Midterm Flashcards
What are the key roles of an operating system?
The operating system has three main roles:
hide hardware complexity manage underlying hardware resources provide isolation and protection
How does an OS Hide Hardware Complexity?
An application developer should not need to have to worry about the how to directly interface with the CPU, memory, or I/O devices. The OS provides abstractions to these hardware components to separate the application developer from the intimate details of the hardware. For example, the operating system provides the file abstraction as a representation of logical components of information stored on disk.
How does an OS Manage Underlying Hardware Resources?
Since the operating system is the interface between the user level applications the physical hardware, it makes sense that its duties include managing those hardware resources. The operating system allocates a certain amount of memory to an application, schedules it to run on the CPU, and controls access to various I/O devices, among other responsibilities.
These first two responsibilities can be summarized by the phrase abstract and arbitrate.
How does an OS Provide Isolation And Protection?
With multiple applications running concurrently, the operating system must make sure that no one application interferes with the execution of another application. For example, the operating system ensures that memory allocated to one application is neither read from nor written to by another application.
What Is The Distinction Between OS Abstractions, Mechanisms And Policies?
Abstractions are entities that represent other entities, often in a simplified manner. For example, all of the complexity of reading and manipulating physical storage is abstracted out into the file, an abstraction the operating system exposes to layers above. We can interact with the file interface, and let the operating system handle the complexities involved in the implementation. Apart from simplicity, another benefit of abstractions is their portability. Operating systems are free to swap out their implementations to suit different hardware resources, and as long as their API remains constant, programs will still run.
Example of abstractions include:
process/thread (application abstractions) file, socket, memory page (hardware abstractions)
Policies are the rules around how a system is maintained and resources are utilized. For example, a common technique for swapping memory to disk is the least recently used (LRU) policy. This policy states that the memory that was least recently accessed will be swapped to disk. Policies help dictate the rules a system follows to manage and maintain a workable state. Note that policies can be different in different contexts or a different times in a system.
Mechanisms are the tools by which policies are implemented. For example, in order to enforce the LRU policy of memory management above, memory addresses/blocks may be moved to the front of a queue every time they are accessed. When it comes time to swap memory to disk, the memory at the back of the queue can be swapped. In this example, the queue is the mechanism by which the LRU policy is implemented.
What does the principle of separation of mechanism and policy mean?
The idea behind separation of mechanism and policy is that how you enforce a policy shouldn’t be coupled to the policy itself. Since a given policy is only valid in some contexts or during some states of execution, having a mechanism that only suits that policy is very brittle. Instead, we should try to make sure that our mechanism is able to support a variety of policies, as any one of these policies may be in effect at a given point in time.
That being said, certain policies may occur more frequently than others, so it may make sense to optimize our mechanisms a little bit in one direction or anything while still maintaining their flexibility.
What does the principle optimize for the common case mean?
Optimizing for the common case means ensuring that the most frequent path of execution operates as performantly as possible. This is valuable for two reasons:
it's simpler than trying to optimize across all possible cases it leads to the largest performance gains as you are optimizing the flow that by definition is executed the most often
A great example of this is discussed in the SunOS paper, when talking about using threads for signal handling instead of changing masks before entering/after exiting a mutex:
The additional overhead in taking an interrupt is about 40 SPARC instructions. The savings in the mutex enter/exit path is about 12 instructions. However, mutex operations are much more frequent than interrupts, so there is a net gain in time cost, as long as interrupts don't block too frequently. The work to convert an interrupt into a "real" thread is performed only when there is lock contention.
What happens during a user-kernel mode crossing?
Distinguishing between user and kernel mode is supported directly in the hardware. For instance, when operating in kernel mode, a special bit is set on the CPU, and if that bit is set, any instruction that directly manipulates the hardware is allowed. When in user mode, the bit will not be set, and any attempt to perform such privileged operations will be forbidden.
Such forbidden attempts will actually cause a trap. The executing application will be interrupted, and the hardware will switch control back to the operating system a specific location - the trap handler. At this point, the operating system will have a chance to determine what caused the trap and then decide if it should grant access or perhaps terminate the transgressive process.
This context switch takes CPU cycles to perform which is real overhead on the system. In addition, context switching will most likely invalidate the hardware cache (hot -> cold), meaning that memory accesses for the kernel context will initially come from main memory and not from cache, which is slow.
What are some of the reasons why user-kernel mode crossing happens?
Basically, user/kernel mode crossing occurs any time any application needs access to underlying hardware, be it physical memory, storage, or I/O devices.
User/kernel cross may occur if an application wishes to
read from a file write to a file listen on a socket allocate memory free memory
User/kernel crossings may occur in response to a hardware trap as mentioned above, or may occur through the process of the application invoking a system call, requesting that the operating system perform some service for them.
What is a kernel trap? Why does it happen? What are the steps that take place during a kernel trap?
A kernel trap is a signal that the hardware sends to the operating system when the it detects that something has occurred.
A kernel trap will occur if the hardware detects an attempt to perform an unprivileged operation, which is basically any operation that occurs when the special bit is not set on the CPU. As well, the hardware may issue a trap if it detects an attempt to access memory that requires special privileges.
During a kernel trap, the hardware sends a signal to the operating system, which initiates controls and invokes its trap handler. The operating system can then examine the process that caused the trap as well as the reason for the trap and make a decision as to whether it will allow the attempted operation or potentially kill the process.
What is a system call? How does it happen? What are the steps that take place during a system call?
A system call is an operation that the operating system exposes that an application can directly invoke if it needs the operating system to perform a specific service and to perform certain privileged access on its behalf.
Examples of system calls include open, send, malloc.
When a user process makes a system call, the operating system needs to context switch from that process to the kernel, making sure it holds onto the arguments passed to that system call. Before the kernel can actually carry out the system call, the trap bit on the CPU must be adjusted to let the CPU know the execution mode is kernel mode. Once this occurs, the kernel must jump to the system call and execute it. After the execution, the kernel must reset the trap bit in the CPU, and context switch back to the user process, passing back the results.
Contrast the design decisions and performance tradeoffs among monolithic, modular and microkernel-based OS designs.
Everything included
Inlining, compile-time optimizations
No customization
Not too portable/manageable
Large memory footprint (which can impact performance)
Modular Pros Maintainability Smaller footprint Less resource needs Cons All the modularity/indirection can reduce some opportunities for optimization (but eh, not really) Maintenance can still be an issue as modules from different codebases can be slung together at runtime
Verifiability (great for embedded devices)
Bad portability (often customized to underlying hardware)
Harder to find common OS components due to specialized use case
Expensive cost of frequent user/kernel crossing
What are the differences between processes and threads? What happens on a process vs. thread context switch?
A process is defined by two main components: it’s virtual address mapping, and it’s execution context. The virtual address mapping contains the code of the program, any data that the program is initialized with, and the heap. The execution context contains the stack and CPU registers associated with the process’s execution.
Different processes will have different virtual address mappings and different execution contexts, all represented by the process control block. Different threads will exist within the same process, so they will share the virtual address mapping of the process. Only the execution context will be different. As a result, a multiprocess application will require a much larger memory footprint than a multithreaded application.
Greater memory needs mean that data will need to be swapped to disk more often, which implies that multithreaded applications will be more performant than multiprocess applications. In addition, process-process communication via IPC is often more resource intensive that thread-thread communication, which often just consists of reading/writing shared variables.
Since threads share more data than processes, less data needs to be swapped during a context switch. Because of this, thread context switching can be performed more quickly than process context switching. Process context switching involves the indirect cost of going from a hot cache to a cold cache. When a process is swapped out, most of the information the new process needs is in main memory and needs to be brought into the hardware cache. Since threads share more information - have more locality with one another - a new thread may still be able to benefit from the cache that was used by an older thread.
Describe the states in a lifetime of a process?
When a process is created, it’s in the new state. At this point, the operating system initializes the PCB for the process, and it moves to the ready state. In this state it is able to be executed, but it is not being executed. Once the process is scheduled and moved on to the CPU it is in the running state. If the process is then interrupted by the scheduler, it moves back the the ready state. If the process is running, and then makes an I/O request, it will move onto the wait queue for that I/O device and be in the waiting state. After the request is serviced, the process will move back to the ready state. If a running process exits, it moves to the terminated state.
Describe the lifetime of a thread?
A thread can be created (a new execution context can be created and initialized). To create a thread, we need to specify what procedure it will run, and what arguments to pass to that procedure. Once the thread has been created, it will be a separate entity from the thread that created it, and we will say at this point that the process overall is multithreaded.
During the lifetime of a thread, the thread may be executing on the CPU - similar to how processes may be executing on the CPU at any point in time - or it may be waiting.
Threads may wait for several different reasons. They may be waiting to be scheduled on the CPU (just like processes). They may be waiting to acquire some synchronization construct - like a mutex - or they may be waiting on some condition to become true or some signal to be received - like a condition variable. Different queues may be maintained depending on the context of the waiting.
Finally, at the end of their life, threads can be joined back in to their parents. Through this join, threads can convey the result of the work they have done back to their parents. Alternatively, detachable threads cannot be joined back into their parent, so this step does not apply to them.
Threads can also be zombies! A zombie thread is a thread that has completed its work, but whose data has not yet been reclaimed. A zombie thread is doing nothing but taking up space. Zombies live on death row. Every once in a while, a special reaper thread comes and cleans up these zombie threads. If a new thread is requested before a zombie thread is reaped, the allocated data structures for the zombie will be reused for the new thread.