Midterm Flashcards
Who was Hahneman?
Father of homeopathy
Who was Hippocrates?
Father of medicine
Do good or at least no harm
Spine is cause of disease
Who was Paracelsus?
Father of naturopathy
Who was Mesmer?
Father of magnetic healing
Theory of animal attraction
Put people into trances
Who was Joy Loban?
UCC’s president who filed wrongful death suit against BJ
Who was EA Thompson?
Ran spinograph reading service
Who was Solon Langworthy?
Father of “mixing chiropractic”
DD’s main nemesis
First ACA
Who was Mabel Heath Palmer?
First lady of chiropractic
Wrote chiropractic anatomy
Who was Thomas Storey?
Chiropractic inventor
Introduced hose hole
Who was Oakley Smith?
Founder of Naprapathy
Ligatite and ligaloose
Who was William Seely MD?
1st graduate, established PSC and cure
Who was AP Davis?
First “mixer” MD DO DC
Characteristics of magnetic healing include:
Trance state and magnets
Restores flow of invisible fluids
Characteristics of osteopathy include:
Inborn drug store
Rule of artery
Characteristics of naturopathy include:
Natural healing
Characteristics of homeopathy include:
Like cures like
Theory of infinite dilution
Characteristics of allopathy?
Opposite to disease
DD moves to LA
Universal Chiropractic Collage (Loban)
DD calls himself discoverer of chiropractic
Xrays are introduced
DD moves to What Cheer, Iowa.
BJ is born
Osteopathy founded
DD Palmer born in Canada
AT Still American School of Osteopathy
BJ graduates from Palmer at 19.
DD goes to Portland
DD Palmer dies in LA
NCM introduced
Committee on Education Standards.
Logan College.
AT Still and DD Palmer:
AT accused DD of stealing osteopathy
Both started as magnetic healers
NCM introduction:
“The hour glass has struck” no chiro can practice without an NCM
Spinography introduction:
Analysis of xray for postural/structural abnormalities
Radio stations:
1st 50kw station in Iowa at PSC
WHO, antenna on roof of admin building
WOC, Ronald Reagan
Pottenger accomplishments:
Chiro oriented MD, convinces BJ that “nerve pathways are less variable than SP/TP”
Meric System
Flexner report:
Funded by Carnegie Foundation
Condemns state of medical education in America
Only allopathic schools should get federal approval
1st chiropractic practice act:
1905, Reisland/Langworthy introduce 1st bill to regulate Minnesota 2 year training, including traction Grandfathers untrained healers Law doesn’t go into effect
Warren Sausser “To Tell The Truth”:
Develops single exposure full spine xray
BJ’s childhood:
DD was abusive, hitting him on back with bat
DD would make him sleep on the street
DD Palmer cause of death:
Typhoid fever and “brain congestion”
BJ introduces philosophy:
Focused on terminology
Made chiropractic a religion
10% of students leave school
BJ’s birth:
Born Joshua Bartlett
Changed birth year to 1881
1800s medical schools:
2 semesters of classes, 3 year apprenticeship
Forms of medical care early American settlers used:
European professional medicine
European folk medicine
Native American practice
Galen attributes:
Refined Hippocrates’ ideas
3 connected systems: brain/nerves: sensation/thought, heart/arteries: life-giving energy, liver/veins: nutrition/growth
Father of magnetic healing
Austria and Paris
Predecessor to hypnotism