Midterm Flashcards
Col and ostomy mean?
colon and create opening
Healthy stomas have the usually following appearance?
cherry red
Irrigation of the stomach in cases of active bleeding or poisoning is referred to be?
True or False:
Large bore NG tubes are typically used for feeding?
A procedure to view inside the colon?
Surgically connecting two parts together?
A part of the colon was removed?
partial colectomy
A tube is directly inserted in the kidney to drain urine?
An infection in pockets which have formed in the colon?
The PCT can anticipate that a patient with an ileostomy who is hospitalized and confused will need?
The PCT to frequently check and empty the ostomy pouch
The PCT is making rounds and notices Mrs. Smith has slid down toward the bottom of the bed and needs repositioned. She has a NG tube running at 12ml/hr to provide nutrition. What is the proper action?
Notify the nurse to stop the tube feeding and request help from the RN while they are there to pull patient up in bed.
True or False:
The PCT should clean the peri-ostomy skin with an alcohol pad to disinfect the area before applying a new pouch
To ensure the ostomy appliance is secure the PCT may do the following except:
Apply an abdominal binder
When a patient has an NG tube in place , the head of the bed should be elevated to at least
30 degrees
When applying the custom ostomy pouch the PCT should do which of the following?
Cut the backing of the pouch to 1/16” of stoma size
When using the two piece ostomy appliance, the PCT will usually change the wafer backing:
Once or twice weekly
Which of the following statements about colostomies is false?
stool is liquid and drains constantly
You are caring for a patient with a small bowel obstruction. The patient has an NG tube to LCWS. During your shift you should expect to?
Note drainage amount and color when doing ordered output documentation.
Correct Answer
Provide swabs and lip moisturizer for frequent oral care.
Correct Answer
Check that tube is secured to nose and gown each time you enter room.
You are the PCT caring for a patient with an ileostomy. You note that there is a lot of liquid stool present in the pouch. Which of the following actions should you take?
This is normal finding for an ileostomy. You would empty the pouch and record the output.
Your patient is on an ADA or Consistent Carbohydrate Diet. Which of the following snacks would be appropriate if they asked for something to eat or drink?
ugar free pudding
Correct Answer
Sugar free popsicle
Correct Answer
Sugar free soda/cola
Your patient is on fluid restrictions, 1000cc per day and a clear liquid diet. The pt requests some jello. You should
give them jello and mark it as part of their fluid intake
A wound where the wound bed in not visable due to the presence of slough and eschar would be described as what stage?
Transparent pale yellow watery fluid
Red, bloody fluid
Thick, cloudy white to yellow fluid, may smell foul.
Sweat, sweaty
an abnormal connection (pipe/tunnel) between two body parts
Abnormal parting of wound along surgical incision
Hip replacement surgery
A Blood clot
When pt ambulates the injured side can only touch down the weight briefly and lightly
Its very important to accurately measure RR if patient has one of these pumps
You must document these are on if they are ordered and if the patient is in bed
Check clock face and document when putting it on and taking it off
AFO boot
Make sure this knee replacement intervention is not falling off side of bed.
The PCT is ambulating a patient with a right-leg fracture who has an order for partial weight-bearing status. The nurse determines that the patient demonstrates compliance with this restriction if the patient:
The patient places between 30-50% of their weight on their right foot and leg as they ambulate.
The PCT is caring for a patient in traction. Which of the following items should the PCT address in helping the patient avoid developing pressure ulcers ?
Encourage use of trapeze to adjust pressure and position on back
The PCT role is to prevent skin breakdown, promote healing in comprised skin, and to report any abnormalities in patient care to the nurse. Which one of the interventions below is not within the PCT role?
Apply nystatin (medication) to reddened areas
The wound vac alarm in your patients room is beeping. You notice that one of the edges of the wound dressing is not sealed and is rolled up. You should:
notify the nurse to assess the dressing and machine
True or False:
Undermining may be described as a cavity below the wound opening.
When caring for a patient with multiple JP drains to their abdomen, the PCT should:
make sure each drain is clearly labeled with a letter or number.
Correct Answer
document the drainage amount and color if emptying the drain
secure each drain to the gown if getting the pt up to ambulate
You are beginning a.m. rounds on your Post-op Orthopedic unit. As you enter each room to get vital signs what other interventions should you do at this time. Choose all that apply
Ensure SCD/Plexi pulse sleeves are on the patient if they are in bed.
Correct Answer
Look around room and see if the Incentive spirometer is within reach of the patient.
Correct Answer
Check the pt name/dob match the arm band and either the computer pt chart or tech sheet you are documenting on.
Correct Answer
See if the urinal, BSC or cath needs emptying and measured/documented.
True or False:
You are performing a bed bath when you notice the patient’s wound dressing is soiled with drainage. As long as you save the old dressing, it is fine to perform this dressing change without first informing the nurse.
You just admitted a patient to your floor who had lumbar spinal fusion surgery 30 minutes ago. You notice the patient has been incontinent in the bed. You should:
Have another CNA assist you in log rolling patient and changing linens beneath him. Check that the surgery dressing is dry and report to RN if it is soiled.
Your elderly patient had major surgery yesterday, is ordered bedrest only and in a lot of pain. He has oxygen per nasal cannula and a large dressing on his abdomen and a foley catheter. Choose ALL of the items you would expect to be doing while on your shift.
Check the skin on top of his ears every time you turn this patient.
Correct Answer
Turn and reposition patient every 2 hours
Correct Answer
report dressing that is coming dislodged or saturated with blood or fluid to the nurse immediately
Your patient had a total hip arthroplasty (hip replacement). Which of the following would you expect to do?
Keep a pillow or wedge between their legs to keep them from crossing ankles.
Correct Answer
Have a raised toilet seat to prevent them from squatting to far down.
Your patient is in skeletal traction. Your care would include all of the following except
Remove the weights if the person is in pain or discomfort.
The PCT is responsible for output of both JP drains on a surgical patient. The PCT drained both drains but noticed one of the JP drains (tube #1) was not draining in the morning or afternoon. At 1600 there still was no drainage from tube #1. What should the PCT do?
Check for kinks in tubing and notify RN there has been no drainage during your shift