Midterm Exam #1 Flashcards
What are phylogenetics?
The study of the evolutionary history and relationship of an organism or a group of organisms.
What is a branch point/node?
The point where a split occurs, which represents where a single lineage evolved into a distinct new one.
What are polyphyletic groups?
Groups that are created based on similarities that are not the result of common ancestors (ex. analogous traits).
What are paraphyletics groups?
Groups that exclude some of the descendants. This is due to errors in assignment or species to the correct common ancestors.
What are the characteristics of life?
Order, Sensitivity/Response to the Environment, Reproduction, Adaptation, Growth and Development, Regulation/Homeostasis, Energy Processing, Evolution, Classification
What is a taxonomy?
The science of classifying organisms to construct internationally shared classification systems with each organism placed into increasingly more inclusive groupings.
What are cladistics?
A system that sorts organisms into clades: groups of organisms that descended from a single ancestor based on shared traits.
What is maximum parsimony?
A principle that states that when considering multiple explanations for an observation, one should first investigate the simplest explanation that’s consistent with the facts.
What is catastrophism?
A geological doctrine that changes in the earth’s crust have in the past been brought about suddenly by physical forces operating in ways that cannot be observed today.
What is gradualism?
The theory that evolution occurs slowly but steadily.
What is uniformitarianism?
The principle that states that geologic processes that occur today are similar to those that have occurred in the past.
What is convergent evolution?
Similar traits evolving independently in species that don’t share a common ancestry.
What is genetic drift?
A change in allele frequencies caused by random events.
What is the founder effect?
The reduced genetic diversity that results when a population is descended from a small number of colonizing ancestors.
What is sexual selection?
Natural selection arising through preference by one sex for certain characteristics in individuals of the other sex.
What is a clade?
A group of species that includes an ancestral species and all its descendants.