Midterm Flashcards
Resources for Stroke assessments and interventions:
- StrokeEngine
- Canadian Stroke Best Practice
- Evidence-Based Review of Stroke Rehabilitation
Stroke in Canada
-Leading neurological cause of death in Canada Prevalence
- There are between 40,000 to 50,000 strokes in Canada each year
- About 300,000 Canadians are living with the effects of stroke
- After age 55, the risk of stroke doubles every 10 years
- A stroke survivor has a 20% chance of having another stroke within 2 years
- For every 10,000 Canadian children under the age of 19, there are 6.7 strokes
Stroke in Canada
- Stroke costs the Canadian economy $2.7 billion a year
- The average acute care cost is about %27, 500 per stroke
- 58% of stroke patients return home after their stroke
- Many experience depression, as do up to 30% of caregivers
Learn the signs of Stroke
Face -look uneven
Arm-One arm hanging down
Time-Call 911 now
Types based on mechanism of damage (two types of strokes)
- Ischemic (most common)
- ->thrombosis (blood clot formed in the vessels of the brain)
- Embolism (blood clot formed somewhere else) - Hemorrhage (bleeding)
Ischemic Stroke
- Approx 80% of all strokes
- Blockage in artery with in brain because of blood clot or other substances
- Atherosclerosis = Narrowing of arteries caused plaque build up
Types of Ischemic Stroke
- Permanent Symptoms
2. Trainent Symptoms
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA)
- Short-time (symptoms resolve in less than 24 hours)
- No permanent symptom
- Warning sign for impending major stroke (10-15% within 3 months)
Hemorrhagic Stroke
- Accounts for approximately 20% of cases
- Weakened blood vessel that ruptures and bleeds into surrounding brain
- Has greater mortality than ischemic stroke
- The blood accumulates and compresses the surrounding brain tissue
MRI of Ischemic and Hemorrhage
Ischemic (black in one area, acute)
Hemorrhage (white spots over more area)
How are the symptoms different?
Hemorrhagic: in addition to other stroke symptoms, will likely experience a sudden onset headache or head pain — a warning sign that might not occur during ischemic stroke.
Stroke symptoms: numbness or weakness on one side of the body or face, trouble speaking and difficulty with vision or balance.
Neurological impairments following stroke
- hemiplegia
- hemianopsia
- Aphasia
- Somatosensory deficits
- Incontinence
- Apraxia
- Depression
- Dysphagia
- Cognitive and perceptual deficits
of every 100 people who have a stroke
- 10 recover completely (10%)
- *25 recover with a minor impairment or disability (25%)
- *40 are left with a moderate to severe impairment
- *10 are so severely disabled they require long-term care (10%)
- 15 die (15%)
*our patients
75% of 40,000 to 50,000 strokes in Canada each year = 33750 per year added to OT workload
Recover from stroke
- Brain recovery
- Neuroplasticity
- Improvement of performance components
- Adaption
Timeframe for recovery
- Golden time: first 1 to 3 months
- Gradual improvement for 1 year - up to 5 years
- Most independent in basic ADL
- Many are unable to return to work (depends on other factors)
Medical management
acute care
- Determining the cause and site
- Preventing progression
- Reducing cerebral edema
- Preventing secondary medical complications
- Treating acute symptoms
Medical management
-Acute ischemic stroke
- Restoration of blood flow
- Antithrombotics: aspirin and heparin
- Thrombolytics: dissolve the blood clots
- Thrombectomy: surgery
Interdisciplinary team approach
who are the members of the team
- Attending physician
- Resident
- Nurse
- Nutritionist
- Social worker
- Speech pathologist
- OT
When does OT start and when does it stop????
fill in later
-through the whole process?
Common lines and drains in ICU
1. Foley catheter:
to drain urine, avoid clamping the catheter, bag should be at a lower level than the patient’s bladder
Common lines and drains in ICU
2. External ventricular drain:
- to drain CSF
- you can change the head of the bed or mobilize the patient, only if clamped by the nurse.
Common lines and drains in ICU
3. Intracranial pressure monitoring catheter (ICP):
measures intracranial pressure for patients who had swelling and elevation of the intracranial pressure
-Passive therapy, positioning and splinting NO ADLs at this point
Common lines and drains in ICU
4. Spinal drain to drain CSF:
when the drain is open the patient should be flat in bed
-Can do ADL and move around only if the drain is clamped
Common lines and drains in ICU
5. Intravenous line (IV):
-they are superficial. Do not put pressure on them specially avoid splinting the area
Common lines and drains in ICU
6. Feeding tubes:
a) Nasogastric (NG)
b) Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG)
- While feeding make sure the head of the bed is raised 30 degrees to prevent aspiration
Initiating OT
- Check to make sure there is an order for OT. Check every session.***
- Ask the nurse if the information is current
- Review medical records: Is there a reason for holding the therapy: change in mental status, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism
- Check the facility standards
- Start with gross assessment of:
- vital signs: if there is great discrepancy, report to the nurse
- mental status
- movement/strength
How to work with a person in ICU
-Studies show that early OT and PT in ICU is safe
- Vital signs (document before, middle and after treatment)
- Changes in the neurological symptoms (posture, speech, pupils, …)
- Subjective complaints
-f any problems happen: terminate the treatment and inform medical team immediately
What can be done in acute phase (assessment and intervention)
-fill in later
Functional activities suggested in bed
1. Rolling to affected side
- To increase trunk rotation
- To increase awareness of affected side
Functional activities suggested in bed
2. Rolling to the unaffected side
- Passively guide the affected side
- Increase awareness of affected side
Functional activities suggested in bed
3. Maintaining side lying
- To avoid pressure on bony prominence in lower limbs
- Position scapula in protraction
- Use a roll towel under waist to give stretch to muscle
- Used rolled towel in mid-thoracic spine to hold the position
Functional activities suggested in bed
4. Bridging
- To strengthen the back and hip extensors
- To be used for transfers and dressing
Functional activities suggested in bed
5. Side lying on the affected side towards sitting
- Early weight bearing stage on affected side
- Patient needs help to start
- Side lying on the unaffected side towards sitting
Bed positioning
On back: pillow under affected arm and neck
Lying on affected side: leg straight pillow under unaffected leg, pillow between affected arm and unaffected arm, pillow supporting back
Lying on unaffected side: leg straight: pillows under affected leg, pillows under affected arm, pillows behind back for support
Weight Bearing activities:
-On upper limb
- in side lying
- while sitting (arm partially extended)
- infront of the sink
- Stabilizing objects
Weight Bearing activities:
-On lower limb
- Bridging
- Sitting at the edge of the bed, both feet on the floor
- Early transfer when medically stable
Graded sitting and standing activities:
1. Supported sitting in bed
- Raise the head of the bed gradually to 30 to 40 degrees and then to 80 degrees
- Start activities like
- ->grooming
- ->feeding
- ->leisure activities
- ->upper body dressing
Graded sitting and standing activities:
2. Supported sitting in a chair
- To increase out of bed sitting tolerance
- Use pillows
- Watch shoulder alignment
- Self-care, visual scanning, weight bearing
Graded sitting and standing activities:
3. Unsupported sitting in bed
- Can be in crossed leg position
- Head of bed is elevated but not touching the person’s back
- Pillows against the bed rail to protect the patient
Graded sitting and standing activities:
4. Unsupported sitting at the edge of the bed with feet dangling
- ***Safety first
- ensure equal weight bearing
- Postural control increases by touching the floor
Graded sitting and standing activities:
5. Sit to stand/Transfers
- Ensure lines and IVs have enough length
- Increase the bed height so the patient can get up easier
- Ensure appropriate alignment of the limbs
Graded sitting and standing activities:
6. Supported standing in from of a raised bed
- Early weight bearing
- Weight shifting
- Use arms
-Correct any biomechanical malalignment
-Protect join integrity
-Prevent muscle shortening
Maintain skin integrity
Develop wearing schedule - better at night than day time
Types of Splints:
- Resting hand splint
- Cone splint
- Adjustable inflatable splint (for patients with >1 stroke and increased muscle tone)
- Blanket/towel roll (roll around elbow to prevent elbow flexion)
cause and management
Cause: Blood clot or IV infiltrate Talk to nurse Edema management: -positional elevation -Extended limb above the heart level -Active and active assistive ROM -Note: Compression garments is not appropriate for IV related problems
Question: is raising foot rests of the wheelchair a good idea for managing edema in lower limbs: NO
-unless it is a tilt chair and then the legs can be higher than the heart
Shoulder Management
Aim and steps
- Educate the team to avoid pulling on the extremity
- Signage on the bed: (Please do not pull on patient’s arm. Please contact occupational therapy at 555-555-5555 with questions and concerns
- Supine: Suport shoulder in protraction and elbow and fingers in extension
- Edge of the bed: support on bed side table
- Out of bed in chair: support with pillows or an arm support
- Active and passive ROM : make sure scapula is moving with passive and active movement (glenohumeral rhythm)
Note 1: no use of slings in ICU as the person will not be moving
Note 2: if using IV on radial artery avoid wrist flex and ext
Raising spatial Awareness
- TV
- Phone
- Food
- Bed position to face the hallway
- Use bright coloured hand bands
- Family pictures
- More verbal cues
- Use less verbal cues as the person improves
Early cognitive management
ICU psychosis:
Contributing factors
ICU psychosis: -Fluctuating state of consciousness-fatigue, distraction, confusion, disorientation, restlessness, fear, anxiety, excitement, hallucination and delusion
Contributing factors: sleep problems, stress, sensory overload and underload, immobilization, not able to differentiate between day and night
Early cognitive Management
OT intervention:
- Gentle tactile and verbal stimulations
- involvement of patient in care
- Effective resting periods
- Decreasing monotony (same thing day in and day out)
- Mobilizing the patient
- Educating family in orienting patient to time of day and date
- Calendar and clock in view
- Music
- Massage
-Patient might be NPO (nothing but mouth), if not, you can start dysphagia screening
Symptoms of Potential Dysphagia
- Facial weakness
- weak tongue movements
- poor lip closure
- Drooling
- Coughing on secretions
- Poor or wet voice quality
- Residual food accumulate in mouth
Oral motor Screening
Is there…
- Facial asymmetry
- Food pocket in the cheek
- Gag reflex … use tongue depressor
Can the patient….
- Close lips (symmetrical?)
- Blow air into his cheeks (symmetrical?)
- Stick out tongue (symmetrical?)
- Clear his/her voice
- Demonstrate volitional cough
- Manage secretions
Check the soft palate when the person says “AH”. Does the palate elevate?
Other Considerations:
Skin protection
Assessment (colour, temp, wet or dry)
Intervention: reduce pressure
Other Considerations:
- Use communication boards (pictures and not letters), yes/no signals, eye blinking, …
- Avoid shouting
- Speak slowly and directly to the patient’s face
- Reduce background noise
- One person to communicate at a time
- Be aware of signs of frustration
- Glasses/hearing aid?
ADL grading in ICU/Acute:
- Sitting with support
- Finger feeding
- Drinking from a cup
- Brushing teeth
- Washing face
- Donning pullover shirt
- Donning shorts in bed when bridging
ADL grading in ICU/Acute:
- Sitting without back support
- Feeding with utensils
- Pouring liquid and drinking using a straw
- Brushing and cleaning dentures
- Washing face and upper body
- Donning a button-down shirt
- Donning pants with standing to pull up
Rehabilitation Phase
-Patients who have sustained an acute stroke should receive rehabilitation services if their post-stroke functional status is below their prestroke status and there is a potential for improvement
Acute –>Inpatient–>Outpatient
Criteria to quality for in-patient rehabilitation
- medically stable
- stamina to participate in the program demands/schedule
- Able to follow at minimum one-step commands, with communication support if required
- Sufficient attention, short term memory, and insight to progress through rehabilitation
- Potential to make functional gains
Timeframe for Recovery
- Golden time: first 1 to 3 months
- Gradual improvement for 1 year - up to 5 years
- most independent in basic ADL
- many are unable to return to work (depends on other factors)
Rehabilitation phase
which one goes first: compensatory treatment strategies Or Remedial treatment strategies????
When will you offer adaptive devices?
answer later
Occupational Performance
- Self-care
- Roles and responsibilities,
- Leisure
-Component abilities and capacities
- Upper extremity function
- Postural adaptation
- Speech and language
- Cognition
- Psychological aspects
- Visual function
- Motor planning
- Dysphagia
Upper extremity function
- somatosensory assessment
- shoulder subluxation
- shoulder-hand syndrome
- Voluntary movement
- Strength and endurance
- Functional performance
Occupational performance
what we are looking at and measures
- Roles
- Self-care
- IADL/Productivity
- Leisure
- Barthel index
- Role checklist
Minimum requirements to be able to stay home alone:
- prepare or retrieve a simple meal
- use safety precautions and exhibit good judgement
- take medication
- get emergency aid
Somatosensory Problems
- Somatosensory problems usually accompany motor problems
- Test of sensation require attention, recognition and response to multiple stimuli
- If receptive aphasia –> the test results might not be valid
- If expressive aphasia –> use yes/no questions or written way of communication
- If mild stroke + dexterity problems –>might do two point discrimination test
Shoulder Subluxation
definition and types
-Subluxation of glenohumeral joint because of weakness or spasticity in the muscles around it
- Inferior subluxation
- Anterior subluxation
- Superior Subluxation
Shoulder-hand Syndrome
(complex regional pain syndrome/Reflex sympathetic dystrophy)
How it impacts each part
-Starts with pain and continues to stiffness in shoulder and hand
Shoulder: loss of ROM with abduction, flexion and external rotation
Elbow: usually no signs or symptoms
Wrist: intense pain during extension and dorsal edema tenderness during deep palpation
Hand: edema over metacarpals, no tenderness
Digits: moderate fusiform edema, intense. pain during flexion in MC and PIPs, loss of skin lines
Shoulder-hand syndrome
Stage 1
*as the stages increase movement decreases
- Pain and increased sensitivity to touch
- Swelling and joint stiffness
- Increased warmth and redness
- Faster-than-normal nail and hair growth and excessive sweating
Shoulder-hand syndrome
Stage 2
*as the stages increase movement decreases
- Swelling is more constant
- Skin wrinkles disappear
- Cooler skin
- Increases stiffness
Shoulder-hand syndrome
Stage 3
-Rarely has pain or vasomotor changes but they have soft tissue dystrophy, contracture (frozen shoulder and claw hand), severe osteoporosis
Voluntary Movements
Test the followings:
- How are the movements: Reflexive or voluntary movement
- Can proximal segments stabilize to facilitate distal movements?
- Can movements happen unassisted?
- Can make movements in isolated joints?
- Are reciprocal movements in isolated joints?
- Are reciprocal movement present?
- Assessment tools?
Do we need to test AROM? do we need to test PROM?
Do We need to test muscle strength
-Answer later
Motor Recovery
- Rehab intensity
- Task specific practice
- Constraint induced movement therapy
- Mirror therapy
- Functional electrical stimulation
- Virtual reality
- Cognitive Orientation to occupation Performance
Postural control
-Individual ability to remain upright against gravity for stability and during. changes in body position
- Prerequisite to independence in ADLs
- Maintained by an interplay between sensory, motor and cognitive systems.
Postural Control
Problem in motor control
- uneven weight distribution and increased postural sway
- Unsteadiness and instability
- Frequent falls
Postural Control
- Observe during: sitting, standing, transfers and self-care tasks
- Berg balance test
- Functional Reach Test
Body part Positioning that is abnormal sitting after stroke
Head, neck: Forward, flexed to weak side and rotate away. from the weak side
- Uneven height
- involved side retracted
Spine and trunk:
- Curved from posterior
- Thoracic Kyphosis
- Shortened trunk muscles at one side
- Use of strong arm
- Increased or decreased muscle tone on affected side
- Asymmetrical weight bearing
- Posterior pelvic tilt
- Hips in more extension, feet in front of the knees
- Feet not flat on floor unable to weight bear
Postural control problem -OT intervention
Goal: client will be able to complete lower body dressing independently
- Provide feedback on how the person is sitting by using mirror or by copying the therapist
- Use varying postures and transitional movement into activities
- Grade reaching activities
- Use bilateral upper extremity activities to improve balance (sitting and standing)
Speech and language
- Damage to left cerebral hemisphere
1. Aphasia - Fluent (Wernicke’s aphasia or receptive aphasia);
- can speak but have problem auditory comprehension and understanding of language, Might have difficulty with reading and writing
- Difficulty following instructions
Speech and language
- Damage to left cerebral hemisphere
1. Aphasia - non-fluent (broca’s aphasia or expressive aphasia):
- understands well but can not produce words
- Person can follow instructions
Speech and language
- Damage to left cerebral hemisphere
2. Dysarthria
-Slurred speech, drooling and decreased facial expression
Cognition (after stroke)
- Increased risk of cognitive impairments and dementia
- Risk of dementia predicted by size and location of CNS damage
- Risk is associated with increased age at the time of the stroke
- Even mild strokes can have an effect on
- ->learning and remembering new information
- ->Generalizing
- ->initiating actions
- ->confusion in familiar places
-Difficulties organizing thoughts and attention
Visual and Perceptual Deficits
- visual field cuts
- ->Hemianopsia
- Oculomotor control
- Neglect
- Disorganized
Pattern recognition, visual memory, Visual cognition
Psychosocial changes
- Depression
1. Organic causes
2. reaction to the change - Anxiety
- Stress
- Anger
- Decreased insight vs Denial: Denial of need for rehab or unreasonable goals
More in rehab phase than acute phase
Importance of HOPE
Dysphagia signs and Symptoms
- Coughing, throat clearing, or choking during or after meals
- Shortness of breath
- Altered voice quality: wet, gurgling, or weak voice
- Difficulty moving food to start the swallow
- Spitting food out
- Poor lip closure, loss of food from mouth; Drooling
- Pocketing food in cheeks, under the tongue or the side of the mouth
- Slow, effortful chewing
- Rapid, uncontrolled eating
Consequences of dysphagia
->dry mouth, constipation, urinary tract infection, confusion, severe illness, or even death
Consequences of dysphagia
–> weight loss, reduced energy, skin breakdown, impaired wound healing, and lower resistance tp infection
Consequences of dysphagia
-entry of saliva, food, liquid, or refluxed stomach contents) –>respiratory problems, and pneumonia
Consequences of dysphagia
blockage of airway by piece of food, making it difficult or impossible to breathe
How to help with dysphagia
1. Proper positioning
- Sitting in chair or in bed (60 to 90 degrees)
- Head in middle and flexed slightly forward
- Encourage to stay upright about 30 min after meals
How to help with dysphagia
Reduced distractions
- Avoid clutter at the table
- Quiet environment
- no visitors at meal time
- Taking medication before or after meal rather than during
How to help with dysphagia
Adjust feeding rate, amount and texture
- Small, frequent meals
- Use teaspoon not a tablespoon
- encourage them to swallow twice
- Check for laryngeal elevation when swallowing which is the movement of the adam’s apple up and down
- Ensure the mouth is clear before introducing more food
- Use thickened liquids/ soft or pureed foods
How to help with dysphagia
Teach the person to:
- Eat slowly, and never rush
- Monitor slef-feeding with a mirror
- Remove pocketed food with their tongue
- Be aware of drooling and use a napkin if necessary
- Cough to clear the throat
- Wear loose-fitting clothes and avoid tight belts, to avoid reflux