Midterm Assignment Study Challenge Flashcards
True or False: Research results help with developing theories
True or False: Research generates evidence to support practice
How does theory relate to practice?
Theory explains phenomena and it provides a rationale for practice
How does practice relate to theory and reserach?
Practitioners generate questions/puzzles and look to researchers and theorists to help answer/solve them
What is outcomes research?
Outcomes research evaluates the relative impact of interventions, techniques, programs, and services
What is assessment (psychometric) research?
Assessment research determines if the assessment accurately measures a concept, if it correlates with other similar measures, and if it can differentiate between different groups of people.
What is participatory research?
Therapists, researchers, and clients do research together. The client drives or influences the decisions about what to study. Reflects the ideas of partnership and shared responsibility
How do we chose interventions that are evidence based?
We review the best available clinical evidence, consider the expertise of the clinician and the values of the consumer/client
What is clinical reasoning research?
Clinical reasoning research evaluates how OTs think, specifically how they identify and solve problems
What is needs assessment research?
Needs assessment research identifies gaps between what clients want or need and what they actually have. The goal is to improve their situation.
How is theory developed?
Multiple studies are needed. These studies may define and verify concepts, determine relationships between concepts, explain group differences, examine the applicability of the theory and the possibility of change, and see if the theory can help with prediction.
What is process or formative research?
Process research aims to understand not only if an intervention is effective, but why it is. It therefore examines the mechanisms of change.
What are three (3) features of experimental research?
Subjects are randomly selected and assigned to groups
An independent (intervention) variable is manipulated by the researcher to determine its impact a dependent (outcome) variable is tested
There is a control or comparison group
Survey or questionnaire research can be (select any that are correct)
____Mixed Methodology
Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methodology
What might impact the impact of an independent variable?
Confounding or extraneous variable
There are three major ways in which to define and classify research?
The methodological approach, the research design, and the purpose of the research
What general category of research do narrative inquiry, ethnography, and phenomenology fall into?
Qualitative research
What kind of study is an examination of subjective perspectives of graduate students in an occupational therapy program?
Phenomenological (qualitative
How is a quasi-experimental study different from an experimental one?
Random assignment pf subjects to groups is not required in a quasi-experimental study
What type of psychometric testing examines how well a pediatric assessment covers important indicators of motor development?
Construct validity
What is inter-rater reliability?
The extent to which test results obtained by more than one rater agree with each other
Is occupational science basic or applied?
Is a study of whether or not a treatment program improves patient outcomes basic or applied science?
True or false: Quantitative approaches are consistent with the tradition of logical positivism.
True or false: Participatory research is most often carried out in a lab setting
Please match the following philosophical perspectives with the associated descriptions.
A. Classicism
B. Logical positivism
C. Critical modernism
D. Social constructivism
- The philosophy that argued that theory imparts meaning on, rather than extracts meaning from, the natural world. It is a creation of the human mind that makes sense of the world, and may be corrected through empirical research.
- The philosophy that argued that any theory is a possible, but not necessarily infallible, explanation; its ability to approach the truth is contingent on whether statements that are logically deduced from it hold up in the natural world.
- The philosophy that argued that pure logic may be used to connect the natural world to scientific knowledge, and that absolute truth may be developed through this process.
- The philosophy that argued that knowledge does not demonstrate facts regarding the natural world, but rather is created as a particular perspective of a particular group of people who have a particular purpose in mind.
A. 14
B. 13
C. 12
D. 15
True or false: Consumers of evidence-based practice include not only a client, but also insurance companies, hospital administrators, policy makers, granting agencies, and OT managers who are concerned about intervention options and choices.
True or false: Peer reviewed journals would only publish experimental reports, not literature reviews, , case reports, or opinion papers.
Does the results section of a research paper include interpretation of or reflection on the study findings?
Which section of a research paper provides the most information about the level of evidence that a study contributes to knowledge about a topic?
Method section
What types of studies qualify as Level I, II, and III according to the Oxford Center for Evidence Based Medicine?
Meta-analysis (Level I), randomized trial (Level II), nonrandomized controlled cohort study (Level III)
What level studies are meta-analysis and systematic reviews?
Level I
What appraisal criteria are used in the Cochrane system?
Relevance of the evidence, size of the effect, strength of the evidence
What does the Cochrane Levels of evidence model evaluate?
The efficacy of an intervention
What type of study is likely to use a research technique known as blinding?
An experimental study - a randomized trial
What is the symbol for effect size?
Is p-value the same as effect size?
Are levels of evidence considered in appraisal of quantitative studies? Are they the only consideration?
Yes, No
How are mixed methods studies appraised?
Both levels of evidence and multidimensional perspectives
Match the following dimensions of qualitative research appraisal with their respective activities.
A. Descriptive vividness
B. Methodological congruence
C. Analytical preciseness
D. Theoretical connectedness
E. Heuristic relevance
- The study’s findings are directly applicable to practice; therefore, a researcher uses a description that is consistent with meanings and the knowledge base relevant to the field in writing about the phenomenon of interest.
- Documenting the study findings, a researcher establishes congruence between the study’s hypothesis and the presentation of the data, findings, interpretations, theoretical linkages, and conclusions drawn so that a clear cohesive link is established.
- In writing the research article, a researcher ensures enough thoroughness with his or her documentation so that another researcher may replicate the study in confirmation of its findings.
- When collecting data, a researcher ensures that he or she spends enough time at the study site. This allows the researcher to have enough familiarity with the subjects in order to adequately describe them.
- As part of the article’s written discussion, a researcher demonstrates how the data specifically relates to concepts within an existing professional theory.
A. 14
B. 13.
C. 12
D. 15
E. 11
Do new graduates from OT education programs have a clear understanding of EBP and do they find it easy to implement EBP in their clinical work?
Recent studies say that this is not universally true although with changing educational standards this is expected to improve over time
What is experience based practice?
Experience based practice is when clinical reasoning in professional practice is guided by experience and reinforced through expert opinion and anecdotal evidence
Do new and experienced OTs report different barriers to implementation of EBP
No, they report the same barriers
What strategies can be used to overcome the barriers to EBP?
Developing specific skills and knowledge in EBP, staying focused, finding time for EBP
What EBP skills do no graduates possess that more experienced clinicians may not?
The ability to critically appraise research
What conditions support the use of EBP in the clinical setting?
Employee readiness for change, personal and organizational expectations regarding achievement of new knowledge application, and support from managers, organizations, buddies, and peers
True or False: OTs do not have any ethical responsibility to be aware of and participate in research activities to improve their own clinical practice
True or False: Independent research (done by one person) is better than research done by a team
Does an OT need advanced education ( i.e.doctorate or post-doctorate) to be a research consumer, collaborator, or advocate?
Is it possible for research that is grounded in theory to generate results which require modification of the theory?
What is a theory-practice gap?
the difference between actual clinical practice and research based theory
What is scholarship of practice?
Scholarship of practice is a dynamic balance of theoretical and empirical study that reflects commonalities among researchers, scholars, and practitioners. In the scholarship of practice, theoretical knowledge is generated from the practical problems of therapy,
In designing a theory based research project, what would be best practice in deciding which assessment(s) to use?
Choosing an established assessment that is based on the theory to be used in the study.
What is effect size? p-value? statistical significance? standard deviation? Be familiar with these terms and how to read tables which may include them.
Refer to the Ch. 5 and the glossary in
Taylor, R. (2017). Kielhofner’s Research in Occupational Therapy: Methods of Inquiry for Enhancing Practice. Philadelphia: F.A.Davis.
The glossary can be found on pages 509 - 530
Here is a link to the e-book in the MCPHS library