Midterm Flashcards
Pass Midterm
Evaluate Food Mood Journal
Positive observation, what needs improvement, mark up of fats/carbs, calculation of hydration quotient including diuretics, foods sensitivities and make transitions upgrade recommendations
What is the balanced macronutrient percentages?
30/30/40 protein, fat, carb
What is the study of the integration between people and their food?
What is the study of how the body functions?
What is the study of the body’s form?
What is the anatomical direction towards the head?
What is the anatomical direction towards front of body?
What omega 6 fatty acid is essential?
Linoleic Acid
What omega 3 fatty acid is essential?
Alpha Linolenic Acid
What is the process of breaking glycogen in to glucose/blood sugar?
What is the metabolic pathway that results in new glucose formation?
Name two nutritional poineers
Weston Price and Francis M. Pottenger, Jr
What should the Ph of the stomach be to digest protein?
What glands become highly active when the body needs to raise blood sugar?
What is the name of a hormone that is produced and secreted by the alpha cells in the pancreas to maintain blood sugar in between meals?
What are the 3 big organs from a digestion standpoint?
Stomach, pancreas, gallbladder
What is the digestion process?
Its a north to south process:
- Brain (sight and smell of food triggers salivary glands to produce saliva)
- Mouth (food enters and mix with saliva and is masticated by teeth)
- Esophagus (food enters as bolus, the cardio sphincter opens to allow the bolus to enter)
- Stomach (mixes HCL and Pepsin churning, enters the S.I as Chyme)
- Duodenum (bolus mixes with HCL {excretes at .8 pH} continues to churn mixing with HCL, mucous, secretin and CCK to form chyme)
- Secretin (stimulates the pancreas to release bicarbonate and pancreatic juice and CCK signals the gallbladder to release bile for the emulsification of fats)
Once the stomach acid is brought back to a pH of 7.0 the chemical digestion of macros is complete (Carbs to glucose, Proteins to Amino Acids and Fats to fatty acids).
The nutrients are moved out of the duodenum by peristalsis to the ileum and the jejunum where villi and micro villi absorb the nutrient molecules in to the bloodstream. The leftover Chyme (indigestible fibers, bile, water and sloughed off cells) gets passed to the L.I thru the ileocecal valve.
- Large Intestine (recycles water and waste material with nourishes the colon, captures any lost nutrients still available with the help of the bowel flora, converts the nutrients to vitamins k/b1/b2/b12/butyric acid)
then forms and expels feces.
How is blood sugar regulation controlled?
By the central nervous system (PAALS): Pancreas, Adrenals, Adipose Tissue, Liver and Skeletal System
What 3 factors affect the body increasing blood sugar levels?
Processed/Refined Foods, Environmental Toxicity and Stress
What is the average yearly consumption of sugar per year?
174,000 metric tons
What 2 things can be created through an adjustment of macronutrients ratios?
- Balanced Hormonal Release
2. Release of Fats, Carbs and Proteins for energy
What are the 6 cofactors of conjugating fatty acids in to prostaglandins?
Proper Digestion Proper liver function Enzymes (amino acids) B6 Magnesium Zinc
What are the 3 possible reactions to a nutritional protocol?
Healing crisis (symptoms get worse) Allergic Reaction/Sensitivity (swelling of tongue, difficulty breathing, ear tingling, hives, itchy skin) Digestive reaction (diarrhea, gas, bloating and constipation)
What are the 5 steps of the Client Consultation Process?
- Initial Interview/Disclaimer(develop rapport with client and learn history)
- FMJ/NAQ (details clients diet, the current issues, top 5 health concerns, client’s habits)
- FE (body info, building trust, creating a bond)
- Plan & Nutritional recommendations (communication of short term/long term goals, recommendations for diet & lifestyle changes)
- Follow Up Consultation(monitor progress, test sufficiency of supplements, retest FE)
What are some examples of macronutrients?
Proteins(GF Beef, WC Fish, FR Chicken)
Carbs(Veggies, Fruits[fermented, soaked, sprouted])
Fats(Nuts, Seeds, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, GF Butter, Ghee)
What should our clients think about food sourcing?
They should select foods that are local, seasonal, quality, organic, grass fed, free range, wild caught, no antibiotics/hormones, pasture raised, whole foods. Try to avoid conventional/ processed foods and transfats
Describe Digestive Dysfunction
Mouth(food not chewed properly) ->low saliva(dehydration/Low pH), Gallbladder(not producing enough bile (which also stimulates peristalsis) to break down fats which creates leaky gut in the small intestine. Pancreas(lack of enzymes negatively effect the chemical breakdown of food), Large Intestines(slow motility from dehydration, peristalsis could be impaired due to lack of bile, the number of macros to prevent constipation is water, dysbiosis of microbiome, lack of fiber)
Describe metabolic flexibility
The ability to use both carbs and fats as energy sources without having blood sugar crashes because the body can not efficiently switch between the two
What are ways that fats support the body?
Hormone creation Cellular integrity/Cell Walls Energy Satiety/Food tastes good Protective lining of organs Assimilation of Fat Soluble Vitamins
Explain in one sentence how a Standard American Diet disrupts blood sugar balance
The body is not able to properly store energy sources, due to lack of available nutrients which leads to blood sugar crashes (lack of metabolic flexibility)
What is the introduction statement prior starting the FE?
I will now begin the hands on portion of the consultation called the Functional Evaluation. I will use various palpations and assessments to evaluate physiological function and nutrient balance.
For each palpation, please give me a tenderness rating from 0 to 10, with 0 being no tenderness and 10 being extremely tender.
Before I begin, do I have permission to touch you?
May I see your thumb please?
What are the protocol questions for hypotension?
Do you know what your regular blood pressure is?
Do you often become dizzy when you stand up quickly from a seated or lying position?
I will support your arm during the test and will guide you to sit on the table if you become dizzy.
What are the protocol questions for eye response?
Have you had eye surgery recently?
Have you ever had head trauma or head injuries of any kind?
Do you ever experience seizures?
Do you have any known neurological issues?
Are you wearing colored contacts?
Do you feel the need to wear your sunglasses when outdoors?
What are the protocol questions for posterior ilium?
Have you ever had manipulative correction or chiropractic care?
Do you have any known structural issues that could cause one leg to be shorter or longer that the other?
Do you have any back, hip, knee or ankle injuries?
What is the protocol for ligament tenderness?
The next palpation is in a more personal area. There is a ligament that runs from your hip bone to your pubic bone that lies in the crease of your leg where it joins your body.
Do you feel comfortable with me palpating this area?
What is the protocol for oral pH?
Have you had anything to eat or drink, or used tobacco, gum, or mints, within the last 30 minutes?
Do you have any known oral or gum infections?
What is the protocol for the repeated muscle test?
Do you work out regularly? If so, do you find a general lack of energy and endurance when training?
Have you worked out in the last few days? Are you experiencing muscle soreness now?
Do you have any injuries or have you had recent surgery in this area?
What are the Big Ideas for Digestion?(3)
- Digestion is a North to South Process
- The 3 Big Organs from a nutritional standpoint: Stomach, Pancreas, Gallbladder
- Digestion is Fundamental to Nutritional Therapy. Every cell that makes up every tissue that makes up every organ depends on the body’s digestive system to provide the nutrients it needs to keep on functioning
What are the Big Ideas for Blood Sugar?(4)
- BS Regulation is controlled by the Central Nervous Systems Communication with (PAALS) Pancreas, Adrenals, Adipose Tissue, Liver, Skeletal Muscle.
- Never before have we had an emergency need to lower BS. The increased consumption of Processed/Refined Foods, Environmental Toxicity and Stress create this unique/critical need.
- The yearly consumption of over 174,000 metric tons of processed sugar world wide and the average of 160 lbs per person/year in the American population is drastically affecting our health.
- Through adjustment of macro ratios, an individual can create balanced release and utilize all macros for energy.
What are the Big Ideas for Fatty Acids?(2)
- Healthy Fatty Acids deficiencies are an epidemic: Musculoskeletal, Endocrine, Cardiovascular, Allergy/Skin Problems, Immune, Depression, etc
- Inflammation can be effectively managed with nutritional therapy, therefore reducing healing time.
What is the calculation of hydration(including diuretics)
The oz of diuretics x 1.5 + Body Weight (lbs) /2=Daily Minimum Water Intake
What are the Transitional Suggestions that can be made for the client?
Never remove always substitute.
Note possible reactions to foods.
Trade and Upgrade (meet the client where they are).