Midterm Flashcards
What is the full title of Darwin’s book on evolution?
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life
What is Darwin’s definition of biological evolution?
Descent with modification
What is natural selection?
“Preservation of favorable variations and the rejection of injurious variation”
According to Darwin, when does natural selection occur?
When there’s
overproduction and
variation among individuals of species
What is known as a favorable variation that enhances chance of survival/reproduction?
Survival of the fittest
Who was the first to propose natural selection? When?
Edward Blyth
Before Darwin’s OoS came out in 1859
Darwin believed that man is an animal. What did Edward Blyth believe about man?
That man is a special creation
Edward Blyth believed that man is a special creation. What did Darwin believe about man?
That man is an animal
Natural selection can only “select” for (or against) what?
something that already exists
What four things was Darwin asked about evolution?
QUESTION___(his answer)
What causes the variation in the organism? (Inheritance of acquired characteristics)
Is this change limited? (no)
Where are the transitional fossils? (they will eventually be found)
How do you explain the appearance of design? (Natural selection gives the appearance of design)
According to Darwin, what causes the variation in the organism?
Inheritance of acquired characteristics (law of use and disuse)
According to Darwin, are there any limits to evolution?
No. Darwinism is based on the concept that there are no limits.
How did Darwin respond when asked where the transitional fossils are?
they will eventually be found
How did Darwin explain the appearance of design?
Natural selection gives the appearance of design
Species vs. Kind: Human classification term
Species vs. Kind: Genesis classification term
Species vs. Kind: Group of similar organisms which interbreed freely in nature
Species vs. Kind: biologically capable of producing offspring between two different species
What is Baraminology?
The study of created kinds
Who believe that there was no global flood?
[Gap Theorists/Progressive Creationists/Theistic Evolutionists]
Progressive creationists
Gap theorists
Who believes that there was a second creation?
[Gap Theorists/Progressive Creationists/Theistic Evolutionists]
Gap theorists
Who believes in the Big Bang?
[Gap Theorists/Progressive Creationists/Theistic Evolutionists]
Progressive creationists
Theistic evolutionists
Who believes that Adam existed?
[Gap Theorists/Progressive Creationists/Theistic Evolutionists]
Gap theorists
Progressive creationists
Who believes that Adam did NOT exist?
[Gap Theorists/Progressive Creationists/Theistic Evolutionists]
Theistic evolutionists
Who believes that God created the earth?
[Gap Theorists/Progressive Creationists/Theistic Evolutionists]
Gap theorists
What is the definition of religion (faith)?
People’s beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of a deity or deities, and device involvement in the universe and human life
What is a worldview?
A way of thinking and behaving based on one’s knowledge, beliefs, and experiences
What are the 7 Cs of worldview?
Creation Corruption Catastrophe Confusion Christ Cross Consumation
What is materialism?
The belief that only matter is real and all explanations come from interaction
What is naturalism?
Scientific laws that can explain all phenomena
What are the two worldview?
Naturalistic and Biblical
What is knowledge?
Study of God’s order and reasonableness in his physical universe?
What allows us to study science?
“uniformity of nature”
What are the two types of science?
Operational and Historical
What are four parts of operational science?
What is historical science?
An attempt to explain the past based on the present
What is a model?
A set of presuppositions used to explain/predict scientific facts
What do evolutionists believe started the existence of our solar system?
Nebular Hypothesis
What is an apologia?
“Christianity defensively stated”
What is the doctrine of Biblical creationism? (statement 1)
“Supernatural creation of all things in six literal days by the God of the Bible, approximately 6000 years ago.”
What is bara?
first creation: that which requires divine activities
What is asah?
second creation
What is the nature of Biblical creation?
Superficial appearance of age
What is the Hebrew word for day?
How many times is yôm used as a numerical adjective?
How many times is yôm used as “evening and morning”?
How is Genesis 1 written?
Narrative (not poetry)
What are the 6 days of creation?
- Earth, Space, Time, Light
- Firmament
- Dry Land, Plants
- Sun, Moon, Stars
- Fish, Fowl
- Land Animals, Man
How is Hebrew narrative written?
How is Hebrew poetry written?
Who proposed the Gap theory?
Thomas Chalmers
Who wrote the reference Bible?
What is the correct translation for Genesis 1:2?
was, not became
How long ago does Ross believe man’s spirit evolved?
40,000 years ago
What is the biggest proponent of theistic evolution?
What is the biggest proponent of theistic evolution?
Who created BioLogos?
Dr. Francis Collins
Who is tied to final deportation of Judah in 584 BC?
Archbishop James Ussher
How old is the earth according to the evolution model?
4.56 Billion yrs
Who old is the Big Bang according to the evolution model?
13.7 billion yrs
Who is associated with catastrophism?
George Cuvier
Who established uniformitarianism?
Charles Lyell
What is uniformitarianism?
the present is the key to the past
What is an axiom?
something to be true simply because it has to be true
What is neocatastrophism?
the notion that rare high magnitude events have played an important roll in landscape evolution
What is radiometric dating?
“the process of estimating the age of the rocks from the decay of their radioactive isotopes”
What type of rock cannot be radiometrically dated?
What are the three assumptions of radiometric dating?
Constant rate of decay
Closed system
Knowledge of initial starting conditions
What is the age of the earth according to radiometric dating? What is this based on?
4.56 billion yrs. based on the canyon diablo meteorite
What is a lightyear?
the distance light can travel in a year (a distance measurement)
How fast is the speed of light?
186,000 mi/sec
What is “c” in e=mcˆ2?
the speed of light
What is the time-light problem?
This light should’ve taken billions of years
What is CKD (Speed of Light Decay)?
speed of light may have been greater in the past
What is GTD (Gravitational Time Demarcation)?
time may have flowed more slowly in the past
What is ASC (Anisotropic Synchrony Convention)?
instantaneous, one-way travel of light