Midterm- EW Flashcards
Swelling, burning, stinging, allergies, restlessness, jealousy. Inflammations. Affects mucus and serous membranes. Swelling to the point feels like it will burst. Very sensitive to touch.
Task oriented, busy. Irritability.
Hot, worse heat, and thirstless. Fainting or big aggravation from hot bath, sauna.
May be chilly, but still worse heat.
Better cool air, cold bath, uncovering.
Worse hot weather, warm drinks, heat of fire, touch, pressure, after sleep, 3 p.m. , suppressed eruptions.
Desires exercise which ameliorates.
Aggravation from loss of sexual partner (Conium).
3 p.m. aggravation
Swelling around eyes, genitals.
Hormonal remedy. Hot flashes, menopause, PMS.
Meningitis, high fever, boring head into pillow, ‘cri encephalique’. Coma. Worse heat. Stupor, with sudden sharp shrill cries.
Suffocation, feels every breath will be his last.
Measles. Bad effect of suppressed eruptions.
Angioneurotic edema in allergic crises
Cystitis, scalding or burning pain during urination.
Right sided ovarian cysts. Cystic swelling anywhere in body with Apis modalities.
Severe dysmenorrhea.
Urticaria with burning or stinging pains.
Awkwardness, drops things.
Herpes zoster or Rhus poisoning esp. with swollen lids and face.
Refined, sensitive, yielding yet obstinate. Conscientious about trifles. Low confidence. Avoids argument. Stage fright or performance anxiety. Fear pins.
Generals/physicals: Chilly, worse cold weather. Worse drafts or uncovering. Worse suppressed foot sweat. Fatigue and weakness. Scoliosis and bony or nail problems. Failure to thrive in infants. Infants cannot tolerate mother’s milk or any milk. Hard, large glands. Worse at new or full moon. Frequent colds, sinusitis. Sweats on scalp and feet. Infection of tear duct. Dental abscesses. Constipation, bashful stool.
Miasm: psora
Restless, romantic, longing, desire to travel or change (job, relationship, location). Irritable, violent. Malicious behavior. Hyperactive, obstinate, disobedient children. Fears cats. Compulsive behavior. Head banging.
Generals/physicals: Weakness in chest. History of asthma, bronchitis. Worse wet weather, before storms. Better in mountains, dry high air. Night sweats. Milk allergy, though may crave cold milk. Craves milk (milk allergy), smoked meats, fat. Bruxism. Hard swollen glands. Alopecia. Long eyelashes
Pathologies: allergies, chest problems, asthma, teeth problems, autoimmune diseases, birth defects.
Miasm: Tubercular
Sudden onset of symptoms. Ailments from fright and shock. Ailments from a near miss, or witnessing an accident. Panic attacks. Claustrophobia, fear crowds, earthquakes, flying. Ailments from being in cold wind, esp. cold dry wind. Early stages of inflammation. Fear of death, predicts the time of death. Great restlessness and anxiety. Early croup. Thirst for cold drinks. Urine retention in infants or mothers after delivery. In labor, fear she will die. Angina with great fear of death and numbness in left arm or hand.
Timidity, low confidence, feel inferior, irresolution
Sensitive to ridicule, being teased or laughed at
Childish, immature on some level. May be intellectually bright but socially backward.
Passive, shy.
Anxiety, feeling incompetent.
Fears: people, being laughed at, new situations.
Nervous nail biting
Conscientious about trifles, abnormal concern over his appearance, very tidy, neat handwriting.
Body parts immature (micro-genitalia)
Chronically inflamed or huge tonsils
Hard swelling of cervical glands Frequent colds, mucus, congestion. May be averse to fruit.
Mostly psora, a little sycosis (swollen glands, tonsils).
bartya carbonica
Overwhelmed, overworked. Task oriented. Anxious about health, fear breaking down, fear high places, disease, doctors, hospitals, insects, narrow places, accidents. Fear that his mind is weak, he may go insane, and that others will notice his confusion. Sensitive to horrible stories. Obesity, chilly and worse cold damp. Worse exertion, esp. ascending. Poor stamina. Sense of inner trembling. Agg from aspirin. Pale. Swollen glands. Perspiration head or occiput,
calcarea carbonica
Sensitive, easily excited. Refined, idealistic. Disappointed. Contradictions. Rapidly changing moods; hysteria. AF grief, disappointed love, fright. Silent grief. Stormy relationships, offended easily, remain cramped inside. Sentimental. Involuntary weeping. Sighing, sobbing, averse consolation. Quarrelsome, impatient. Desires to be alone; brooding. AF being reprimanded. Can’t decide, irresolution. Headache as if a nail in side of head, better lying on it. Perspires face. Averse or craves fruit. Travel ameliorates. Worse sweets. Spasms. Emotional tension somatized, creating tight traps, jaw muscles, rectum, etc. Dysmenorrhea. Fear of birds, robbers, narrow places. Mental symptoms alternate with physical.
Miasm: Psora
maliciousness, strange gestures, need to touch things, mb genitals during interview, gossip, haughty, desire to hide, to escape, loquacious in classroom, may tell sexual stories and off colored jokes, jealousy and suspiciousness, can kill, tries to kill, violent. aversion to light. fears someone will kill them (will not take remedy - think its poison), fear of water. want of moral feeling, rage awful. Religious affections, restlessness at night, mind roving about naked, mind sadness, despondency, depression. singing obscene songs, speech hasty and irrational. Enuresis with fit, convulsions from worms, after drinking water, from grief, from disappointed love. worse sun, open air, lying. feel like rubbish inside, shameless, persistent cough better sitting up. senile dementia.
Forceful, passionate, suspicious, jealous, revengeful, loquacious, sarcastic, competitive. Ailments from grief, disappointed love, jealousy, anger, fright, mortification. Worse any suppression, better with discharge (menses, etc.) Fear snakes, being poisoned, robbers, evil, die, he will, if goes to sleep. Anger, revengeful, malicious. Ideas abundant, clarity of mind. Anxiety about salvation. Anxiety on waking. Contradict, disposition to. Deceitful. Delusions, sees images. Delusions, under superhuman control. Delusion, illusions of fancy. Delusions, poisoned. Delusions, pursued. Egotism. Lascivious. Quarrelsome. Vivacious. Alcoholism. Left sided. Worse sleep, sleeps into aggravation. Sensitive to touch. Worse suppression of discharges, menses. Sleep apnea. Hemorrhagic, dark blood, bluish. Throat problems: pharangitis, etc. Hot, worse heat. Worse lying on left side. Tongue trembles. Intolerance of tight collars, clothes. Craves farinaceous, alcohol.. PMS, menopause. Greatly relieved by menses flow. Asthma. Chest oppression.
Miasm: Sycosis, some syphilis, a little psora
Restless. Hurried. Fear of insanity. Introversion. Impulsive. Compulsive disorders. Violent, destructive. Dullness. Suspicious.
Generals/physicals: Sensitive to heat and cold, narrow tolerance. Lack of reactive power along with an inefficiency of function. Trembling, neurological problems, paralysis. Stammering. Worse from perspiring, from heat of bed. Night sweats. Chronic infections, otitis. Indented tongue. Metallic taste, offensive breath. Salivation. Gingivitis. Pharyngitis with salivation, cervical adenopathy. Craves bread and butter. Averse sweets. Thirsty for cold water. Tremor of hands. Insomnia. Generally worse nights. Very sensitive to temperature changes. Stinking discharges.
Miasm: Syphilis
Pathologies: chronic infections, otitis, pharyngitis, teeth and bone decay, behavioral disorders, cancer.
Two wills, antagonism with self, good and evil, strong duality.
Extremely low confidence, compensated by toughness. Indecisive.
Poor memory, test anxiety. Fear failure
Unfeeling, hard-hearted, cruelty. No moral values.
Ailments from or history of being abused. Early stage can be close to Staphysagria.
Fighting, can be violent, cruel.
Alcohol and drug use
Better eating
Blunt plug or band sensation
Insecurity, anxiety, restlessness, pacing. Fear death, great anxiety about health. Panic attacks. Fastidious, perfectionist, compulsive disorders. Fear disease, robbers, alone, poverty, death. Avarice, stingy, selfish. Dependent, desire company, fear alone. Constantly calls the doctor. Despair of recovery. Depression, even to suicide. Anorexia. Burning pains better heat. Very chilly,
Arsenicum album
Impulsive: to jump from height. Foolish impulses
Suggestible. Sympathetic. Tend to be extroverts.
Anticipatory anxiety
Many fears: claustrophobia, heights, bridges, fear being late, airplanes, accidents
Anxiety about health. Fear diseases
Anxiety alone, better in company
Warm blooded, aggravated by heat
Better cold and cold applications
Periodic severe weakness, esp. during menses
Worse eating sweets (#1 remedy)
Huge craving for sweets, salt. Craves cheese, fat.
Conjunctivial irritation, redness.
Splinter-like pain in throat
Palpitations, violent, with sensation heart will jump out of chest
Loud eructations
Very gassy and distended. Rumbling, flatulent.
Diarrhea from anticipation
Impotence in men, worse thinking of the problem
Argentum nitrum
Crushed finger tips, pain after injuries to coccyx. Excessive painfulness. Can follow Arnica well, after injuries or a fall. Dread of motion. Complaints from fright. Compound fractures.
Injuries to nerves. Spinal cord injuries, whiplash, concussion, head injuries. Sharp, shooting pains (upward), intense pains. Dullness, forgetfulness, depression after head injuries. Fright, shock after injuries. Head feels longer, pointed. Sensation of being lifted high up in the air.
Worse cold damp, fog, touch. Better bending head back. Pain after dental procedures. Injuries to coccyx.
Miasm: psora
Excesses and extremes. Desire to experience everything. Extremists. Erratic performance. Sycosis. Profuse discharges. Problems since birth. Strong sexuality. Cruelty but may be sensitive. Crave sour fruit, citrus, fat, alcohol, drugs. Asthma, arthritis. Anticipatory anxiety, ailments from anticipation. Bites nails. Clairvoyance. Concentration difficult. Confusion of mind. Delusions, someone touched her head. Delusion, someone behind him. Weak memory, for names, for what he’s read, said, about to say, just thought, about to write. Mistakes in speaking, spelling. Play, desire to, night. Suspicious. Thinking of complaints aggravates. Wild feeling in head. Time passes too slowly. Mental work impossible. Asthma. Better at sea. Better in evening and night. History or family history of gonorrhea. Chronic rhinitis or sinusitis. Constant clearing of throat (Caust). Averse eggplant, slimy foods. Chronic vaginitis, urethritis, cystitis. Sex drive extreme. PID. Soles of feet sensitive. Hot feet, uncover them in bed. Sleeps abdomen, knee chest position.
Miasm: Sycotic
Miasm: Strong Sycosis
Pathologies: allergies, sinusitis, UTI’s, asthma, arthritis, warts, PID, vaginitis, prostatitis