midterm Flashcards
Politics matter for, at least, three reasons
politics touches all aspects of our lives
decisions made by government impact our well-being, thus citizens have an obligation to follow and participate in politics
knowledge of politics is important for political action
Power is the ability to achieve what one wants. One can use:
coercion (the use of force or threat) - Hard Power
influence (the use of persuasion or inducement) - Soft Power
authority (through legitimate right)
Bureaucratic authority: based on office based power legal rational authority. Rule of law and legal mandate of office.
Zero-Sum Politics
Win/Lose Politics
Positive Sum Politics
Win/Win Politics
High Politics
Major Decisions (affects a country’s survival)
Low Politics
Minor Decisions
Hierarchical Politics
concentration of power at the top
Pluralistic Politics
multiple parties and groups involved
Westphalia is the basis for the modern definition of a state, a state MUST have these qualities to be considered as such:
External Recognition ie. UN
Three Types of Citizenship
Blood - born there
Refugee - fled there
Naturalization - Immigrate there
The role of ideas and belief systems in social life; hence, some argue that ideology is everywhere and affects everyone.
Ideas that inspire people to act.
Helps us to understand human nature.
Capitalism (market ideology) promotes:
private property
free enterprise
equal opportunities in the market
Capitalism (market ideology) does not promote
equal distribution of wealth by the government
The focus is on the ability of individuals to express their own thoughts and make their own choices as they see fit—and in their best interest—because they are rational human beings Optimistic view of human nature Individual freedom (or liberty) Equality Rule of law Consent of the governed Responsible & moral free market Restrained government - ex. Charter of rights
Classical Liberalism
emphasizes limited government and the reliance on the power of the free market system to create the political and social change desired by citizens.
Classical liberialism promotes
protection of life, liberty, and property
role of government was limited to dispute resolution, rather than to dictatorial rule
Reform Liberalism
a greater role for government than in Classic Liberalism
Reform liberialism promotes
allow freedoms to occur on a more equal footing by the removal of social and economic barriers
providing programs such as health care, education, and welfare
Stresses the ideas of stability, order, and respect for authority and is based on the premist humans are imperfect, with a limited capacity of reason
Moderate change over time is preferable to radical change
Tax cuts to create more business opportunities in the private sector and high employment opportunities for the workers
Individualism and hard work
Pessimistic view of human nature; humans are evil and cannot be trusted.
Conserve traditional customs - they are god given - respect for accumulated wisdom from past generations
people are social by nature and more apt to work cooperatively with one another rather than competitively:
Socialism promotes:
public ownership
government economic planning
distribution of wealth for the purpose of creating equal economic results for people of different social and economic levels
National socialism
there are “superior nations” because of their race, and these superior nations will eventually dominate “inferior” nations. Charismatic Leader
“Survival of the fittest”
Militant Nationalism - pursuit of territorial expansionism
assigns to the state, particularly to one leader, the supreme authority for the total control of society
Neo-Fascism - preserving identity of the state against outside political forces and external influences - xenophobic
State Corporatism - taking over businesses by force for the good of the society.
Irrational, social darwinism survival of the fitness, do not like reason,
is that humanity needs to improve its relationship with nature, that a proper balance between human activities and the health of the earth, including that of wildlife, must be maintained.