Midterm Flashcards
When the stimulus initially establishes a response
Stimulus Generalization
Occurrence of behavior learned through habituation or conditioning in the presence of stimulus that are different from the stimulus used during training
Elimination of a classical or operant contingency
Spontaneous Recovery
Recovery of a response produced by a period of rest after habituation or extinction
Tendency to respond in the same way to different but similar stimuli
How close two or more stimuli occur in time and space. Important to classical conditioning
Delayed Conditioning
Conditioned stimulus is presented slightly before the unconditioned stimulus on each trial
Backward Conditioning (Forward Chaining)
Last response or response component of chain is taught first because it is closest to the delivery of the reinforcer
Decrease in vigor of an elicited behavior
Increase in responsivity
Aversion Therapy
Patient is exposed to a stimulus while simultaneously being subjected to some form of discomfort
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy
Patients receiving virtual reality therapy navigate through digitally created environments and complete specially designed tasks often tailored to treat a specific ailment
An instance of learning
Classical Conditioning, Observational Conditioning, Associative Learning, and Operant Conditioning
A behavior that illustrates learning
Can be either an increase or decrease in a particular response
Mind-Body Dualism
Idea of Rene Descartes. Believed that the mind and body are two distinct entities that interact to make a person
Scientific idea that is a testable explanation of some phenomenon
Random Sampling
Participants are chosen at random
State of Consciousness
Anything that varies from a normal state of awareness
Operational Definition
Tells you how to recognize examples of learning and how to recognize non examples when you see them
Behavioral Explanation
Behaviors are acquired through conditioning
Conditioned Response (CR)
Automatic response established by training to a neutral stimulus
Elimination of the CR
CS is presented repeatedly without the US
Means by which organisms adjust to changes in their environment and then retain those adjustments
Learned Response
Conditioned Response
Unconditioned Stimulus (US)
Elicits the response of interest without prior training
Unconditioned Response (UR)
Happens automatically and naturally
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
Previously neutral, becomes associated with US, triggers CR. It is neutral before conditioning
Simultaneous Conditioning
CS and US occur at the same time
Trace Conditioning
Gap between CS and US
Stimulus Substitution (Pavlov)
Classical conditioning occurred because CS became a substitute for the US by being paired closely together
Positive Reinforcement
Operant conditioning procedure of following a response with delivery of a desired reinforcer
Negative Reinforcement
Response causes an undesired reinforcer to be removed or prevented
Escape Conditioning
Form of Aversive Conditioning. Aversive stimulus is presented and participant responds by leaving stimulus situation
Avoidance Conditioning
Subject is taught to avoid punishment
Eliminating operant responses by following them with presenting undesired stimulus or removing desired stimuli
Conditioning of unwanted behavior or response to a stimulus into a wanted behavior or response by association of positive actions with the stimulus
John Watson is best described as
Concerned with observable behavior as it relates to observable events in the environment
In simultaneous conditioning, the CS is presented at the same time as the US
In backward conditioning, the CS is presented at the same time as the US
In trace conditioning, was the CS remedied before the US appeared
In delayed conditioning, was the CS removed before the US appeared