Midterm Flashcards
Missions is the responsibility of…
The “Go Ye” in the Great Commission is?
Meaning everyone of you
Whom did God call to be a missionary?
The mission is about the total concept of why Jesus died at Calvary. T/F?
Everyone who is a baptized, Holy Ghost filled child of God is called to be a missionary- to be a part of taking the whole gospel to the whole word. T/F?
Many today are interested in the second part of Mark 16:20 which talks about confirming the word with signs following , yet show little interest in going forth to preach and witness. T/F?
Since our talents vary, it doesn’t matter about our motives as long as we are trying to do something for God. T/F?
God blesses motives more than anything. T/F?
We will eventually fail in our ministry if our motives are about building a name for ourselves. T/F?
To find out your true motives, always ask yourself “Why”? T/F?
Once you are sent by the UPCI to a mission field, you are no longer accountable to the Global Missions Divisions, or your donors. T/F?
Missionary personnel will get themselves into serious conflict when they have an independent spirit and do not want supervision, accountability and are not willing to be part of a team concept. T/F?
“Always do the ___ ___, do it the ___ ___, because it is the ___ ___ __ __!”
Right Thing
Right Way
Right thing to do
To go and to be sent are essential, but that would be wasted effort without ____ what one has been sent to do.
“Being a missionary is about doing ____ needs to __ ____ to get the mission accomplished.
be done