Midterm Flashcards
What are the five forces that cause fractures?
- Tension
- Compression
- Shear
- Bending
- Torsion
What type of fracture does the force of tension typically produce?
What type of fracture does the force of compression typically produce?
Short oblique
What type of fracture does the force of shear typically produce?
Lateral condylar fracture
What type of fracture does the force of bending typically produce?
Transverse or short oblique
What type of fracture does the force of torsion typically produce?
When describing fractures, what does configuration generally refer to?
Incomplete or complete
Then orientation of the fracture
Name and differentiate the two types of incomplete fractures.
Greenstick (two cortices)
Fissure (one cortex)
Compare comminuted vs. segmental fracture
Comminuted = 3+ seg, fx lines intersect Segmental = 3+ segs, fx lines don't intersect
Define type I open fracture
Clean soft tissue laceration <1 cm
Define type II open fracture
Soft tissue laceration >1 cm; mild trauma, no flaps/avulsion
Define type III open fracture
Vast laceration; contamination
Why is it important to recognize articular fractures?
They demand anatomic reduction and stabilization for healing
Define type I Saltar-Harris fracture
Physeal separation
Define type II Saltar-Harris fracture
Involves metaphysis and physis
Define type III Saltar-Harris fracture
Involves epiphysis and physis
Define type IV Saltar-Harris fracture
Involves metaphysis, physis and epiphysis
Define type V Saltar-Harris fracture
Physeal crush/compression
What is the prognosis for any Saltar-Harris fracture?
Assume that the growth plate is going to close
What are the 6 descriptors of a given fracture?
Open/closed Configuration (incomplete/complete + orientation) Location (on bone) Right or left Bone Displacement
What is the purpose of the fracture assessment score and what factors is it based on?
Purpose: assist in selecting appropriate fracture repair, assess score based on risk
Factors: clinical, mechanical, biological
Fracture assessment score:
High scores signify __1__ healing with __2__ reliance on implants.
Low scores signify __3__ healing with __4__ reliance on implants.
1 - rapid
2 - less
3 - slow/complicated
4 - greater
Primary goal of fracture repair
To promote an early ambulation and complete return to function
Define reduction (verb vs noun) and the purpose
VERB: the process of re-apposing the fx fragments and/or segments (to their normal anatomic/functional position)
NOUN: describes apposition of the fx segments/fragments (anatomic, near anatomic or non-anatomic)
Purpose: anatomic reduction allows load sharing between bone and implants
Define mechanical fixation
Anatomic reduction and rigid fixation; fixing a fracture at both ends by means of pins or screws, then using fixation units to reduce and immobilize
Define biological fixation
Closed or limited open reductions to preserve the local fracture environment (soft tissue = vascular supply)
“Bridging osteosynthesis”
Define alignment
Orientation of the joints proximal and distal to the fracture
Define fixation and the purpose
Means by which the fracture segments are maintained in functional position
Purpose: rigid fixation promotes weight bearing, fx healing
Which has a greater impact on function, reduction or alignment?
Don’t necessarily need to reduce to achieve functional alignment (biological approach)
Describe primary vs. secondary bone healing
Primary bone healing involves osteoblasts directly laying down bone, requires anatomic reduction and rigid fixation, produces minimal callus, takes longer to heal, but rapid/complete return to function
Secondary bone healing occurs with spontaneously or with minimal fixation (no rigid stabilization); strength depends on callus
- Stages: hematoma, granulation tissue, fibrocartilage, cartilage, woven bone, lamellar bone
Three indications for bone grafting
Enhance union
Replace bone loss
What three sites can a bone graft be harvested from? How should it be stored?
Greater tubercle Iliac crest Proximal tibia Storage: sterile container with lid HARVESTED PRIOR TO FX REPAIR
Four possible functions of bone grafts
- Direct osteogenic effect (transfer osteoblasts) = fresh cancellous autografts
- Osteoinduction (recruitment) = allograft from euthanasized animal
- Osteoconduction (scaffold)
- Structural support (complications) = cortical (allo)grafts
Define coaptation and give examples
Extra-corporeal treatment modalities used to approximate fractures/other msk abnormalities
Ex: casts, splints, bandages
What is the primary stability afforded with a splint or cast?
Stability against bending forces
Good for transverse fx!
Five indications for coaptation
- Temporary immobilization (msk injuries)
- Fractures in young animals
- Distal extremity fractures
- Simple, relatively stable fractures
- Ligament/tendon injuries (+/- post-sx)
Describe how a lateral coaptation splint would be applied.
Cast padding > cling > splint > vet wrap
- joints in normal functional angles
- make sure gauze is firm/tight
What 3 rules MUST be followed during any sort of coaptation?
- Radiographs following application - two orthogonal views
- Include the joint proximal and distal to injury (generally extended to the digits
- Always leave toes exposed to assess digits
How does padding technique differ between rigid pre-formed splints and malleable splints?
- Rigid pre-formed splints = pad depressions
- Malleable splints = pad protuberances
Spica splint/cast
For injuries proximal to elbow or stifle
Extends over midline
Robert Jones bandage
For injuries distal to humeral/femoral condyles
Temporary immobilization to prevent swelling/further displacement until definitive treatment/sx
Mason-Meta splint
For injuries distal to carpus/hock
Spoon splints
NOT for ulna/radius (won’t stabilize joint above/below)
Velpeau sling
Non-weight bearing sling for forelimb = scapular fx
Figure of eight sling
For coxofemoral luxations
Flexes, abducts, internally rotates the hip
BUT basically, non-weight bearing sling; doesn’t hold
Ehmer sling
For coxofemoral luxations
Figure of eight sling + wraps over midline
Flexes, abducts, internally rotates the hip
Prevents weight bearing
90/90 flexion bandage
For prevention of quadriceps tie-down/contracture = femur fx
Stifle and hock at 90 degrees
Maintains quads in extension
Five indications for external fixation
- Fractures that are comminuted, open, infected or non-union
- Arthrodesis
- Transarticular stabilization
- Limb deformities
- Traumatic wounds
List five advantageous properties of external fixators
Applied open or closed Can be adjunct to internal fixation Can make post-op adjustments Encourage early weight bearing Versatile and economical
What forces does external fixation counteract?
What type of bone healing occurs with external fixation
Forces: axial, bending, rotational (some extend, shear)
Healing: secondary b/c not rigid
Type I external fixation
Half pin splintage (both cortices, but one skin surface)
Loaded in cantilever bending
Low morbidity, least stable
Only option for humerus and femur fractures
Type II external fixation
Full pin splintage (both cortices, two skin surfaces)
Loaded in four-point bending
More stability, more morbidity
Limited to disorders distal to elbow and stifle
Type II modified external fixation
Half + full pin splintage (in one plane)
Easier to apply, comparable stabilization
Type III external fixation
Half + full pin splintage (biplanar, opposing planes)
MOST STABLE, time-consuming, difficult to see bone on rads
What is the weakest link in any external fixation construct?
Bone-pin interface
The stiffness of the pin (resistance to bending) is proportional to ________
DIAMETER to the FOURTH power
Threaded positive profile pins conserve core diameter = superior stiffness
Compare and contrast KE vs IMEX SK external fixation systems
- clamps only accept pins of limited diameter, no positive profile pins
- connecting rod weak and not radiolucent
- pilot holes difficult
- allows pilot holes, variability in pin diameter
- thick rod made of titanium or carbon fiber = simpler constructs
- better mechanics overall
Describe 11 proper external fixator application techniques (general)
- drill pilot hole
- place pins through small relief incisions
- don’t place through traumatic/sx wounds or large muscle masses
- low speed, high torque drill
- place proximal and distal pins FIRST = length
- then place near end of fx = finalize reduction
- connecting rod as close to bone/fx as possible
- fixation pin should not exceed 30% of bone diameter
- beveled tips should completely penetrate trans cortex
- min. 3-4 pins per fracture segment
- additional pins distribute force
Where are external fixators best placed on the following bones: Tibia Radius Ulna Metacarpus/MT Humerus Femur
Tibia = medial Radius = lateral proximally, medial distally Ulna usually NOT stabilized Metacarpus/MT = lateral (no biplanar) Humerus = craniolateral Femur = lateral