The word “civilization” relates to
the Latin word _________ or city
a complex human society that may have certain characteristics of cultural technological development.
- a term used to describe a period of history
when stones were used to make tools for survival. - term conjures an image
of men and women dressed in
skin, huddling before a fire in a
14,000-2,000 BCE
stone age
the late years of the old Stone Age
paleolithic age
Middle Stone Age
New Stone Age
- a product of climate change. As the climate got colder, part of the early humans’ instinct is to look for shelters that would provide them
warmth. - Caves became protective havens
for the early humans and these caves
paved the way for the birth of their first
attempt to create art.
Hall Of Bulls – Found in the cave in Lascauz, France
paleolithic art
Some of the early humans already
used their own version of ___________ by using ground pigments blown through
reeds or hollowed-out bones since
these were the readily available
materials for them.
spray painting techniques
- This figure is a highly abstracted woman
From highlighted body parts associated
with fertility. - may show the importance of taking care of these body parts for procreation and consequently the survival of species.
The “Venus of Willendorf.”
also called Middle Stone Age, is an
ancient cultural stage that existed
between the Paleolithic (Old Stone
Age), with its chipped stone tools,
and the Neolithic (New Stone Age),
with its polished stone tools.
mesolithic art
- Among the new forms of chipped stone tools were _______, very small stone tools intended for mounting together on a shaft to produce a serrated edge.
- Polished stone was another innovation that
occurred in some Mesolithic assemblages
- has developed especially when
life for the early humans has
become more stable. - They have learned to cultivate
the land and domesticate
The purpose of this fascinating edifice
remains a mystery up to this day age. Some
regard it as a temple while others see it as
complex calendar the tracked the movements of both the Sun and Moon.
- starts from the banks of the Nile
River, which flows north to Africa and ventures into the Mediterranean
fertile ribbon
The Egyptian civilization can be divided into three periods: Old, Middle, and New Kingdom.
During the _________, it was evident that religion was bound to the afterlife. A
concrete manifestation of this would have to be the erection of tombs.
Old Kingdom
a palette that utilized and applied dark colors around King Narmer’s eyes. The palette was
also a symbol that commemorates the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt
The ___________ served as tombs since their main purpose was to provide a resting place for the pharaohs.
pyramids in Giza
One of the key features of the __________ is a shift in the political hierarchy.
There is an emergence of
powerful groups of landlords that
threatened the authority and rule of the
Middle Kingdom
Portrait sculptures and fresco paintings that were freely drawn are some of the styles that emerged during this period.
middle kingdom
During this period, Egypt has established
itself as a more advanced and powerful
new kingdom
After the New Kingdom, Egypt witnessed the __________ led by King
Akhenaton and Queen Nefertiti.
During this period, the only god to be revered
was ATON. Egypt became monotheistic and
Akhenaton ordered all to tear down all
monuments of other gods
Amarna Revolution
attempted to introduce monotheism, or the worship of a single god, to the formerly polytheistic Egyptians.
king akhenaton
- emphasis to life-like features of the face
like an elongate jaw and thick-lidded eyes. - Most artists created artworks that are natural and seemingly real, highlighting the features of their subjects.
- Naturalism was not only used to depict the
pharaoh but also was used for members of the royal family
Queen Nefertiti
- He became king at a very young age
and died at the age of eighteen.
king tutankhamen
discovered his tomb in 1922. They were astonished to find gold artworks and that the coffin was made out of solid gold. The body of the young king was covered in linen
and a gold mask covered his face.
howard carter