Midterm Flashcards
water loving
attracted to one end or the other
dissolve other substances
heat liquid to near boiling point
atmospheric pressure
boiling depends on the amount of pressure around a liquid. The weight of the air above up pushes down due to gravity. THE MORE AIR ABOVE YOU, TH EMORE PRESSURE. Boiling happens when water molecules have enough energy to spread out and form bubbles. With the increased pressure, the molecules of water are pushed closer together thus taking more energy (heat) to get them boiling.
vapor pressure
the pressure of the water molecules, leaving a liquid in the form of steam, pushing against the atmospheric molecules. Reduces the amount of pressure felt by the water. When vapor pressure=atmospheric pressure, boiling happens. VAPOR PRESSURE MAKES IT EASIER FOR BOILING BUBBLES TO FORM. Different substances have different vapor pressures and boiling points because the molecules are attracted to each other with different strengths.
Boiling point
the point at which the molecules within a substance can spread out using enough energy to form bubbles.
only two proteins, makes food chewy, kinda like glue, binds food together. Creates webs inside dough and makes it stretchy, forming pockets when it bakes making bread spongy and fluffy.
protein forming connective tissue. Very hard to break down, breaks down best with moist heat cooking methods.
muscle fibers that contract muscle
responsible for skin strength and elasticity, like elastin, hard to break down.
material data safety sheet, provides health and safety information of products
latent heat
phase change, temperature remains the same until the phase changes again
sensible heat
When you heat a substance just to increase the temperature of the substance, without changing it’s phase then the heat is called sensible heat.
when proteins or nucleic acids unravel from heat or chemicals
liquid strapped inside of a solid
a colloid that pours or a solid dispersed in a liquid
colloidal dispersion
In colloidal dispersion one substance is dispersed as very fine particles in another substance called dispersion medium.
the liquid that the solvent is dissolved in
law of conservation of mass
must retain same amount of mass even through phase changes. Total amount of energy leaving plant.
law of conservation of energy
must retain same amount of energy even through phase changes. Total amount of energy entering the plant.
bound water
in jams for instance, the sugar molecules have chemically bound to the available water molecules, then they are not available for bacteria to use and they cant grow.
free water
water that is not chemically bound to anything
entrapped water
water that has been trapped in proteins like amylose which then forms a gel
unit operations
flow chart of processing, heat transfer, drying, evaporation, mechanical separating, size reduction, mixing, shaping, extruding. Conservation of energy. can be as large or small as you want. Raw materials put in, finished product comes out.
freezing point
freezing point depression, when a substance changes phases
measurement conversion
4 grams = 1 teaspoon. 3 teaspoons in one tablespoon, 16 tablespoons in one cup. 192 grams in one cup
individual measurement
measurement by weight
count how many per pound, shrimp, potatoes
most accurate form of measurement, grams, pounds, ounces, tons
space occupied by substance, cups, quarts, gallons, tablespoon, teaspoon
e. coli
replicate every 20 minutes, in the intestine, makes you sick
food poisoning
most often things make us sick because they are contaminates, not because of the original meat.
food borne illness outbreak
two or more people experience the same illness around the same time
anaerobic, endospores, grows in canned goods that have not been properly heat treated to denature endospores.
Three types of contaminants
chemical, biological, and physical
food, acidity, temperature, time, oxygen, moisture
staphylococcus bacteria
on skin and scalp, causes sickness
direct contact, more efficient
currents of air or liquid distribute heat
energy transferred as waves or rays
magnetic current generated by a high-frequency indiction coil
effects of cooking
make edible, increase palatability, rehydrate (flour), increase food safety, improve digestability
changes of state
80 calories for each gram of ice to change to water. Steam will cook things very quickly because it is so effective
good conductor material
copper, aluminum
holds heat well
stainless steel
cruddy heat conductor
roasting, baking, broiling, outdoor grilling
stewing, boiling, braising, poaching
no Maillard reaction
sautéing, panfrying, deep-fat frying
moist heat
simmering, boiling, stewing, braising, poaching
dry heat
roasting, baking, broiling, grilling
Basic reactions
proteins coagulate, starches gelatinize, sugars caramelize, water evaporates, fat melts
difference between caramelize and Maillard reaction
enzymatic color reaction
damaged fruits and veggies, inactivated by heat transfer
function of eggs
binder, moisture, emulsifying
air(from mixing), steam, carbon dioxide
grades of beef
prime, choice, select, standard, commercial, utility, cutter, canner
safe food temps
ground meats, poultry, seafood: 165. Pork chops: 145. Steaks range: 135-165
wash, rinse, sanitize for 30 seconds. Can boil, sanitation solution needs to be high enough, can use bleach
water molecule
105 degree angle, changes to 109 when freezing. diagram
Maillard reaction
sugars and amino acids combine to form compounds the brown and form flavors. need heat much higher than the boiling point to accomplish Maillard reaction.
carbon and water, starches and sugars, storage of energy,
mono, di, poly
role of carbohydrates
sweeteners, thickeners, stabilizers, gelling agents, fat replacers
diagram molecule of glucose
hexagon with v bond
polysaccharide, dispersible in water, forms gel, delicate balance between acid, sugar, pectin, ad water
hydrophilic carbohydrates containing thousands of monosaccharide units. do not form gels but trap large amounts of water. prevent syneresis, thickening, stabilizer. gum arabic, locust bean, carrageenan?
amylose=gel, no amylose = no gel,