midterm- aristotle Flashcards
what can be used as a form of guidance
What are the common beliefs as to what happiness is that Aristotle proves wrong
honor, pleasure, wealth
What is the good
That which everyone seeks
What is the highest good
The good that is being pursued for its own sake, not as a means to any other good, it is essential to life
What are the two things that happiness is
It is the highest good, and it is complete
What is a happy human
Has everything he/she needs to complete their function
Three things to have for function
- Conform to their function
- Have all the necessary things needed to perform function
- Over a complete life
What allows us to perform our function
Our virtues- we are given virtues from nature, but we can only activate them and become virtuous through our actions
What are the three parts of the soul
Rational- virtues of thought formed by experience and study
a. Practical
b. Theoretical
Part of the soul that gives the body life
Nonrational- virtues of character formed by habit, pleasure/ pain
a. Appetitive
b. Vegetative
Book I concept:
Book II concept:
Virtues of Character
____ or ____ determines character
pleasure, pain
How are actions and virtues related
Our actions are based on pleasure vs. pain, and we need to do actions in order to be virtuous !
A virtue is a ___, and is a mean between two ___.
state, vices
The virtues we possess causes us to be
in a good state, and able to perform our function well!
virtue =
Aim at what is intermediate, THIS IS THE BEST CONDITION
Everyone has different means, but what is the same for everyone?
Our nature and our target, we just have different personalities and different communities that cause us to hit the target differently
How is ethics objective yet subjective
objective- we are all given the same nature
subjective- we all give the center of the target differently
____ –> ___ –> ____
Deficiency, Mean, Excess
How do we hit the mean or target?
We aim at either vice and adjust accordingly, we either pull back with more tension or we make it more loose
Book III concept
Preconditions of virtue
Name the four types of actions
Voluntary actions
Are known, you choose to do them, there are two types
a. Done with knowledge- you know what you’re doing you just don’t know if its ethical
b. Done in ignorance- drunkness, we choose to get drunk which causes our bad actions