Midterm Cards Flashcards
a limited examination of the affected body area or organ system. Simple. Straightforward. Minimal history reviewed. Low medical decision-making
Problem focused
*exam only affected area
a limited examination of the affected body area or organ system and any other symptomatic or related body area(s) or organ system(s). Low, possibly moderate, medical decision-making
Expanded problem focused
*exam affected area and other symptomatic or related areas
an extended examination of the affected body area(s) or organ system(s) and any other symptomatic or related body area(s) or organ system(s). Moderate to high medical decision-making
*exam of affected areas, similar to expanded problem focused but higher level medical decision making
a general multi-system examination (all systems are considered except for eye or psychiatric), or complete examination of a single organ system and other symptomatic or related body area(s) or organ system(s). Moderate to high medical decision-making
*exam of almost all systems or complete exam of single system and other related areas/systems
Soft Tissue
Direct, Passive
Repetitive 1-2 sec, hold for inhibitory
Direct or indirect, passive
Triplanar barrier, add muscle movement for INR, may add breath assist
Direct, active
post iso relaxation: take to direct barrier, pt force towards neutral and physician force toward barrier, hold 3-5 sec
Indirect, passive
Triplanar indirect barrier, test respiratory phases, hold in phase of ease to air hinger, repeat and microadjust
Indirect, passive
Flatten curve (F neck or E T-spine), compress, place in triplanar indirect barrier, hold 5 sec, return to neutral
Still Technique
Indirect and Direct, passive
Place in indirect barrier, compress, move through direct barrier
Indirect, passive
- Find tenderpoint
- Establish pain scale
- Place in 70% pain reduction position
- Hold 90 sec
- Slow return to neutral
- Recheck tenderpoint
Direct, passive
Load into direct barrier, thrust through
OA diagnosis
F or E
S and R opposite
- OA is 2 different letters so 2 different directions for S and R
i. e. OA F RlSr
AA Diagnosis
Rotation only!
i.e. AA Rr
C2-7 Diagnosis
Type 2 Mechanics
F or E
S and R same side
i.e. C3 F SrRr
Type 1 Mechanics
Opposite S and R
(TONGO = type one neutral group opposite)
Type 2 Mechanics
F or E
Single segment
S and R same direction
Innominate Diagnosis
Lateralize with STANDING forward bend test
Check landmarks (ASIS, PSIS, medial malleolus, pubic tubercle)
Innominate diagnosis:
Inferior ASIS and medial malleolus
Superior PSIS
Anteriorly rotated innominate
*anterior rotation rolls hip forward, making the leg longer
Innominate diagnosis:
Superior ASIS and medial malleolus
Inferior PSIS
Posteriorly rotated innominate
*posterior rotation rolls hip back, making the leg shorter
Sacral Diagnosis
bend, spring, sphinx, respiratory
SEATED forward bend test to lateralize
+ Lumbar spring test = resistance to springing = E sacrum
+ Backward bend test = worsened assymetry = E sacrum
Respiratory motion = E on Inhale, F on exhale
Sacral torsion bases/ILAs
Same movement on same side
Opposite movement on opposite side
i.e. L base posterior L ILA posterior R base anterior R ILA anterior