Midterm Flashcards
Sources of Knowledge
(CASTLE) Customs and Tradition Assembled Information Scientific Research Trial and Error Logical Reasoning Experts and Authorities
Features of Research
(ROCES) Reliability Order Control Empiricism Systematic
Purpose of Research
Identification Description Exploration Explanation Prediction Control
Law that states that it shall be the duty of the nurse to undertake nursing and health human resource development training and research which include the development of advanced nursing practice
RA 9173 Section 28
Characteristics of a Researcher
(PACICIS) Patience and discipline to push the study through Ability to relate study to a known theory Creative thinking Intellectual curiosity Critical thinking Intellectual honesty Sense of humor
A series of actions that includes a purpose and a goal
Provides direction for the implementation of the series of actions to achieve an identified goal
TRUE OR FALSE. Can actions be revised and reimplemented in order to achieve the endpoint?
The main framework of nursing care wherein nurses describe or hypothesize the patient’s actual and potential problems, health risks, and promoting opportunities
Nursing Process
Phases of a Nursing Process
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Implementation Evaluation
The scientific process that validates and refines existing and general knowledge that directly or indirectly influences clinical nursing practice
Nursing Research Process
Phases of Nursing Research Process
Conceptual Phase Problem and Purpose Identification Design and Planning Phase Empirical Phase Analytical and Dissemination Phase
One of the standard classification system for selecting the outcomes for the nursing care plan
Nursing Outcome Classification
The scientific method of observation to gather non-numerical data
Qualitative Research Process
Phases of the Qualitative Research Process
Planning the study
Developing data collection strategies
Gathering and Analyzing Data
Disseminating Research Findings to validate perspectives
Phases of the Quantitative Research Process
Conceptual Phase Design and Planning Phase Empirical Phase Analytical Phase Dissemination Phase
The ultimate aim of science
A controlled, systematic investigation that is rooted in objective reality; aims to develop general knowledge about natural phenomena
Scientific Method
Basing professional practice on research evidence
Evidence-based practice
Characteristics of a Research