Midterm :) Flashcards
Biological differences in birth or later in life
Sex as a spectrum
Sex role that accompy the sex of a person (markers)
Culturally ascribed
Traditional notions of gender identity
Divided between feminine and masculine (e.g.: emotional VS. rational)
It creates gender binary
Levels of operation
Socialization, interactions and social structure
Gender role
Displays, markers/behaviours in your life domains that ppl expect according to your gender
Gender identity
What you identity. Determine your gender roles.
We embodie the expectations of society in our identity.
Dualism - straight world order (binary)
The intersection of different stratification systems (race, class, gender, etc.)
- Relationships between social constructs (not static) bound with time period and culture
- Not additive
Gender (Doing gender - West and Zimmerman)
As a routine accomplishment embedded in everyday interaction (achieved) in institutions
An emergent feature of social situations; a means of legitimating one of the most fundamental divisions of society
No organizational context
Sex (Doing gender - West & Zimmerman)
Hidden, but we pressumpt them
Sex category (Doing gender - West and Zimmerman)
Achieved through application of the sex criteria, but in everyday life, categorization is established by displays (pros)
Gender displays (Doing gender - West and Zimmerman)
scripted dramatization of the cultures idealization of feminine and masculine natures
Played for an audience
Sex role theory (Risman)
Suggests that girls develop nurturant personalities & boys become competitive
Object-relations psychoanalytic perspective (Risman)
From exclusive mothering: girls develop selves based on contectedness and relationships while boys develop selves based on independance and authonomy
Maternal thinking
Women nurture they value peace and justice
Risman’s point of view
Men and women behave differently b/c they fill different positions in institutions (family, work)
Also, even if they are in similar structures, they still behave differently (e.g.: reproductive labour)
b/c the structure of gender has contrained the possible choices (e.g. marry, name your children)
Cons of doing gender (Risman)
Undertheorize the pervasiveness of gender inequality in organizations & gendered identities
Doing differences (Risman)
Follow doing gender
More broad to all sorts of inequality (e.g. race)
Cons of sex role theory (Kimmel)
- Gender is only a role (too theatrical) - deny structure
- Doesn’t consider context
- Sees it as complementary
Social constructionism on gender (Kimmel)
Dominance creates gender differences.
Power belongs to a group not an individual
Both our biographies and history are gendered
Yancey Martin’s argument
Social constructionist
Gender as a social structure - work as one aspect of gender (re)production
Men and women socially construct each other at work by practicing gender.
These interactions impair women workers
Gender dynamics (Yancey Martin)
- Gender practices
- Practicing gender: directional and temporal
Benoit’s argument
It is not wrong to have to have a division of gender in society. It is the devaluation of these tasks in capitalist society. (e.g.: unpaid domestic work)
The absence of surplus avoid unequal societies
2 types of societies (Benoit)
- Horizontally organized: gender equal society in the precapitalist area
- Hierarchical/vertical: social stratification based on wealth and prestige
Feminine mystique
By Friedman
Balance the gender order after WWII
By journalists & psychologists - what it is to be a good woman in the cult of domesticity
Women as a consumer of good
However, a lot of women could not afford to fit with the ideals of women (race, class)
Wage gap explanation
Due to segregation, how we value skills, how promotions/rewards are distributed
Labour of love
Interpersonal support energy in expecting the relationship; invisible (domestic labour; emotional labour)
You do it ‘for love’, but if you don’t do it you’re marginalized
It reproduces inequal relationships between gender
Hunter-gatherers society (Benoit)
- No private/public sphere
- Horizontal divisions by gender and age, but everyone’s work was value
- Not concerned about ownership
Small-scale agriculturists (Benoit)
- Food Surplus
- Settlement – OWNERSHIP (men as win the resources)
- Specialization of work → created the division of gender, and women became isolated
The Fishers (Benoit)
- Their activities are seen as secondary in work
- Still have a voice in other spheres
New France (Benoit)
- Hierarchy with race and gender (patriarchal society)
- Emergence of the feminity
Preindustrial area
- Clear division of gender, but a lot of a lot of overlap
- All artisans were men (Padavic & Reskin)
- White women: mechanic society
A lot of women work, but at the lowest paid and women were largely dependent to men - Women of color: double oppression except Asian, saw as sex objects & no rights & no agency (Hesse-Bibber, Nagy & Carter)