Midterm Flashcards
EZLN (Zapatista Army of National Liberation)
a political and military group that controls Chiapas, they protested Nafta, and wanted to get rid of white people.
PRI (Partido Revolucionario Institucional)
A Mexican Political Party that was in power for 71 years (1929-2000)
Plan de Ayala
“Tierra y libertad” it was a document written by Emiliano Zapata and it was a land reform and freedom during the Mexican Revolution.
Plan de San Luis Potosi
it was a political document written by Madero. It was for nullifying the election (1910) of Diaz, Madero for president, and Mexicans to revolt.
Toussaint L’ouverture
He was a Haitian man and a free slave, that became the leader of the Haitian Revolution in 1791
Battle of Ayacucho (1824)
It was part of the Peruvian Independence. It secured the independence of Peru and ensure the independence for the rest of SA.
Alvaro Obregon
He was a general in the Mexican rev and became president 1920-24.
Lazaro Cardenas
He ran for president in 1934-40, he wanted to stop all the killings, and to get rid of Jefe Maximo. He promised reforms: land reform, unions, nationalism.
Miguel Hidalgo
He was a leader of the Mexican rev. He lived in Dolores and he raised an army of thousands of people to start the revolution.
Cuauhtemoc Cardenas
Founder of PRD, Party of the Democratic Rev
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
Was the most famous of Mexico’s caudillos,
Jose de San Martin
Argentine Revolutionary, he helped the revolutions against the Spanish in Argentina, Chile and Peru.
La Reforma
it was a list of reforms created by liberals in 1854, they wanted to remake the laws and change them to liberal principles.
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna
He became president in 1833, he was in lead when the Mexican war happened with the US, about land.
Jose Gabriel Condorcanqui Tupac Amaru
He was the leader of an uprising against the Spanish in Peru, which caused him his death. 1781
Jefe Maximo
He was former president Calles, he wanted equal justice, more education, labor rights, and democracy.
group of officials (1890s) in Diaz regime.
Christians/Catholics who fought for the power of the church. (1920s)
Plaza of Three Cultures (Tlarelolco) (1968)
A peaceful march, but the Diaz troops marched in and opened fire on the unarmed, innocent civilians.
Cinco de Mayo
the day the Mexican army won against the French during the Franco-Mexican war (1862)
military/political leader
Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
This treaty added terretory to the US, what today is Texas, California, New Mexico, etc.
It is an Industry of Oil and gas and incredibly helped the economy
Article 27 (1917 Constution)
The government has ownership of all land: only mex citizens can own land, Ejidos get their land, the subsoil is owned by Mexican gov.