Midterm Flashcards
Dependent Variable
Outcome we are interested in
Depends on the other variable
Goes on the y-axis
Independent Variable
Intervention or treatment
The “cause”
Goes on the x-axis
Something related to both the IV and DV
in absence of treatment
Treated Group
those who et some treatment of interest
Control Group
Those who do not get the treatment of interest
Observational Study
General term for research where you don’t get to randomize who get the treatment
Instead you just observe some relationship in the world
Experimental Study & Randomized Control Trial (RCT)
common terms for research designs in which you do randomize who gets the treatment
Typically you can make causal claims from experimental studies
Quasi-experimental research
research in which you have observational data, but you find ways to ensure that the treatment was effectively randomly distributed
Internal Validity
Is the experiment well designed? Is it free from confounders or bias?
External Validity
Is the finding generalizable to other populations, situations or cases? Does it apply outside of the context in which the finding was generated?
Problems with experiments
Not everything can be randomized (democracy, gender)
Not everything should be randomized (wars, right to vote and medication for birth defects)
Ethical dilemma: randomized treatment means denying treatment to some but not randomizing means we don’t really know if its effective or not
Running experiment is expensive
dependent variable, outcome variable, the thing we want to predict
independent variable, the thing that predicts the DV
error term
part of the DV or IV doesn’t explain
everything NOT in our model
slope coefficient
relationship between X & Y
Indicated how much change in Y is expected if X increases by 1 unit
Value of Y when X is zero (intercept)
Indicates where the regression line crosses the Y-axis
Value of Y when X is 0
the IV is correlated with the error term
confounder: this means that there is another unmeasured variable (a confounder) that affects the IV which also affects the DV
We haven’t included this other confounding variable in our model
To get our casual estimate
we need to create exogeneity
IV is unrelated to or uncorrelated with the error term
Accomplish this through random assignment
noise in the data
could go away with larger sample sizes
address some of these concerns with t-tests (p-values) and confidence intervals
using a coin toss to create treatment and control groups which creates exogeneity
the overall collection of individuals, beyond just the sample
the collection of individuals on which statistical analyses are performed, and from which general trends for the population are inferred
also called an “object” or “unit”
a single data point contributing to the sample
average of a variable
X bar