supplied by the teacher. The word with the n expresses the further idea that this happens most felicitously when the learner is engaged in the construction of something external or at least sharable… a sand castle, a machine, a computer program, a book, [a robot].”