Midterm Flashcards
What are they?
Name them Sanskrit and English.
Rules/Ethical Guidelines 1. Ahimsa - nonviolence 2. Satya- truthfulness 3. Asteya- non-stealing 4. Brahmacharya- non-excess (Don't indulge, avoid misery of excess) 5. Aparigraha- non-possessiveness A.S.A.B.A Around six at breakfast again
What are they?
Name them in Sanskrit and English
Positive Duties or Observances
1. Sauca- purity, clarity (Cleanse and purify)
2. Santosa- contentment (not seeking)
3. Tapas-self discipline (to build strength)
4. Svadhyaya- self study
5. Isvarapranidhana- true self supreme being
Ahstanga Namaskar
8 point prone pose
Knees chest chin
Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
Upward facing dog
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Downward facing dog
Chaturanga Dandasana
Four limbed staff pose
Mountain Pose
Standing forward Bend
Cobra Pose
Carry life energies (pranas), connect chakras
Ida- “comfort” lunar energy, feminine, cooling, left testicle to left nostril
Pingala- “tawny” solar energy, masculine, heating, right testicle to right nostril
Sushumna- cerebrospinal axis, both nostrils, connects base chakra with crown chakra
Hindu philosophy
Life force, vital energy
Comprises all cosmic energy
Also includes energies in inanimate objects
How to engage
Mula Bandha- contract the muscles at the bottom of the pelvic floor, behind the cervix. This is the lock that allows energy to stay in and not flow out, gives you floating feeling. Mula Bandha stimulates the pelvic nerves, the genital system, the endocrine system, and the excretory system. It has also been shown to relieve constipation and depression.
Uddiyana Bandha- (to draw upward) diaphragm, stomach, and abdominal organs. Contract abdomen up and to the rib cage. On empty stomach. Energizing and refreshing.
Jalandhara Bandha- the throat lock that controls the flow of energy in the nerves and blood vessels of the neck. it compresses the sinuses on the main arteries of the neck and in doing so helps regulate the circulatory and respiratory systems. The pressure on the throat helps to balance the thyroid and metabolism. Anger relief. Sit tall in a comfortable pose.
Use your breath to fill and lift your sternum. On your exhale, draw your front ribs toward your spine.
Breathe in deeply to lift up the crown of the head and the roof of the mouth.
Retain the breath as you lower your chin to your sternum and lift your sternum to your chin.
Hollow the front of the throat by lengthening the back of your neck and releasing your shoulders. (contract the throat and push the chin to chest)
Think of heart openers like Bridge or Wheel to find the complementary lift of the sternum.
If the chin and chest don’t meet, don’t force it.
Release the retention with a long, slow exhale.
On empty float the chin off and away from the chest.
Surya Namaskar A
- Samasthiti
- I Urdhva Hastasana (Reach up, overhead and look up)
- E Uttanasana ( Fold forward)
- I Ardha Uttanasana (Extend spine flat)
- E Chaturanga Dandasana (Float, fly, or hop)
- I Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward facing dog)
- E Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward facing dog)
- I Ardha Uttanasana (Flat back)
- E Uttanasana (Fold forward)
- I Urdhva Hastasana (Arms up, look up)
- E Samasthiti (Arms at side)
Surya Namaskar B
- Tadasana
- Utkatasana
- Uttanasana
- Ardha Uttanasana
- Chaturanga Dandasana
- Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
- Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Virabhadrasana I Right leg forward
- Chaturanga Dandasana
- Urdhva Mukha SVanasana
- Adho Mukha Svanasana
- Virabhadrasana I Left leg forward
- Chaturanga Dandasana
- Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
- Ardo Mukha Svanasana (5 breaths)
- Ardha Uttanasana
- Uttansana
- Utkatasana.
- Tadasana
Surya Namaskar C
- Tadasana (Standing mountain pose) Stand with your feet hip width apart. Hands together at heart center
- Urdhva Hastasana (Upward Salute) Inhale as you sweep your arms out to the side and overhead. Gently arch your back and gaze toward the sky
- Uttanasana (Standing forward fold) Exhale as you fold forward from the hips bend at your knees if necessary rest your hands beside your feet and bring your nose to your knees)
- Ardha Uttanasana (Inhale as you lift your torso halfway, lengthen your spine forward so your back is flat. Your torso should be parallel to the floor. Keep you fingertips on the floor or place them on your shins)
- Lunge right leg back (Exhale as you step your right foot back. Keep your fingertips and left heel on the ground.Reach back through your right heel. Modify place your right knee on the ground.)
- (Kumbhakasana) Plank pose (Inhale as your step your left foot back coming into plank pose). Spread your fingers and align your wrists directly under your shoulders. Your feet should be hips distance apart, draw back through your heels and lengthen your spine)
- Ashtanga Namaskara (Knees, chest, chin)- exhale as you lower your knees to the floor keeping your elbows tucked toward your sides. Keep your hips lifted off the floor and palms flat, bring your chest and chin to the floor, place your chest between your hands)
- Bhujangasana (cobra pose)- inhale as you draw your chest forward keeping your hands underneath your shoulders. Draw your shoulders back and lift your chest slightly. Keep your lower ribs on the floor.
- Adho mukha svanasana- exhale as you lift your hips and roll over your toes placing the soles of your feet toward the floor. Ground down through the hands and soles of your feet as you lengthen your spine. Lift your belly and sit bones to the sky. Stay here for 5 breaths. On your last exhalation, bend your knees and look between your hands.
- Lunge right leg forward-inhale as you step your right foot between your hands, coming to a lunge on the opposite side. Keep your fingertips and right heel on the ground. Reach back through your left heel. Beginners can leave back knee on the ground.
- Standing Forward Fold — Uttanasana
Exhale as you step your left foot forward, coming back into the Forward Fold. Bend your knees if necessary. Rest your hands beside your feet and bring your nose to your knees. - Upward Salute — Urdhva Hastasana
Inhale as you sweep your arms out to the side and extend up once again. Gently arch your back and gaze toward the sky. - Mountain Pose — Tadasana
Exhale as you come back into Mountain Pose. Bring your hands into prayer position. Rest your thumbs on your sternum. Repeat the sequence, stepping back with your left foot first this time.