Midterm content Flashcards
rent seeking
looking to get a bigger share of wealth that already exists
Social Contract
Trade off between individual freedom to get the benefits and protection from political rule.
Horizontal equity
People that are alike in relevant ways should be treated the same
Vertical equity
People who differ in relevant ways should be treated differently.
Differences that justify different treatment: Need, deservedness, contribution, effort
Examples: crime, participation grades
Veil of ignorance
Behind the veil you don’t know if you will be healthy or sickly, tall or short, white or black.
Maximin principle
Preference for the welfare of the least advantage. result of veil of ignorance
Individual Sovereignty
philosophical construct that is widely embraced in the western world.
Economic Freedom
Placing limits on a person’s liberty or automony for their own good.
long-term cost (or benefit)
What are the four “isms”
- Relativism
- Consequentialism
- Egoism
- Utilitarianism
What is the Golden Rule?
Do unto others as you would have other do unto you
Kant’s 2nd Rule, the practical
Define Relativism
There is no absolute right or wrong
but we can say acts are morally acceptable so
long as they conform to my society’s approved
practices. Moral standards often differ across cultures.
What are some problems that come with relativism?
Moral views differ within societies.
Some things are wrong whenever wherever.
Define Consequentialism
The morality of an action depends solely on the consequences it bring about; the right thing is do whatever will produce the best state of affairs, all things being considered. Easy: Acts are good if they have
good consequences.
What are the two versions of Consequentalism?
What are two different justifications of egoism?
Ethical Egoism
Psychological Egoism