Midterm Flashcards
List 5 variables affecting anesthesia induction drug dose selection
Based on weight (mg/kg)
Individual drug dose based on use of adjuvant anesthesia drugs
Elderly require less, young require more
Trauma/Shock require less
Poor heart function require less
Drug dose selection may be variable depending on timing
List 6 factors which may affect the hemodynamic response to induction agents
Premedication Dose of drug Speed of drug administration CV disease and compensation EF Emotional state Baseline autonomic tone Home medications Influence of adjuvant anesthesia drugs Age Diabetes Hypertension history
Describe the hemodynamic effect(s) associated with the use of propofol,
effects vary depending on whether bolus or infusion, most profound effect is a decrease in BP, greater than any other agent, alters baroreceptors (decreases reflex increase in HR), decreases preload, contractility and afterload (CO, SV), vasodilates d/t: decrease in sympathetic outflow, inhibits sympathetic vasoconstrictor activity) also direct vasodilation (either decreased Ca mobilization or increased N2O production)
Describe the hemodynamic effect(s) associated with the use of thiopental
: Increase HR, Decrease CI, BP (15-20% decrease with 20-25% increase in HR due to baroreflex from venous pooling), decrease V filling by venous pooling (depression of medullary vasomotor center), histamine is high (>6mg/kg) doses, decreased sympathetic outflow, decrease in contractility d/t decrease in available Ca to myofibrils, in the absence of an adequate baroreflex response (e.g. Hypovolemia, CHF, beta blockade) CO and BP fall dramatically d/t uncompensated peripheral pooling and direct myocardial depression
Describe the hemodynamic effect(s) associated with the use of Methohexital
increases HR, no change vs decrease in CI, decrease in BP, profound in HTN, decreased V filling, from venous pooling, decreased sympathetic outflow, minimal hemodynamic effect in healthy and when administered slowly, decrease in contractility due to decrease in available calcium to myofibrils, in absence of adequate baroreflex response (e. G. Hypovolemia, CHF, beta blockade) CO and BP fall dramatically due to uncompensated peripheral pooling and direct myocardial depression, same as STP?
Describe the hemodynamic effect(s) associated with the use of etomidate
considered to be drug that changes hemodynamic variables least, paradigm is that “if 10 mg etomidate and 100mcg fentanyl kills them they won’t live anyway”, BP and contractility are minimally affected in patients with CHF (however, SBP decreases 20% with VHD, max decrease in blood pressure in all studies is 19% d/t 10-15% decrease in SVR, effects not significantly altered by adjuvant drugs, very useful in hypovolemic patients, doses > 0.45mg/kg associated with decreased SVR, decreased CI
Describe the hemodynamic effect(s) associated with the use of ketamine
most prominent effects at doses > 1mg/kg include significant increase in HR, CI and SVR, MVO2 is increased dramatically, increases PVR > SVR, hemodynamic depression of ketamine more pronounced when inhalation used, ketamine enhances dysrhythmogenic effects of epinephrine, indirect hemodynamic effects mimick ephedrine such that second dose less than first, and may not have same effect if catecholamines depleted (tamponade, critically ill), direct negative inotropic effect but SNS activation override this effect, combine ketamine and benzo very stable hemodynamically (effects blunted by benzo)
List three benefits of using nitrous oxide in addition to the potent inhaled anesthetics
MAC 106% (not useful as sole anesthetic), no decrease in BP when used alone but will decrease when other drugs used, can be used to hasten onset of more potent gases, ultrashort duration, useful to decrease dose of longer lasting gases
List four potential indications for induction with inhalation anesthetics such as sevoflurane instead of IV agents
Patients with compromised airway, (polyps, tumor, tracheal stenosis), children whose lack of cooperation makes it difficult to place IV, patients with indwelling endotracheal tube or tracheostomy, patients with needle phobia, induction usually accomplished IV
Describe dosing of hypnotics, commonly used for cardiac anesthesia
Propofol: 0.2-1.5mg/kg
Thiopental: 0.5-4mg/kg
Etomidate: 0.1-0.3mg/kg
Describe dosing of opioids commonly used for cardiac anesthesia
Fentanyl: 3-25mcg/kg
Sufentanil: 0.5-2mcg/kg
Remifentanil: 0.1-0.75mcg/kg/min
Describe dosing of muscle relaxants commonly used for cardiac anesthesia
Muscle Relaxants: Cisatracurium: 70-100mcg/kg Vecuronium: 70-100mcg/kg Pancuronium: 70-100mcg/kg Succinylcholine: 1-2mg/kg
Describe the primary mechanism thought to be responsible for cardiovascular effects of the volatile anesthetics
ISO , des, and sevo reduce intracellular calcium concentration in cardiac and vascular smooth muscle
Mechanism is though to involve a reduction in calcium influx through the sarcolemma and a depression of calcium release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum
End result is a depression
Describe the relationship between dose of iso, des, and sevo on blood pressure, SVR, heart rate and cardiac index
Effect on Blood Pressure: all agents decrease blood pressure in dose related fashion, mainly due to a decrease in SVR, CI is usually maintained though mildly depressed
Effect on SVR: all potent agents decrease SVR in dose related fashion, effects of newer agents differ from halothane (halothane decrease CI with minimal effect on SVR)
Effect on CI: Stroke volume decreases dust to vasodilation and preload reductions, but HR increases and is compensatory such that cardiac index is reasonably sustained.
Effect on HR: HR level is increased and CO is sustained at near awake values at all levels of desflurane anesthesia, HR also increases with sevo but only with greater MAC values, alterations in HR are a result of modulation of SA node automaticity modulation of baroreceptor reflex activity and SNS activation
Compare HR changes with the use of desflurane, sevoflurane, and isoflurane
HR level is increase and CO is sustained at near awake values at all levels with DESFLURANE
HR increases but only with greater MAC values with SEVOFLURANE
Alterations in HR are a result of modulation of SA node automaticity modulation of baroreceptor reflex activity and SNS activations
HR stays relatively the same with ISOFLURANE
Describe the effect of N2O and modest doses of fentanyl on MACBAR of sevoflurane and desflurane
MAC BAR for incision is 1.3 MAC for desflurane and isoflurane + 60% N2O
MACBAR for sevoflurane is 2.2 MAC + 60% N2O
The addition of 1.5-3mcg/kg fentanyl decreases incision MACBAR to 0.4 MAC
Tracheal intubation is similar to skin incision
Describe the effects of the three modern volatile agents on conduction, contractility, dysrhythmia potential, baroreflexes the ischemic heart
All three agents depress myocardial contractility and blood pressure
All three agents prolong AV nodal conduction and QT interval
All three predispose to catecholamine induced dysrhythmias, potent inhaled anesthetics attenuate barorefleses in dose related fashion
Sevoflurane may depress HPV the least
Describe the effect of left ventricular dysfunction on the circulatory effects associated with the volatile agents
Desflurane and isoflurane exert mild beneficial actions on LV function during MI by restoring isovolumic relaxation and enhanced filling
ISO has been shown to enhance recovery of post ischemic, reperfused (stunned) myocardium
Desflurane exerts same effect on dogs?
All potent agents mimic ischemia preconditioning, protecting against further ischemia
Describe the effects of the volatile agents on coronary blood flow
All potent agents decreasecoronary vascular resistance but coronary blood flow decreases due to effects on diastolic blood pressure
Ratio of flow between epicardium and endocardium is sustained
Coronary steal has been postulated, especially with isoflurane but usually ischemia is due to hypotension
No steam phenomenon has been found in studies when BP controlled
Identify the volatile considered to be the agent of choice for patients with cerebrovascular disease undergoing cardiac surgery
Isoflurane is the agent of choice
List three non anesthetic drugs considered to have a synergistic relationship with volatile agents on hemodynamics
Depressant drugs add to the depression from inhaled agents
Prodysrhythmic drugs that cause dysrhythmias are no more likely in general to cause more dysrhythmias
Larger dose of Isoproterenol is required to increase HR
Limited interaction with CBD’s but may be synergistic with ACE inhibitors and to a lesser degree beta blockers
Describe how adjuvant anesthetic agents may interact with volatile agents to affect hemodynamics
N2O significantly decreases cardiac output and SV bur decreases MAC requirements
Fentanyl decreases MAC along with systemic vascular resistance and HR with all agents
Propofol causes dose related circulatory depression (decreased cardiac output and blood pressure)
Dexmedetomidine modestly affects circulatory effects (decreased HR and systemic vascular resistance)
Describe the circulatory effects of N2O and how it is affected by the use of other anesthetic agents
Activated the SNS and increases SVR
Activation of SNS leads to increase in CVP and arterial pressure
Sympathetic response appears to be intact during co administration of volatile agents
In contrast, when adm;II steered with opioids the addition of N2O augments cardiac depression
Describe the effect of moderate to high dose opioids on hemodynamics
More significant bradycardia and vasodilation are seen at greater doses or when combined with other anesthesia drugs
Discuss possible mechanisms for hemodynamic effect of the opioids
Prelaod and afterload are reduced by opiod induced depression of vasomotor centers in the medulla and decreased sympathetic tone
Most of the hemodynamic effects of opioids can be related to their influence on sympathetic outflow from CNS
Mild parasympathomimetic effect in cardiac cells not considered clinically significant
Bradycardia is produced by a direct stimulant effect on the central vagal nuclei, vagal it ic drugs reverse this (atropine, glycopyrrolate)
Identify the opioid considered to have most favorable effect on HR and BP for intubation and intraoperative BP control
Compare the effect of fentanyl and sufentanil on on epinephrine and NE levels
Lower post op NE levels with sufentanil including fentanyl
More consistent epinephrine levels with sufentanil especially post extubation
Lower intraoperative epinephrine levels with Demerol than other opioids
List 5 effects of cardiopulmonary bypass on anesthesia drug disposition
Hemodilution Organ blood flow Hypothermia Protein binding: heparin, adjuvant drugs Sequestration in the lungs
- Discuss the determinants of blood pressure
- Blood pressure is COX Peripheral Vascular Resistance
- CO is HR X SV
- SV is Preload X Contractility X Afterload
- Afterload is impedance to injection/ pressure required to open valve/ CO X
- Discuss the determinants of cardiac output
- HR and Stroke Volume
- Stroke Volume= Preload, Afterload, and Contractility
- HR dependent on SNS/PSNS/SA node firing
- Discuss the determinants of systemic vascular resistance
- SVR= Tone X Viscosity
- Tone dependent on Radius, Pressure Gradient, Vessel length
- Viscosity dependent on COP and Hgb
- Describe the hemodynamic effects of alpha, beta, dopaminergic and muscarinic receptors
- Alpha 1 vasoconstriction
- Alpha 2 blocks output/ vasodilates
- Beta 1 increases HR and contractility
- Beta 2. Vasodilates and increases gluconeogenesis
- Dopamine has a variety of responses depending on the dose
- Muscarinic decreases HR and activates salivary/sweat glands and to a much lesser degree decreases vascular tone
- Describe the hemodynamic effects of alpha, beta, dopaminergic and muscarinic receptors
- Sympathetic pathway
o Preganglionic nerves release acetylcholine as NT and considered “cholinergic”
o Postganglionic NE as NT and are “adrenergic”
o Adrenergic fibers can sustain output of NE during prolonged periods of stimulation
- Identify neurotransmitters at the preganglionic and postganglionic nerves in the sympathetic nervous system
- Sympathetic pathway
o Preganglionic nerves release acetylcholine as NT and considered “cholinergic”
o Postganglionic NE as NT and are “adrenergic”
o Adrenergic fibers can sustain output of NE during prolonged periods of stimulation
- Identify neurotransmitters at the preganglionic and postganglionic nerves in the parasympathetic nervous system
- Parasympathetic pathway
o Nerves of PNS leave CNS through CN III, V, VI, and X S2-S3
o 75% of all PNS fibers are in the vagus nerve
o All pre ganglionic nerves of SNS and PNS release acetylcholine as NT
o Post ganglionic nerves of PNS are short and secrete acetylcholine as NT post ganglionic
- Describe how norepinephrine is removed from the nerve ending
- Diffusion out of synaptic cleft and into circulation
- Metabolized by O- Methytransferase (COMT) in synaptic cleft
- Re-uptake into neuron, broken down by MAO
- Describe the parasympathetic pathway and acetylcholine as a neurotransmitte
- 75% of all PNS fibers are in the vagus nerve
- All preganglionic nerves of SNS and PNS releases acetylcholine as the NT
- Postganglionic nerves are short and secrete acetylcholine as the neurotransmitter
- Life of Acetylcholine
o Synthesized from two precursors (choline and acetylcoenzyme A)
o Stored in vesicles and released in response to action potential
o Following release binds to receptors (nicotinic or muscarinic) on postsynaptic cell
o Upon dissociating from receptor immediately broken down by acetylcholinesterase into acetate and choline
List the muscarinic subtypes which are inhibitory
- Eye: contraction of ciliary muscle for near vision
- Heart: decreased rate
- Lung: constriction of bronchi, increased secretions
- Bladder: relaxation of bladder, increased bladder pressure
- GI Tract: salivation, defecation
- Sweat glands: sweating
List 4 mechanisms of adrenergic receptor activation
- Adrenergic agonists produce three effects by activating adrenergic receptors (sympathomimetics)
- Adrenergic agonists have a broad range of indications ranging from heart failure to preterm labor
- Drugs can activate receptors by four basic mechanisms (direct receptor binding, promotion of NE release, blockade of NE reuptake, and inhibition of NE inactivation)
List three catecholamine adrenergic agonists
- Contain a catechol and amine group
- Common properties include no available oral form, brief duration of action, cannot cross BBB
- Examples include: epinephrine, norepinephrine, isoproterenol, dopamine and dobutamine
List three non catecholamine adrenergic agonists
Non Catecholamines
- Have an amine group of a catechol group
- Lack catechol group noncatecholamines are not substrates for COMT and are metabolized slowly by MAO inhibitors
- May be administered orally as they do not undergo rapid metabolism by COMT, able to cross BBB
- Examples include: ephedrine, phenylephrine, and terbutaline
List three cardiovascular effects of beta 1 receptor activation
- Increased HR
- Increased contractility
- Increased automaticity
- Increased conduction through AV node
- Renin release from juxtalomerular cells
- Viscous, amylase filled secretions from salivary glands
Describe cardiopulmonary and vascular effects of PDE- 3 inhibitors
- Cyclic AMP is broken down by an enzyme called cAMP dependent phosphodiesterase (PDE)
- Isoform of this enzyme that is targeted by currently used clinical drugs is the type 3 form (PDE 3)
- Inhibition of this enzyme prevents cAMP breakdown and thereby increases its intracellular concentration increasing
o Cardiac inotropy
o Chronotropy
o Dromotropy - Systemic circulation
o Vasodilation
o Increased organ perfusion
o Decreased SVR
o Decreased arterial BP - Cardiopulmonary
o Increased contractility
o Increased HR
o Increased SV and EF
o Decreased preload
o Decreased PCWP
Describe the different effects of different dopamine doses
- Induces natriuresis in dose range of 1-5mcg/kg/min
- At this dose dopamine binds with the D1 receptor, dilating renal and messenger ic blood vessels
- At 5-10 mcg/kg/min primarily beta 1 with increases in contractility and HR
- > 10 mcg/kg/min primarily alpha 1
List three uses of vasopressin
- Vasopressin, hormone found in hypothalamus primarily used in body to handle renal regulation of volume
- Also potent vasoconstrictor (V1 receptor) works both in kidneys and blood vessels
- Main non anesthesia uses are for treating volume losses in diabetes and bleeding esophageal varices
- Useful for vasoplegia associated with infection and CPB
- Some studies demonstrate renal, cerebral and pulmonary vasodilation while constricting systemic arterioles (including coronaries
Compare up and down regulation of adrenergic receptors
- Up regulation( increased density of receptors) is seen with chronic decrease in receptor stimulation (seen with beta adrenergic antagonists)
- Down regulation (decreased density of receptors) caused by chronic increase in receptor stimulation (beta adrenergic agonists as with inhaler
- Receptor desensitization may occur with chronic exposure
- Acidosis, hypoxia and drug interactions may also affect receptor activation
Describe the components of the skeleton of the heart
o Skeletal base
1. Valve annuli
2. Aortic and pulmonary roots
3. Central fibrous body
4. Fibrous trigones
o Atria and ventricular chamber arise separately
o Contraction of muscle fibers creates “twisting” motion
Compare wall thickness of the RV and LV
o Walls of RV are only 4-5 mm
o LV wall thickness is 8-15 mm thick
Identify the location of the coronary sinus
o Coronary sinus is located between AV orifice and valve of IVC
Compare the upper third of the septum to the lower two-thirds in regard to histology
o Both RV and LV have papillary muscle which attach to chordae tendinae
o Upper third of septum is smooth endocardium, lower 2/3 is trabeculae
o Myocardium has three layers, middle is muscular which runs in spiral fashion
Identify the coronary artery which typically provides flow to the bundle branches. MV papillary muscles and SA/AV nodes
o LAD provides flow to anterior 2/3 of interventricular septum (IVS), R/L bundle branches, MV papillary muscles, anterior-lateral and apical left ventricle
o CX provides flow to LA and posterior-lateral LV
o RCA provides flow to SA/AV nodes, RA, RV, posterior 1/3 of IVS
Identify the coronary artery which typically provides flow to the anterior, lateral, posterior and apical portions of the LV
o LAD provides flow to anterior-lateral and apical of LV
o CX provides flow to LA and posterior-lateral LV
Describe the effect of CAD on coronary vascular smooth muscle tone and anticoagulation
o Coronary endothelium modulates myocardial blood flow by relaxing or contracting underlying vascular smooth muscle
o Vascular endothelial cells express anticoagulant substances
o CAD adversely affect these autoregulatory functions
Definite coronary perfusion pressure and its components
o Perfusion Pressure CPP = DBP – LVEDP RV fills throughout cycle unless RV hypertrophy o Myocardial extravascular compression Worst in subendocardium Lower heart rates minimizes compression o Myocardial metabolism o Neurohormonal control
Compare LV and RV perfusion in systole and diastole
o Blood flow is supplied by LAD, circumflex, and RCA
o Most blood flow to LV occurs DURING DIASTOLE due to diastolic pressure gradient
o Critical stenosis may affect contractility or conduction
o RV fills throughout cycle unless RV hypertrophy